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Example sentences for "fairings"

Lexicographically close words:
fairest; faireste; fairgrounds; fairies; fairing; fairish; fairly; fairness; fairs; fairway
  1. Jim had had his fairings for her, too, but she was trying her very hardest not to remember those.

  2. He used to fetch you fairings and suchlike, didn't he,--same as Geordie did?

  3. Give me your hand, we are neere a pedlers shop,-- 30 Out with your purse, we must have fairings now.

  4. The Singing Leaves I "What fairings will ye that I bring?

  5. As soon as the storm blew out its force Ongal's cruiser headed northwest to other clan fairings where the Rovers could claim kinship.

  6. If these slayers are not put to the sword's edge, there will be other fairings so used.

  7. However, within the past year there had been several raids on fairings with the same blood-bath result of a foray on a Wrecker port.

  8. Have you forgotten the slaughter at Kyn Add and those other fairings where women and children were also struck down to serve some purpose we do not even yet know?

  9. But all their fairings unsuccessful prove, "Still true to COLIN CLOUT I held my love.

  10. What countless years and wealth of brain were spent, 'What fairings will ye that I bring?

  11. Fairings O, Father has donned his suit of brown And saddled the gelding gray, And he's ridden off to London town Where the streets are fine and gay.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fairings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.