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Example sentences for "erosional"

Lexicographically close words:
erodes; eroding; erof; erogenous; erosion; erosions; erosive; erotic; eroticism; erotism
  1. The first erosional bench supported grasses and sedges and the slopes were covered with willows from a few inches to seven feet high.

  2. When the jaeger was ready to strike in order to make the loon drop the fish it was carrying, the loon dropped over the erosional cliff and splashed into the water.

  3. Illustration: DARK ANGEL, a shaft of the Slick Rock Member that is an erosional remnant of a once high, narrow fin.

  4. Many instances of damaged ruins, roads, erosional forms, and broken windows were reported.

  5. Farther southwest is the Courthouse syncline, containing the attractive group of erosional forms called Courthouse Towers (fig.

  6. Series of strata with disconformities may also be petroliferous, because beneath former erosional surfaces the top strata have induced porosity and therefore are possible reservoir rocks.

  7. Early placers may be reworked and further concentrated by renewal of the proper erosional and transportational conditions.

  8. The accumulation of large deposits depends on the existence of climatic and erosional conditions which determine that the residual deposit shall remain in place rather than be carried off by erosion as fast as made.

  9. The multi-colored rock formations, erosional land-forms, and plants and animals offer limitless possibilities to the creative and imaginative photographer.

  10. Yet even as the old land-forms are being destroyed, wind, water, ice, and man are attacking the canyon walls to produce still more of these interesting erosional remnants.

  11. These erosional remnants are best developed where blocks of erosion-resistant sandstone protect underlying pedestals of softer shale (fig.

  12. The Lighthouse, an erosional remnant and the "trademark" of Palo Duro Canyon, exhibits well the geologic phenomenon of differential erosion (p.

  13. Like many of the park's natural attractions, the Lighthouse is an erosional remnant of colorful Trujillo shales and sandstones (fig.

  14. Mass-wasting, the erosional process by which rock and soil move downslope in response to the force of gravity, has also been instrumental in shaping Palo Duro Canyon.

  15. Talus deposits produced in this way can be seen at the foot of most of the cliffs and erosional remnants throughout the canyon (fig.

  16. For other examples in which the sculptured surface is largely the handiwork of a single erosional agent, as over vast areas in the Canadian wilderness, the revelation of the fracture design is no less apparent.

  17. When we have further studied the erosional processes at the earth’s surface, it will be appreciated that faults tend to quickly bury themselves from sight, whereas fold structures will long remain in evidence.

  18. The effect of a hard layer of rock interposed in the course of a stream is thus always to delay the advance of the erosional process at all levels above the obstruction.

  19. Such an unconformity is often extremely difficult to recognize, and it is described as a deceptive or erosional unconformity.

  20. The existing forms of mountains, as we are to see, are largely shaped by the erosional processes which are set in operation by the uplift itself, though often completed long subsequent to it.

  21. Once more the streams acquire a velocity sufficient to enable them to cut their valleys into the land surface, and so a new erosional cycle may be inaugurated upon the old land surface—the peneplain.

  22. In the case of the less coherent deposits in these provinces, the initial forms of their erosional surface have sometimes been determined by the dash of rain from the sudden cloudburst.

  23. Whenever a new uplift occurs before an erosional cycle has been completed, the rivers become intrenched, not in a peneplain, but in the bottoms of broad valleys.

  24. The mind cannot conceive the lapse of time which has reduced this range, at an erosional speed no greater than to-day's, to its present level.

  25. Whether the canyon-forming process was largely erosional or depositional remains to be seen, but the narrow, deep abyssal gap in the Southeast Newfoundland Ridge suggests erosion.

  26. That is to say, an analogy can be made between the continental slope and one face of the Grand Canyon or to an erosional escarpment bounding a high mesa or plateau like the Book Cliffs of Utah and Colorado.

  27. This of course implies that the continental slope is not a simple depositional feature but a structural or erosional one.

  28. Like most of the Fowkes Formation, this sequence of rocks has been eroded extensively and is preserved as erosional remnants, where protected by faulting, in the western part of Fossil Basin.

  29. Fossil Butte and the Ham's Fork Plateau to the northeast of the butte are high erosional remnants of this early Tertiary basin fill.

  30. Erosional anticlines also occur elsewhere, as along the Eagle and Roaring Fork valleys of central Colorado.

  31. The Triassic-Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, erosional remnants of which are found on the high mesas of Canyonlands N.

  32. Thus we have what may be termed an erosional anticline, whose axis, or crest, follows the river.

  33. The Entrada also forms the grotesque erosional forms called "hoodoos and goblins" in Goblin Valley State Park, north of Hanksville, Utah.

  34. Illustration: TURKS HEAD, an erosional remnant of the White Rim Sandstone supported by red beds of Organ Rock Tongue, in loop of Green River.

  35. If you stand on either the east or the west shore of this towering cliff-bordered island, you can look across a sea of fantastic erosional forms to a similar cliff-bordered shore at about the same level.

  36. That some degree of overlap is present can be expected, assuming our interpretation of the erosional history of the Tank Site is correct (Treganza and Malamud, 1950, p.

  37. A thin erosional or aelian layer covers the surface of the deposit, which bears scrapers, marine shell fragments, and burnt bone; the interior of the cave is completely carbonized.

  38. Because these volcanoes rose several thousand feet above the top of the Picture Gorge Basalt, ash and erosional debris from them washed out over the basalt; these materials constitute the Mascall Formation.

  39. The basalt that caps Sheep Rock is an erosional remnant.

  40. Following their early erosional history, there came a period of much colder climate during which time heavy snows fell and large ice fields were formed throughout the mountain region.

  41. This erosional process which has carved the mountains of Glacier Park has produced most of the mountains of the world.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "erosional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.