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Example sentences for "explorations"

Lexicographically close words:
exploiter; exploiters; exploiting; exploits; exploration; exploratory; explore; explored; explorer; explorers
  1. After making arrangements for future explorations he set out for Dolores, which he reached on October 18 after a journey of three hundred leagues.

  2. Further than that, our explorations have shown that Nippur possessed a history extending backward of the earliest written documents found by us, at least two thousand years.

  3. Explorations in Greece and the surrounding archipelago within the last few years have brought to light a third venerable centre of culture.

  4. I had meant to join on my explorations passing eastward by the sink; but, Lord!

  5. SIR, - I have the honour to report further explorations of the course of the river Vaea, with accompanying sketch plan.

  6. Among subsequent explorations mention may be made of Carnegie's eight months' journeyings in W.

  7. For a more particular view of the surveys and explorations made under the direction of each of the commissioners, including descriptions of the face of the country, navigation of streams, etc.

  8. The explorations of 1840, in which the ground lying between the western sources of Green River and Squattuck, a branch of Tuladi, was traversed, showed a considerable extent of better land than any other in the ceded territory.

  9. In these surveys and explorations the character of the country, its soil, climate, and natural productions, have been thoroughly examined, and may be stated with full confidence in the accuracy of the facts.

  10. These latter surveys covered in some degree the explorations of one of the parties in 1840, which, therefore, are not quoted as a part of the work of that year.

  11. I have put away my saddle and my tent-cloth, realizing that at sixty-one my explorations of the wilderness are at an end.

  12. His bridle and saddle were hanging in the barn (they are still there), silent memorials of the explorations in which he and I had played a resolute part.

  13. In these volumes I planned to put the results of all my studies of the Northwest during my many explorations of the wild.

  14. In these explorations he went alone, and once he sledged far within the Arctic circle with only two dogs to keep him company.

  15. So many fragments of ivories have been discovered in recent explorations in Egypt that it is most likely that Alexandria, a fit centre for receiving the material, was also its centre of distribution.

  16. It had been John's intention to settle the fate of the Korinos, as he felt that this was a matter that should have his attention before they left on the further explorations of the island.

  17. He and I were making explorations on the island on which we were wrecked, and when the two undertook to go on a search, to ascertain what the island was like, I was too ill to go with them.

  18. The details of his early explorations in the West are involved in doubt, but that he had such adventures there seems no good reason to doubt.

  19. This refers to the explorations of Jacques Cartier.

  20. To see large and magnificent buildings, with green lawns stretching out before them, is significant of a long life of plenty, and travels and explorations into distant countries.

  21. If you see yourself riding on a donkey, you will visit foreign lands and make many explorations into places difficult of passage.

  22. By 1810, the early explorations of Thompson, Lewis and Clark, and others bore fruit in the commercial exploitation of the far Northwest.

  23. Report of Explorations for a Route for the Pacific Railroad, of the Line of the Forty-First Parallel of North Latitude 1854.

  24. Conspicuous among his explorations is his trip of 1856, when with Speke he discovered the lake regions of Central Africa.

  25. Brower's Memoirs of Explorations in the Basin of the Mississippi, II.

  26. His latest paper described his explorations of the Lower Amur Valley.

  27. Three sciences have of late years been advanced by the explorations of caves: paleontology; prehistory, or research among the remains of primitive men and their industries; and zoology, or the study of living beings.

  28. Besides the two State reports, later publications were issued, descriptive of explorations and collections for the Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, and the New Hampshire Agricultural Report for 1883.

  29. Our American School lost to the French, for lack of money at the right time, the chance to explore Delphi, but it has carried on careful explorations at Corinth and other places.

  30. It was his day and night's longing that he might visit strange lands of history and make explorations and discoveries.

  31. In 1849, began the series of explorations that continued till his death.

  32. The south of Africa is not so well known as the north, and the difficulty of making explorations is a great obstacle to progress.

  33. These explorations had the most important results, and Affonso de Alboquerque was glad, when the appointed time arrived for him at the close of 1509, to take over the government of India as second viceroy.

  34. But, unfortunately, the king's life was shortened and Dom Henry's explorations checked for a time by the fatal expedition to Tangier in 1437.

  35. But Malacca was not only the headquarters of the Spice Islands trade, but the port from which explorations were directed northwards.

  36. Even the limitations of the senses would hardly fetter him in his explorations in the regions of the Unknown.

  37. And, at once, the scientists in all countries began to devote their best energies to explorations in this new Realm of Nature.

  38. Looking directly across, we see an opening through which the writer and William Garvin emerged from their explorations around Scylla and Charybdis.

  39. The Albert N'yanza, great basin of the Nile, and explorations of the Nile sources.

  40. Reports of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi river to the Pacific ocean.

  41. Previous to that considerable explorations were made.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "explorations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.