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Example sentences for "gulfs"

Lexicographically close words:
guldens; gules; gulf; gulfe; gulfed; gull; gulled; gullet; gulley; gulleys
  1. The sun was now shining warm during two or three minutes together, and gulfs of blue opened in the great white clouds.

  2. But west of the town rose the Bow Leg Mountains, cool with their still unmelted snows and their dull blue gulfs of pine.

  3. By which a soul is drawn from its body and across gulfs of echoing space,' returned the man on the mat.

  4. Then in Crom's name let us be gone,' grunted Conan, fidgeting with impatience as he started into the blue gulfs of the deepening twilight.

  5. As one who from a volume reads, He spake of heroes and their deeds, Of lands and cities he had seen, And stormy gulfs that tossed between.

  6. The old faith that tho gulfs sidereal stun The soul, and knowledge drown within their deep, There is no world that wanders, no not one Of all the millions, that He does not keep.

  7. I'm listening for the sallies Of the avalanche's Hessian Hurl of ice and granite Into gulfs Avernian.

  8. IV Yea, wrap thy awful gulfs and acolytes Of lifted granite round with reachless snows.

  9. The southern coast of the province of Santa Clara, not including the indentations of gulfs and bays, is approximately two hundred and fifty miles long.

  10. Small streams empty into all of the numerous deep water gulfs and bays that indent the north coast of Oriente.

  11. Near this place are the so-called Gulfs of Lost River.

  12. We have to take the air or else our thoughts grow sluggish, stupid, run into gulfs and blind alleys.

  13. Then he perceived that the rows of great wind-wheels he saw, the wide intervals, the occasional gulfs of darkness, were akin to those through which he had fled from the Council House.

  14. His father, too, sank almost instantly into deep gulfs of sleep.

  15. He could still read his Plato and his Cicero, whereas gulfs of unfathomable distaste rolled between him and the New Testament.

  16. But what she'd done or hadn't done could send the sky ship down into the gulfs in flaming ruin, because all of the passengers are encased in a fragile kind of bubble and the slightest pinprick could puncture it.

  17. Four metal giants in a metal rocket, functioning cooperatively with Man in the gulfs between the planets, might have made an imaginative fiction writer of an earlier age catch his breath and glory in the fulfillment of a prophecy.

  18. The waves are not so high in the bays and gulfs as in the open ocean.

  19. Vessels that are waiting to be laden with cargo lie in these sheltered gulfs and bays.

  20. There are no gulfs to cross; no bridges to be made.

  21. These differ only in the rate of vibration, each plane vibrating through one great octave, with gulfs of "lost" octaves between.

  22. The scarcity of fish in some of its gulfs is proverbial, and you may scrutinize long stretches of beach on its northern shores, after every south wind for a whole winter, without finding a dozen shells to reward your search.

  23. Then in its sinking gulfs my sickening spirit tossed.

  24. FIRST FURY: Your call was as a winged car, 525 Driven on whirlwinds fast and far; It rapped us from red gulfs of war.

  25. The depth of the gulfs may be gauged by the following measurement made at the head of the western ravine.

  26. Near the head of the figure stood the royal palace, raised high above the massive works of the citadel, deeply moated by the sister gulfs on either side.

  27. Among these are the Gulfs of Tres Montes and San Estevan, and Tarn Bay at the entrance to Messier Channel.

  28. These archipelagoes are separated from the mainland in the north by the gulfs of Chacao (or Ancud) and Corcovado, 30 to 35 m.

  29. Between this coast range and the Andes, the gulfs of Chacao, or Ancud and Corcovado (average width, 30 m.

  30. The nations drew apart, and gulfs of isolation yawned between them, and down the gulfs there swept the cruel shrieking blasts of racial hatred and antipathy.

  31. He was frequently known to swim among the gulfs of the Lipari islands, no way apprehensive of danger.

  32. As regards navigation and fishery within territorial gulfs and bays, the same rules of the Law of Nations are valid as in the case of navigation and fishery within the territorial maritime belt.

  33. It will be remembered that it is doubtful as regards many gulfs and bays whether they belong to the Open Sea or are territorial.

  34. Some writers maintain that gulfs and bays whose entrance is wider than ten miles, or three and a third marine leagues, cannot belong to the territory of the littoral State, and the practice of some States accords with this opinion.

  35. They are parts of the Open Sea, the marginal belt inside the gulfs and bays excepted.

  36. Navigation and Fishery in Territorial Gulfs and Bays 265 VIII.

  37. As the matter stands, it is doubtful as regards many gulfs and bays whether they are territorial or not.

  38. Sidenote: Navigation and Fishery in Territorial Gulfs and Bays.

  39. The whole matter calls for an international congress to settle the question once for all which gulfs and bays are to be considered territorial.

  40. All inland seas and the gulfs of those seas, are made by rivers which flow into the sea.

  41. She looked in the direction of his gaze, and saw a pool of blood slowly spreading out from under the bed, banking itself against the dust into miniature gulfs and seas.

  42. Beneath the dark waves where the dead go down, There are gulfs of night more deep; But little they care, whom the waves once drown, How far from the litght they sleep.

  43. Gulfs do not close over little female madcaps, my Laura; so we must not let her take the leap.

  44. Practical help, prompted by a deep-lying sense of unity which overleaped gulfs of separation in race, language, and social conditions, was a unique novelty.

  45. Unfathomable gulfs are yawning beneath his feet, and he is separated from them only by a single plank.

  46. All the results of observations made by navigators, concur in proving that the temperature of the sea decreases according to the depth; and that the deepest gulfs are continually covered with ice, even under the equator.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gulfs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.