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Example sentences for "circumference"

Lexicographically close words:
circumambulation; circumcise; circumcised; circumcising; circumcision; circumferences; circumferential; circumflex; circumfluent; circumjacent
  1. When the forefathers of these Christian statesmen were hunting toads to get the jewels out of their heads to be used as charms, the wretched Chinamen were calculating eclipses, and measuring the circumference of the earth.

  2. As she watched he measured the strip around the circumference of the wheel.

  3. The horses began to circle around the edge of the enclosure as around the circumference of a circus ring.

  4. In no time each had recognised his choice, and, his loop trailing, was walking toward that part of the revolving circumference where his pony dodged.

  5. We had ridden, up to this time, directly away from camp, now we rode a circumference of which headquarters was the centre.

  6. C by reading the angle A C B alone, as such point might be amywhere on the circumference of a circle of which A B was the chord.

  7. Transverse notches are cut in the circumference of the disks to the bottom of the score, for the convenience of marling the wad before taking it off the mould.

  8. A staff, flat on its upper side, and rounded on its under side to fit the curve of the bore, is mortised into the circumference of the cylindrical part of the head.

  9. The circumference is divided into as many equal parts as may be thought desirable, which are numbered in regular order.

  10. The centre remains, but the circumference that circumscribed it is gone.

  11. In other words, he virtually fixes limits to variability, from the outermost circumference of which reversion must inevitably take place.

  12. Eastern North America with Eastern North Asia--half the earth's circumference apart, we find an astonishing similarity.

  13. The angle at the circumference is the angle of one side to its next neighbor; thus the angle at the circumference in a hexagon is 120 degrees, as shown in the figure for the sides E, F.

  14. To draw a circle that shall pass through any three given points: Let A B and C in Figure 54 be the points through which the circumference of a circle is to pass.

  15. The circumference of the cam is composed of four curved lines, P, P', K 1, and K 2.

  16. The circumference of this circle we divide into any number of equidistant divisions, as from 1 to 24.

  17. That the area enclosed within an ellipse of a given circumference is greater in proportion as the distance apart of the foci is diminished; and, 5th.

  18. The line bounding a circle is termed its circumference or periphery and sometimes the perimeter.

  19. A part of this circumference is termed an arc of a circle or an arc; thus Figure 46 represents an arc.

  20. Divide the semi-circumference of B into six equal parts at 1, 2, 3, etc.

  21. Some stars will depart more, others less, from either side of the circumference of equilibrium, according to the places in which they are situated, and according to the direction and the velocity with which they are put in motion.

  22. There is no outside, no inclosing wall, no circumference to us.

  23. St. Augustine described the nature of God as a circle whose centre was everywhere and its circumference nowhere.

  24. A thigh bone sixteen inches in length measured nearly nine inches in circumference in the middle of the shaft: the head of a tibia measured twenty-one inches in circumference.

  25. Undisturbed let the tame and wild creatures of the region, in storm or sunshine, find shelter or shade under the calm circumference of its green old age.

  26. The outermost, about twice as far from the centre as from the external edge of the mirror, was exactly equal to the Sun's circumference when presenting the largest disc he ever shows to an observer on Earth.

  27. The circumference did not appear to present an even curvature.

  28. What is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 3.

  29. What is the circumference of a circle whose diameter is 95 feet?

  30. The form of the island is triangular, and its whole circumference upwards of thirty miles, and is deeply indented with commodious bays and harbours.

  31. The Coquaine parsnip thrives best in the deep sandy loam of the Valle, where it sometimes attains the extraordinary length of four feet, and in circumference generally from eight to twelve inches.

  32. The leaf base is often developed as a sheath (vagina), which embraces the whole or part of the circumference of the stem (fig.

  33. The fraction of the circumference of the stem expressing the divergence of the leaves is two-fifths.

  34. The size of the angle between the median planes of two consecutive leaves in an alternate arrangement is their divergence; and it is expressed in fractions of the circumference of the axis which is supposed to be a circle.

  35. On my own land there is an enormous tree, by far the largest on the island, the circumference of its trunk being 6 meters.

  36. Then the latter would strike to the nearest point; and any point within the circumference of the portion of the circle, B C (whose radius is D B), would be at a less distance from D than either the point B or the point C.

  37. In the present arrangement the diaphragm is clamped at the circumference like a telephone diaphragm, and the sounds are conveyed to the ear through a rubber hearing tube, c.

  38. The cover consists of a lid of pure mortar, which the Bee builds by degrees, working from the circumference to the centre.

  39. The masonry starts with a sort of little swallow's nest, a half-cup or thimble, whose circumference is completed by the wall against which it rests.

  40. N S are shifted one half of the circumference of the ring.

  41. The straws are gathered from the field by pulling them, thus breaking them off at the roots, and they are tied into bundles about 3 decimeters in circumference and sold in the market.

  42. This band is not in the design but will come outside, and reach to the circumference line in the design.

  43. The straws of a circular mat cannot be counted and then divided equally by numbers, as straws are continually added at irregular intervals as the circumference is being reached.

  44. To divide a circle into sixths, mark off the circumference into distances equal to 1/2 of the diameter.

  45. This great font measured thirty cubits in circumference and stood five cubits high, and was richly {40} ornamented.

  46. In the center appears a large dome, fifty-one feet in circumference at its base and seven feet high.

  47. Hiram fashioned the pillars, each twelve cubits in circumference and eighteen cubits high exclusive of the massive chapiters, which were ornamented with pomegranates and lily work.

  48. The greater portion of the circumference of the island is fringed by a broad reef of dead coral and coral sandstone, on which rests in many places a thin coating of mud or sand.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circumference" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    areola; aureole; border; circle; circuit; circumference; circumscription; circus; compass; confine; confines; coordinates; corona; coronet; cortex; covering; crown; crust; curve; cycle; diadem; discus; disk; envelope; epidermis; exterior; external; facade; face; facet; fringe; front; garland; girth; glory; halo; integument; lasso; limits; lineaments; loop; noose; orbit; outline; outside; outskirts; pale; parameter; perimeter; periphery; radius; rind; ring; round; roundel; saucer; shell; skin; skirt; sphincter; surface; top; verge; wheel; wreath