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Example sentences for "enquire"

Lexicographically close words:
enormously; enough; enounced; enow; enquere; enquired; enquirer; enquirers; enquires; enquiries
  1. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the former premises, or the printer hereof.

  2. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises.

  3. Eppelein cracked his whip against his leathern boot-tops; old Tetzel's leaden voice cried out to enquire where we were lingering, and a silken train came rustling down the stairs.

  4. Sometimes, indeed, meseemed as though Ann and the others kept somewhat privy from me; but even all care to enquire was gone from me, nor cared I for aught but to be left in peace.

  5. In spite of a compromise made before the king’s judges sent the next year to enquire into the case, the same charges were again brought against the men of Bury before a royal commission of judges in 1304.

  6. When Commissioners were sent in 1835 to enquire into the position of the English boroughs, there was not one community where the ancient traditions still lived.

  7. Before I take leave of these Machines, it may not be amiss to enquire why the Gods are brought into the Spiritual Court.

  8. I shall now go on to enquire what the Greek Tragedians will afford us upon the present Subject.

  9. Sure am I that Ruby Brand is guilty of no crime, so they've only to enquire into it and set him free.

  10. There was no need to enquire the way to the forge, the sound of the anvil being distinctly heard above all the other sounds of that busy spot.

  11. It is a part of the intestines of some animal, which my olfactory sensibilities never permitted me to stay long enough to enquire the name of.

  12. I did not dare to look that way, or to enquire who lived there.

  13. The singularity of my case has often led me to enquire into the reasons of the general levity with which the subject of hanging is treated as a topic in this country.

  14. I had the curiosity to enquire into the reasons of so uncommon an ejaculation.

  15. Aunt Juley, however, summoned courage to enquire whether Winifred had heard anything, and if Soames was anxious.

  16. When we enquire into any subject, the first thing we have to do is to know what books have treated of it.

  17. I must beg, Sir, that you will enquire after them, and let me know what is to be done.

  18. We went to see the King and Queen at dinner, and the Queen was so impressed by Miss[1145], that she sent one of the Gentlemen to enquire who she was.

  19. Enquire if it be practicable to send a small present of a cask of porter to Dunvegan, Rasay, and Col.

  20. You need, I believe, only ask for a petition; if they enquire for whom you ask, you can tell them.

  21. This answere made our shepheards greatly to feare, that they thought of nothing else, but to enquire what Country they were in: Howbeit they saw no manner of person of whom they might demand.

  22. I never enquire after the effect of my work.

  23. I do not care to enquire into these things too closely.

  24. Now, dear Berinthia, let me enquire a little into your Affairs: for I do assure you, I am enough your Friend, to interest myself in every thing that concerns you.

  25. But let us enquire a little whether your Reasons are good or not.

  26. Enquire of your elder brethren how fared the dissenters in the notorious Wood Case, and the echo will be defeat and payment.

  27. Fellow Ratepayers, enquire for yourselves, and you will be easily able to unmask this Small Ratepayer and find him an enemy to morality, and a promoter of Mormonism in its most disastrous and hideous form.

  28. Let us, as Electors, enquire who this Mr. Smith is?

  29. The case is reversed when we enquire into the meaning of Bilhah.

  30. But that is not the way in which the primitive man spoke; and we have still to enquire how he did speak.

  31. Because in that case I can enquire about your faults.

  32. I would fain enquire more particularly into your objection to these medicines," said Mr. Lyon, gravely.

  33. At Nevers, Desmond went round to all the inns in the town, to enquire if any body of men had put up at that place, but without success.

  34. Please inform the baron that I shall do myself the honour of calling, tomorrow, to enquire whether Mademoiselle Pointdexter has suffered from the effects of the fatigue and excitement.

  35. One of us was sent across, to enquire as to the person who had given the order.

  36. To most of the officers who dropped in, in the course of the day, to see Desmond and to enquire how he got his wound, he abstained from giving any particulars.

  37. And he said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to enquire of Baal-zebub the god of Ekron, is it not because there is no God in Israel to enquire of his word?

  38. I can find out from the vetturino,' said my cicerone, 'where they put up in Rome, and I promise you to enquire of him.

  39. I do not wish to enquire whether any young man, having intelligence, loving pleasure, and placed in the same position, would not have done the same, but I beg my readers to address that question to themselves.

  40. Barbaro to enquire the cause of the aforesaid summons, for it was a formidable court.

  41. Tell me now whether you intended the order which you gave him yesterday to forget you, never to enquire after you; and even not to know you if he happened to meet you, from the time of our arrival in Parma, for me as well as for him.

  42. I enquire of the inn-keeper what it all means.

  43. He looked timidly, as if he would enquire for her if he dared.

  44. I will go out amongst my friends, and enquire for you.

  45. Go to Germany, enquire in the largest and most powerful states what they have done for their disabled soldiers.

  46. Mrs. Coleridge desires me to remember her with respectful regards to Mrs. Coates, and to enquire into the history of your little family.

  47. Footnote 77: [On February 13th Lord John Russell moved for a Committee of the whole House to enquire into the state of Ireland.

  48. The whole Opposition rallied round an amendment of Howick's, and fought a pitched battle on the question of a fresh Committee to enquire into the supposed opening of Tommy's letters in 1842.

  49. He and his wife thought it behoved them to enquire into the condition of the population in their employment, and to do their best to improve it.

  50. When Lord Palmerston meant to come here, he employed the Cowleys through Madame de Lieven to enquire of the King how he would be received at the Tuileries.

  51. Goulburn sent for Maule, and told him to go to the Exchequer and enquire into this.

  52. The women were much alarmed; they collected together in wrathful groups to enquire where the matter was to end, and with peculiar unanimity, not to say satisfaction, to prophesy a revolution.

  53. I will go and enquire whether there is any ship likely to sail in the course of a few days or so for Jamaica.

  54. When he had done this he went ashore to the prize agent to enquire what formalities were needed with regard to the recaptured merchantmen; and having signed some official papers, he went up to Monsieur Duchesne's.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enquire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    demand; enquire; inquire

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    enquire after; enquire whether