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Example sentences for "gilding"

Lexicographically close words:
gik; gild; gilded; gilden; gilders; gildings; gilds; gile; gill; gilled
  1. It's like painting the lily--gilding refined gold.

  2. A splendid dawn was gilding the horizon, and the first rays of the sun bathed in flame the young king's brow.

  3. The whole was burnished with gilding in many parts, and was radiant everywhere with that brilliant coloring of which the Hirschvogel family, painters on glass and great in chemistry, as they were, were all masters.

  4. HIS gilding is one part gold to eleven other parts of brass and rubbish, and it has been laid on him with a brush--A BRUSH!

  5. This gilding is now worn off practically, as well as metaphorically, and the prestige is lost.

  6. His gilding is one part gold to eleven other parts of brass and rubbish, and it has been laid on him with a brush--a brush!

  7. The whole was burnished with gilding in many parts, and was radiant everywhere with that brilliant coloring of which the Hirschvogel family, painters on glass and great in chemistry as they were, were all masters.

  8. The latter occupied himself especially with the gilding of his ware, which gave his neighbours the opportunity of saying he melted all his louis-d'ors in making his experiments and ruined himself.

  9. It has an elegant border in grey, with richly gilt designs, resembling the gilding of Vienna.

  10. The gilding on Cozzi's porcelain is especially fine, the pure gold of the sequin having been used in its decoration.

  11. Velvet and gilding do not make a throne, nor gold and jewels a sceptre.

  12. Much of what has been applied to other purposes is continually reverting to the market; but the gold used in gilding is absolutely lost.

  13. It is doubtful, indeed, whether all the increase of gilding will do more than balance the total abolition of it on the panels of carriages.

  14. Amongst ourselves the chief subjects of gilding are books, picture-frames, and some varieties of porcelain.

  15. In the decoration of houses it is true that hitherto our English expenditure of gilding has been very trifling compared with that of France and Italy, and to a great extent therefore would allow of an increased use.

  16. The materials necessary for gilding of this kind are-- A Gilder's Knife.

  17. Gilding may be interspersed with brilliant effect.

  18. Leather work gilded by the above process will bear washing, and is the most durable kind of gilding known.

  19. This burnish gilding is far more brilliant than the oil gold, but will not wash, and is not so durable.

  20. This condition is so strongly felt that many booklovers leave their bindings untooled, preferring the rich sensuous beauty and depth of color in a choice piece of leather to any effect of gilding or inlaying.

  21. Sprigs and tendrils of the flowers were to branch down from the border, so as nearly to reach the gilding in the middle.

  22. To Sigismond it was the ideal of luxury, that restaurant, with gilding everywhere, around the mirrors, in the chandelier and even on the figured wallpaper.

  23. So do the Christians of Jerusalem take pleasure, and possibly a childish pleasure, in the gilding of a better palace, besides a nobler garden, ornamented with a somewhat worthier aim.

  24. I even took a certain childish pleasure in the gilding of the canopy and spire, as if in the golden palace of what was, to Peter Pan and all children, something of a fairy garden.

  25. In the Medersas, one of the ground-floor apartments is always fitted up as a chapel, and shut off from the court by carved cedar doors still often touched with old gilding and vermilion.

  26. Gilding is suitable to a certain extent; but for internal work the homely black-leading cannot be bettered.

  27. Its chief use in early times was in the accessories of painting, as the nimbi, attributes, and jewellery of the personage represented, and it was almost entirely used as a ground-work for gilding upon.

  28. Across her clover fields the ruddy sunlight lay in broad undulating bands, gilding blossom and curling trefoil.

  29. On one rounded cheek a bar of sunlight lay, gilding the delicate skin and turning the curling strands of hair to coils of fire.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gilding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    allowance; bravery; coating; color; covering; decontamination; embellishment; festoon; finery; fresco; frill; frippery; fuss; gaiety; gilt; gingerbread; gloss; mitigation; paint; painting; palliative; paste; pinchbeck; priming; qualification; softening; staining; superfluity; tinsel; trappings; trickery; trumpery; varnish; whitewash; whitewashing