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Example sentences for "fixedness"

Lexicographically close words:
fixation; fixations; fixe; fixed; fixedly; fixer; fixers; fixes; fixing; fixings
  1. If he intends to succeed, he must have some established principles and a fixedness of purpose, which will prompt to accuracy and method, would be the universal decision of the wise.

  2. Fluctuating opinions and feelings produce fickleness of conduct; while settled convictions, stability of affections, and fixedness of purpose, give birth to persevering and methodical action.

  3. If, when you are memorizing, you continually tremble for fear that you will not recall at the desired moment, the fixedness of the impression will be greatly hindered.

  4. The fixedness of habit tends to make us move in ruts unless we exert continuous effort to learn new things.

  5. A second fact which attests the primordial character and fixedness of species is, that every species as it first appears, is not in a transition state between one form and another, but in the perfection of its kind.

  6. All the evidence we have in favor of the fixedness of species is, of course, evidence not only against Darwinism, but against evolution in all its forms.

  7. She tried to be steady too--tried to have that fixedness of heart which says confidently, "I will sing and give praise.

  8. The great defect of both his constitutions is the fixedness which he seeks to impress upon them.

  9. This turning of his intelligence and of his whole attempt and design against himself, did even more than his mother's fixedness and firmness to convince him that his efforts with her were idle.

  10. He looked at him, as he passed through the hall and up the staircase, going to dinner, with a glazed fixedness that Mr Dorrit did not like.

  11. The black hunter then set his dog on the trail, who, with that grim fixedness of purpose betokened by a certain iron twist of the tail, now took the lead, and the chase for life and death began.

  12. Meditation, much meditation on God, a stayedness and fixedness of spirit upon him, lays up a treasure in the heart.

  13. Stayedness on God is nothing else but the fixedness of believing and trusting, Ps.

  14. There was neither love nor scorn in his look,--a mere fixedness of purpose to make use of her some day.

  15. There is more freedom of movement locally, and less fixedness of occupation on the part of laborers and others, in this country than in any other industrial country.

  16. But I believe he just leaned passively, And felt their hair carried across his face As each nymph passed him; nor gave ear to trace How many feet; nor bent assuredly His eyes from the blind fixedness of thought To see the dancers.

  17. Indignant at this, Anne rose to leave the room, but the Duchess prevented her by placing her back against the door, and, during an hour, exhausted herself by launching invectives against her sovereign.

  18. To this he was probably led by the fixedness of Egyptian customs and the general observation that there were other civilisations in the world more ancient than that of Hellas.

  19. Obstacle implies more fixedness and is the stronger word.

  20. I noticed, when delivering the subjoined passage, the fixedness of her look, and the varying aspect of her countenance, indicating both astonishment and delight.

  21. The condition or quality of being immobile; fixedness in place or state.

  22. A stretching or bending of the mind toward an object; closeness of application; fixedness of attention; earnestness.

  23. It upsets the certainty and fixedness of the order of things, and so forth, and so forth.

  24. We do not sufficiently mark the masculine features in that character, the tremendous tenacity of will, the inflexible fixedness of purpose, the irremovable constancy of obedience in the face of all temptations to the contrary.

  25. I need not speak about the blessedness of such a calm assurance, about the need of it for power, for peace, for effort, for fixedness in the midst of a world and age of change.

  26. And Paul means not only fixedness of intellectual conviction and continuity of loving response, but also habitual obedience, which is always ready to do His will.

  27. And as regards this special virtue and prime quality of steadfastness and fixedness of purpose, you can do no good in the world without it.

  28. A Negro porter passing through a coach set apart for white passengers noted the fixedness with which a young woman with a pretty face and a pair of beautiful blue eyes was regarding him.

  29. In proof of this she could not but see that the instability which she had so dreaded in his earlier years had given way to a certain fixedness of purpose and firm self-reliance.

  30. That ended the discussion; but the need of less fixedness in instructions given was strongly impressed upon the husband, and a similar need in the following of instructions was equally impressed upon the wife.

  31. His vest and shirt were open, as he gazed with an air of fixedness on the city, and conversed to himself.

  32. If his eye looked calm, it was the tranquillity of apathetic ignorance, the fixedness of idiotcy.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fixedness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.