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Example sentences for "economized"

Lexicographically close words:
economised; economising; economist; economists; economize; economizer; economizes; economizing; economy; ecosystem
  1. After studying for some time at Lyons, Hippolyte and Paul, who had long determined on the step and economized for it, set out to walk to Paris in 1829, to place themselves under the tuition of Hersent.

  2. Fleury had economized in the army and navy, as elsewhere, and when in 1733 war was forced upon him he was hardly prepared.

  3. The reverend worthy was dilatory in starting, and as we were likely to be delayed an hour or two, we economized the time by taking tea.

  4. The aid of chemistry, in extracting and in concentrating substances used for human food, is of great use in distant voyages, where the space occupied by the stores must be economized with the greatest care.

  5. In some establishments, it is customary for the master to give a small gratuity whenever any workman has exercised a remarkable degree of skill, or has economized the material employed.

  6. To obviate all these inconveniences and sources of loss, the proper chemical arrangements suited to the present improved state of the arts ought to be adopted, by which labour, fuel, and mercury, might all be economized to the utmost extent.

  7. They economized by not taking her with them: they paid her wages for the month, but not enough to take her home: they gave her permission to go at her own expense.

  8. Economized by the purchasers of hats, they will serve them in satisfying other needs, and by consequence will, to that amount, remunerate collective industry.

  9. So the total of labor remains what it was; and the supplementary enjoyments, represented by twenty millions economized on the hats, will form the net profit of the importations, or of free trade.

  10. He labored conscientiously to make the garden produce as much as spade labor could do for it, he carefully economized every inch of ground, and did all that mere physical labor could for its advantage.

  11. It turned out rather an expensive hobby, though, but I economized in some other directions, and did what seemed to be necessary.

  12. Let us consider a few leading principles by which designers have created forms that have economized their material, time and labor, and made their work both secure and lasting.

  13. We have just reviewed, all too briefly, how light and heat are economized by structures of judicious form.

  14. But while manual labor has no doubt been economized to some extent by curtailing some of the operations which require it, the main cause of reduction is undoubtedly the extended use of labor saving machinery.

  15. If labor is economized in one direction, the power dispensed with will be utilized in another direction.

  16. The only time which they economize is their sleeping time; and their food is economized for them by circumstances over which it would appear they have but little control.

  17. Many bank clerks in this city are no better off now than they were twenty years ago, though they have lived poorly and economized all the time.

  18. We economized on everything, and never would accept an invitation to dinner, so as not to have to return the courtesy.

  19. May not the same tactics be applied to the war of human interests; they would economize time as heretofore they economized men and space.

  20. Manette, her faithful woman, told me that when her savings did not suffice to help the poor she economized upon her dress.

  21. Her mother had arrived at Clochegourde, bringing her a hundred thousand francs economized at Givry, the amount of her dowry, still unpaid and never asked for by the count in spite of his poverty.

  22. It is evidently to the advantage of the consumer, upon whose interests the Philadelphia resolutions laid so much stress, that the labor of preparing the editions of his books be economized as much as possible.

  23. If the lady had economized in other things, she had certainly not economized in the matter of dress.

  24. I struck up friendships with the reporters of the other journals, and we swapped "regulars" with each other and thus economized work.

  25. She therefore sent Nanette to school, and economized her allowance, in order to be able afterwards to apprentice her to a business.

  26. He also managed to live on his daily earnings, which he economized with the greatest care, and thereby escaped the necessity of partaking of the ill-gotten repasts of La Mauricaude and her son.

  27. Because all labor economized can be devoted to something else.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "economized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.