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Example sentences for "economize"

Lexicographically close words:
economise; economised; economising; economist; economists; economized; economizer; economizes; economizing; economy
  1. Don't economize on the nuptials, do not prune them of their splendors; don't scrimp on the day when you beam.

  2. Let us economize all that; the guard is below; march on instantly, or you'll get the thumb-screws!

  3. You don't know where to economize and I do.

  4. It has also the further advantage of not interfering with the working of sails, and is, therefore, admirably adapted for sea-going ships that economize fuel by alternately steaming and sailing, as the wind is adverse or favourable.

  5. The boilers have also been elongated, to enlarge the evaporating surface and economize fuel.

  6. In its narrowest usage it means a combination of individuals to economize by buying in common, or increase their profits by selling in common.

  7. The modifications introduced have been chiefly in details, in order to economize materials and labour, to ensure purity of product, and to increase the rate of deposition.

  8. For dinner they tried to economize by avoiding the table d'hôte: they ordered a modest meal, which cost them just as much and left them famishing.

  9. In order to economize power, it is best to charge the battery during the hours of heavy load.

  10. For it rises to a higher level, and there is accordingly a strong inducement to all manufacturers and traders to economize their use of capital, and thus to set free productive resources for more urgent needs.

  11. To produce pig-iron, you need both coal and iron ore; but, if coal becomes more costly, it is possible to economize its use.

  12. It had never occurred to me until that moment that there was any need to economize them, and I had wasted almost half the box in astonishing the Upper-worlders, to whom fire was a novelty.

  13. Very soon I had a choking smoky fire of green wood and dry sticks, and could economize my camphor.

  14. Instead of laying upon the farmer the burden of buying his own books, we ought to make it possible for the farmers to have the same opportunity as the people in the city to use books in common, and thus economize on the expense of a library.

  15. In order to economize space, to the very utmost, they put them upon the unoccupied edges of the comb, as the only place where there is always plenty of room for such very large cells.

  16. To men, time is money; to bees, it is honey; and all the arrangements of the hive should be such as to economize it to the very utmost.

  17. Jagger, Treadwell and Perry, of Albany, deserve the highest commendation: they economize fuel as well as life and health.

  18. If it still has to fear rivals, actual or potential, it is under the same kind of pressure that acts upon the independent producer--pressure to economize labor.

  19. They are not then obliged to economize in any other direction, and the change does not trench on their consumption of other goods.

  20. In order to economize in every way possible, so as to be sure to reach Hampton in a reasonable time, I continued to sleep under the same sidewalk that gave me shelter the first night I was in Richmond.

  21. In order to economize in the matter of time, we arranged to have the whole school pass in review before the President.

  22. Friction should be reduced as much as possible, and careful provision should be made to economize lubricants as well as fuel.

  23. Perceiving that steam, weight for weight even, was a vastly greater absorbent and reservoir of heat than water, Watt saw plainly the importance of taking greater care to economize it than had previously been customary.

  24. Only in proportion as we make our steam hotter, and expanding it more, shall we economize in fuel.

  25. Another was that the making of all instruments of the same grade exactly alike, so that the part which belongs to one belongs to the whole, will not only facilitate manufacture, but will greatly economize it.

  26. It is true that she could have rented a limousine for a thousand francs a month, but it was almost a religion with workers of her class to economize rigorously and give all their surplus to the oeuvre of their devotion.

  27. By the use of the needle, the naked may be clothed; ingenuity may economize her means, and have more to spare for those who need it; invention may multiply the ways of honest subsistence, and direct the ignorant to the use of them.

  28. If it is not, it is a miracle, in view of the inducements the Private Owner has to cut his expenses, economize on premises and wages, and buy his fruit as near decay and his sugar as near dirt as he can.

  29. We shall have to economize very carefully, Tom.

  30. It came out of her housekeeping money, and she could economize a little on something else.

  31. Much more might be said of the relations between publishers and authors, but we are compelled to economize our space.

  32. To do well in the world he must economize himself no less than his money.

  33. They are standpoints from which to carry on investigations; they economize a survey of the features of the particular case by suggesting the things to be especially looked into.

  34. When I get hard up the first thing I do is to economize in my expressions in every day conversation.

  35. It is said that our government officials are not sufficiently paid; and I presume that is the case, so it became necessary to economize in every way; but, why should wives concentrate all their economy on the waist of a dress?

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "economize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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