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Example sentences for "eddying"

Lexicographically close words:
edax; eddicated; eddication; eddied; eddies; eded; edel; edelweiss; edema; edematous
  1. Sometimes there is an eddying of ghosts of love; and the face dawns as if a sunrise lighted it.

  2. Heaped in the hollows of the grove, the autumn leaves lie dead; They rustle to the eddying gust, and to the rabbit's tread.

  3. I chatter over stony ways, In little sharps and trebles, I bubble into eddying bays, I babble on the pebbles.

  4. At length the Bon Homme Richard plunged downward by the head; her taffrail rose momentarily on high, and, with a hoarse roar of eddying bubbles and sucking air, the conqueror disappeared from view.

  5. He looks down from eddying tempests: he rolls his form in the whirlwind, and hovers on the blast of the mountain.

  6. The gleam of his golden locks was as sunshine on the summer sea, and his limbs like the eddying foam.

  7. From Evenus to the silver eddying waters of wide Acheloeus thou hast covered the bosom of the plain with golden ears of corn, and they dance beneath the west wind like the waves on summer seas.

  8. But his head floated on the waves of the eddying stream, fair and fresh as in life, singing as it floated its magic enchanting song.

  9. Out in the courtyard a few dead leaves set a-dancing by some eddying gust found a voice for the night which fain had been silent.

  10. While far on the opposite side Floats another shield on the tide, Like a jewel set in the wide Sea-current's eddying ring.

  11. But the mermaid beckons him wildly on, and the stream, seizing him like a prey, whirls him downwards eddying past the cross, and it is too late now.

  12. After a long pull on a steep trail the man checked the horses on the brink of a chasm filled with eddying mist.

  13. Then for the last time the assembly gave voice, raising a tumultuous cheer of relief as the two men came forth uninjured out of the eddying smoke.

  14. He rose gasping and swung around, buffeted in the vessel's eddying wake.

  15. Already fire and eddying smoke I view; The impetuous millions to the devil ride; Full many a riddle will be there untied.

  16. Now to the hall accusers throng; On cushioned throne the judge presides; Surging meanwhile in eddying tides, Confusion waxes fierce and strong.

  17. From fall to fall, with eddying shock, it pours, In thousand torrents to the depths below, Aloft in air up-tossing showers of spray.

  18. And the eddying current held her between the clashing rocks; and on each side they shook and thundered; and the ship's timbers were held fast.

  19. Here is a downward path to the abode of Hades, and the headland of Acherusia stretches aloft, and eddying Acheron cleaves its way at the bottom, even through the headland, and sends its waters forth from a huge ravine.

  20. Straightway came Asterion, whom Cometes begat by the waters of eddying Apidanus; he dwelt at Peiresiae near the Phylleian mount, where mighty Apidanus and bright Enipeus join their streams, coming together from afar.

  21. And here at the Cytaean mainland and from the Amarantine mountains far away and the Circaean plain, eddying Phasis rolls his broad stream to the sea.

  22. An eddying blast of wind; a whirling wavy motion.

  23. Only, from hitherward of the unseen dunes floated a melancholy, sighing refrain, the echo of the eddying sea-breath among the pines.

  24. But along the frontiers of the woods there was an eddying dust of leaves and small twigs, and part at least of the indeterminate rumor which filled the air was caused by this frail lapping as of innumerable minute wings.

  25. The fall of snow decreased until at the end of half an hour not an eddying flake was in the air.

  26. He wondered too that the crowd eddying around remained so silent.

  27. Feeling her way along the rock until the ledge rose beyond her reach, she bent low and waded through a still pool of eddying water straight under the mountain-side for more than a hundred feet.

  28. She made her way down the side of the crag and found the opening through the still eddying waters.

  29. Some eddying fragments I saw in the sea, as if a mere cask had been broken, in running to the spot where they were hauling in.

  30. Love, smiling to receive Along his eddying plumes the auroral wind;” And— .

  31. Full many a withered year Whirled past us, eddying to its chill doomsday; And clasped together where the blown leaves lay, We long have knelt and wept full many a tear.

  32. On the skidways dotted along the North Branch, that swept eddying into Lost Lake, the lumbermen toiled from the first glimmer of dawn until dusk, running the logs to the river until its broad surface was one moving floor of crowding timbers.

  33. Alas, some millions of men, and among them such as a Napoleon, have already been licked into that high-eddying Flame, and like moths consumed there.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eddying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.