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Example sentences for "exceedeth"

Lexicographically close words:
excavator; excavators; exceed; exceede; exceeded; exceeding; exceedingly; exceeds; excel; excelente
  1. The streets were sumptuously adorned with paintings and rich cloth of arras, the costliest they could provide, the shews of Our Lady street being so hyperbolical in pomp that it exceedeth all the rest by many degrees.

  2. And it is, so sure as God liveth, that every trifle which cometh from beyond the sea, though it be not worth threepence, is more esteemed than a continual commodity at home with us, which far exceedeth that value.

  3. The force which is in them surmounteth all belief, and the fast hold which they take with their teeth exceedeth all credit: for three of them against a bear, four against a lion, are sufficient to try mastries with them.

  4. The common houre-glasse, of the Life of Man, Exceedeth not the largenesse of a span.

  5. But if it be such a love to the creature as exceedeth not its worth, and is intended ultimately for God, and maketh you not love him the less but the more, it is not it that I am speaking against, or persuading you to mortify.

  6. None have I ever seen that surpasseth you in heedlessness or exceedeth you in ignorance.

  7. Take from this world only to the measure of your needs, and forgo that which exceedeth them.

  8. The enterprise also exceedeth all the usual bounds of risks and adventures, Senora," was the steady reply of Dona Beatriz, as she glanced toward the countenance of Mercedes.

  9. I have seen you in the day of trial, and it exceedeth ordinary misrepresentations to weaken my faith in you.

  10. Indeed, this concern exceedeth even what I could have anticipated.

  11. After these, again, cometh the great glory of God, which crowneth and exceedeth all.

  12. For as for the divine, with all reverence it is ever to be excepted, not only for having his scope as far beyond any of these, as eternity exceedeth a moment, but even for passing each of these in themselves.

  13. Now, that verse far exceedeth prose in the knitting up of the memory, the reason is manifest.

  14. The restless and still unconquered Conanchet hath deserted his towns and taken refuge in the open woods; where it exceedeth the skill and usage of our civilized men of war, to discover, at all times the position and force of their enemies.

  15. This exceedeth all former instances of marvellous visitations!

  16. If the Load wherein the Tynne lieth, carrieth a foote and halfe in breadth, and be not ouerbarren, it is accompted a verie rich worke: but commonly the same exceedeth not a foote, vnlesse many Loads runne together.

  17. Yet is not this deare letting euerie where alike: for the westerne halfe of Cornewall, commeth far short of the Easterne, and the land about Townes, exceedeth that lying farther in the Countrey.

  18. But that Iron should float therein, from this cause is hardly granted; for heavy bodies will only swim in that liquor, wherein the weight of their bulk exceedeth not the weight of so much water as it occupieth or taketh up.

  19. For, the length of the face twice exceedeth that of the neck, and the space betwixt the throat-pit and the navell, is equall unto the circumference thereof.

  20. The villany of this Christian exceedeth the persecution of Heathens, whose malice was never so Longimanous [SN: Long-handed.

  21. The number of the dead long exceedeth all that shall live.

  22. It is a thing which exceedeth the common order of nature, and so is it meete and requisite, that the most excellent doe make the effects of their excellency appeare, and seeke meanes for the immortality of their remembraunce.

  23. There do burst out of the same hill Hecla two fountames, the one whereof, by reason of the cold streames, the other with intollerable heat exceedeth al the force of elements.

  24. The force which is in them surmounteth all beleefe, and the fast hold which they take with their teeth exceedeth all credit: for three of them against a beare, foure against a lion, are sufficient to trie mastries with them.

  25. And it is so sure as God liueth, that euerie trifle which commeth from beyond the sea, though it be not woorth three pence, is more esteemed than a continuall commoditie at home with vs, which far exceedeth that value.

  26. Fear you not, Master Lust, I will help you again, Treasure in physic exceedeth Galenus: Tush!

  27. There be many other; but she exceedeth them all.

  28. These Gorgons are bred in that countrey, and have such haire about their heads, as not onely exceedeth all other beastes, but also poysoneth, when he standeth upright.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exceedeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.