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Example sentences for "fondi"

Lexicographically close words:
fondant; fondation; fonde; fonder; fondest; fondle; fondled; fondles; fondling; fondly
  1. In this way the so-called "fondi d'oro" of the catacombs in Rome were made.

  2. The fondi d'oro suggested the manufacture of plaques of gold which could be broken up into tesserae for use in mosaics.

  3. It is possible however, that it served no useful purpose, but that the construction is a survival from the manufacture of vessels with fondi d'oro.

  4. It was a bright day for Fondi when Tebaldo Adimari returned!

  5. But among these fondi d'oro there is a small class of portrait heads, highly finished by means of a sort of pointille or stipple process, which are of a somewhat superior artistic merit.

  6. The plain of Fondi is the northernmost point in Italy where the cultivation of oranges and lemons is regularly carried on in modern times.

  7. After this Fondi was much neglected; in 1721 it was sold to the Di Sangro family, in which it still remains.

  8. The engineering of the ancient Via Appia between Fondi and Formia, where it passes through the mountains near Itri, is remarkable.

  9. You have at Naples your Fra Bernadino; And I at Fondi have my Fra Bastiano, The famous artist, who has come from Rome To paint my portrait.

  10. He paints no more, since he was sent to Fondi By Cardinal Ippolito to paint The fair Gonzaga.

  11. Before arriving at Fondi the fair Venetian had recovered from her swoon, and was made conscious of her safety and of the mode of her deliverance.

  12. Indeed, it is between this town and Fondi that the road to Naples is Mostly infested by banditti.

  13. The alderman was advised to take an escort to Fondi and Itri, but he refused.

  14. On the morning after our return to Fondi he showed a strange tendency to sleep incessantly, which made me suspect the existence of some physical malady in his brain.

  15. We discovered absolutely nothing, and returned to our headquarters at Fondi so completely baffled that we did not know whither to turn our steps next.

  16. Now the Roman territory presented the first and fittest field for our search, and the convent was always within reach, supposing we returned to Fondi unsuccessful.

  17. Later, similar FONDI were found between the Eastern Alps and Mount Gargano.

  18. Giacomo Fondi lifted me to the saddle at arm's length; he could not resist the temptation.

  19. Merinay; I looked at Giacomo Fondi with the indifferent curiosity with which one gazes at foreign animals; the little Lobster inspired me with luke-warm interest; but I conceived a warm affection for Harris.

  20. Giacomo Fondi was a poor Maltese employed at, I know not what consulate; he earned a hundred and fifty francs a month sealing letters.

  21. The face of Giacomo Fondi would not have been out of place in one of the jumping-jack boxes, which so amuse children.

  22. A cordon of Austrian troops lines the whole high road from Fondi to the gates of Naples; and there are double sentries at a distance of one mile from each other the whole way.

  23. As the road between Terracina and Fondi (the first Neapolitan town) is said to be at times infested by robbers, few travellers care to start till broad daylight.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fondi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.