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Example sentences for "explorer"

Lexicographically close words:
exploration; explorations; exploratory; explore; explored; explorers; explores; exploring; explosion; explosions
  1. In fact, to anticipate dates a little, the English Government knew a good deal about Jemmy Dawkins, the explorer of Palmyra, and envoy to His Prussian Majesty.

  2. The Earl then suggests sending a rich English gentleman to Frederick; this was Mr. James Dawkins, of the Over Norton family, the explorer of Palmyra.

  3. No existing map yet properly represents even the principal physical outlines, and the impression gained by the traveler or explorer may well be one of confusion.

  4. The sea-leopard seals harmed them not, and until the arrival of the irrepressible British explorer the spell of that antarctic elysium was unbroken.

  5. Instead of a poet, "un ergoteur Voltairien;" instead of the explorer of fresh secrets of the heart, a Parisian talking a cheap cynicism!

  6. That road open to enterprise and courage invites the explorer of coasts to new efforts towards the fulfilment of great expectations.

  7. Lynch, afterwards the Dead Sea explorer and later the Confederate Commodore, suggested a better arrangement of her battery.

  8. The explorer should not forget that a kok sometimes contains a secret entrance to further chambers at its inner end.

  9. Long afterwards, when Fremont was a candidate for the office of President of the United States, this fact was recalled to the minds of men, and the famous explorer was denounced as "a dog-eater.

  10. But modern geographers have displaced the name of that eminent explorer and map-maker and have divided the stream, or streams, with other nomenclature.

  11. He was a sort of messenger between Heaven and earth, and was the explorer of our celestial heritage, as Saint Catherine of Genoa at a later date was the explorer of purgatory.

  12. The white trapper, hunter, and explorer readily adopted the convenient dugout, but it has almost disappeared with these avocations; yet the boy hunter or camper who has the requisite patience can easily make his own.

  13. Peters concerning the position of some ancient workings, and, following his directions, the explorer found ruins "of an undoubtedly Semitic type.

  14. Carl Peters, an African explorer recently returned to London, believes that he has found the Ophir whence King Solomon's gold was brought, in the country between the Zambesi and the Pungwa Rivers, in Portuguese Africa and eastern Mashonaland.

  15. The one who returned is described as an "explorer of uncommon courage," who managed to get back by the help of a clue of packthread which he took with him, and was thus able to retrace his steps.

  16. This sight was so terrifying that the explorer made the best of his way back to the first house, where the servant told him that if he had knocked at the giant's door he would have had company enough, but would have never returned.

  17. There was a large black marble table in the middle of the room, and on it lay at full length a giant who, the explorer says, was "at least fourteen feet long and ten feet round the body.

  18. Not so the young explorer who held his diploma from Nature, and not from the United States' Military Academy.

  19. It is, indeed, because so many storied names are written upon gravestones that the explorer of the old churches of London finds in them so rich a harvest of instructive association and elevating thought.

  20. From this fine camping place an hour’s climb leads to Sperry glacier, named after the indefatigable explorer and popular lecturer, Professor Lyman B.

  21. All the provisions brought along were packed away, and the explorer obtained from the native hunters large quantities of polar bear meat and other game.

  22. The man liked the frank manner of the lads, and Andy and Chet were fascinated by the stories the explorer had to tell.

  23. I understand Robert Peary is about to try it again this coming summer, just as we are going to do, and Mr. Dawson tells me that a noted hunter and explorer from Brooklyn, Dr.

  24. The hunter and explorer set to work without delay to find out if possible what had become of the whaler, Betsey Andrews.

  25. He wrote a book on the subject, and also another volume relating his experiences while a surgeon and explorer in the frozen north.

  26. Cook made the explorer more anxious than ever to be on the way, and one bright Wednesday afternoon it was announced that the expedition would start northward on the following morning.

  27. Ahead was a little hill, and the explorer thought to climb this and take a look around, to get his bearings.

  28. During that time the hunter and explorer asked Chet much about himself and his father.

  29. The hunter and explorer could not help but smile at Upham Jeffer's enthusiasm.

  30. During the time spent at the cabin, the boys became very well acquainted with Barwell Dawson, and found the hunter and explorer a person very much to their liking.

  31. Yes, some smooth ice had been seen, and the explorer went out the next day to investigate.

  32. The hunter and explorer looked sharply at the two boys.

  33. Then, one clear morning, the explorer called to Andy and Chet.

  34. Peary is the greatest Polar explorer we have had.

  35. Then came a voyage on an ill-fated ship, the Miranda, and the explorer came close to going to the bottom of the ocean.

  36. Over the northern part of his route he had been preceded by the English explorer John Cabot (1497).

  37. In the ice she behaved exactly as Nansen had expected she would, and, once frozen to the ice, gave the explorer no anxiety that she would be crushed or wrecked.

  38. The Explorer XII is the greatest bird they ever built.

  39. One explorer of Palenque says: “For five days did I wander up and down among these crumbling monuments of a city which, I hazard little in saying, must have been one of the largest ever seen.

  40. It is believed that ruined edifices of which nothing is known are hidden among the trees in places which no explorer has approached.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "explorer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.