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Example sentences for "gildings"

Lexicographically close words:
gild; gilded; gilden; gilders; gilding; gilds; gile; gill; gilled; gillie
  1. When I was here the other day," said Irma, "the carvings and gildings and the enormous paintings dazzled me.

  2. But you haven't forgotten the wonderful great halls, and the gildings and paintings.

  3. There is a vast dome, filled with a florid concave fresco of tumbling foreshortened angels, and all over the ceilings and cornices a wonderful outlay of dusky gildings and mouldings.

  4. The obvious charm of the church is the elegant grandeur of the nave--its perfect shapeliness and its rich simplicity, its long double row of white marble columns and its high flat roof, embossed with intricate gildings and mouldings.

  5. The paintings and gildings of their church, the gem-bright marbles and fantastic carvings, are really but the monastic tribute to sensuous delight--an imperious need for which the fond imagination of Rome has officiously opened the door.

  6. It gives the appearance of permanence and repose and quiet fellowship; and, next to pictures on the walls, the many-colored bindings and gildings of books are the most agreeable adornment of a room.

  7. Philip buys the heaviest French velvet, with gildings and traceries, at four dollars a roll.

  8. Recently, during the embalming of some great personage, all the gildings of a vast saloon, where the operation was performed, were destroyed by the action of the deuto-chloride.

  9. This order, added to the quantity of paintings and gildings which embellish the cases and cornices, produces a very fine effect.

  10. A short time afterward Mrs. Norman invites the Gildings--or the Gildings very likely again invite the Normans.

  11. Some evening at all events, the Gildings dine with the Normans.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gildings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.