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Example sentences for "handmaid"

Lexicographically close words:
handleth; handling; handlings; handloom; handmade; handmaiden; handmaidens; handmaids; handmill; handrail
  1. Then he brought the Moslem into the room and set before him food and made the fair girl stand in his presence, as she were a handmaid obedient to her lord and awaiting his orders that she might do his bidding.

  2. Behold the handmaid of the Lord--be it done unto me according to Thy Word"--a Hail Mary.

  3. So the handmaid went forth rejoicing, and bought all her lady had ordered and forthwith returned when her mistress fell to cooking meats of various kinds and lastly sent to invite all her neighbours, women and maidens.

  4. So I said to her, "By Allah, O handmaid of good, an thou wilt say me sooth I will veil it darkly for in the keeping of secrets there is none like myself: nor will I reveal it at any time.

  5. After this he went to his own cell and opened it and found there the handmaid in condition as though drunken with wine.

  6. I want to strip off the delicate English lady, and come down to the elemental woman, the handmaid and the instrument of man.

  7. And when the highest dignity which can be bestowed upon a creature was announced to her, she called herself the handmaid of the Lord.

  8. The light that streams up in our streets and houses, is the handmaid of a light brighter than its own.

  9. Sidenote: Shakspere's Imagination the handmaid of his Understanding.

  10. Moody (the handmaid of the Most High), has had to her profound regret to discontinue for a time the invaluable and unique services she has been rendering to the Cause in Persia.

  11. The demure handmaid would have put in a word in favour of the prisoner, but the governor silenced her with a look.

  12. The good padre looked benignantly on the company about the fountain, and took his seat with some emphasis on a stone bench, while the handmaid hastened to bring him a glass of sparkling water.

  13. Having trimmed off his rough beard, his sunburnt face found favour in the eyes of the fair, and the demure handmaid of the governor declared that his squint was perfectly irresistible.

  14. And Abram made answer, and said to her: Behold thy handmaid is in thy own hand, use her as it pleaseth thee.

  15. He said to her: Agar, handmaid of Sarai, whence comest thou?

  16. Genesis Chapter 30 Rachel, being barren, delivereth her handmaid to Jacob; she beareth two sons.

  17. And Sarai said to Abram: Thou dost unjustly with me: I gave my handmaid into thy bosom, and she perceiving herself to be with child, despiseth me.

  18. And said: God hath given me a reward, because I gave my handmaid to my husband.

  19. She clapped her hands, and as the Indian handmaid entered the room to escort the visitor to the door, Heideck had to leave her last remark unanswered.

  20. The dainty Indian handmaid of the lady received him and conducted him to the verandah.

  21. My Indian handmaid has been told by one of her countrymen to warn me of a danger that threatens me.

  22. In the matter of Sarai, Abraham's wife, giving her handmaid Hagar to Abraham as a second or inferior wife, because she had no children herself, it is not improbable that we have a record of what was a common custom at the time.

  23. If a man has caused to go forth from the gate either a slave of the palace, or a handmaid of the palace, or the slave of a poor man, or the handmaid of a poor man, he shall be killed.

  24. The good padre looked benignantly on the company about the fountain, and took his seat with some emphasis on a stone bench, while the handmaid hastened to bring him a glass of sparkling water.

  25. Having trimmed off his rough beard, his sunburnt face found favor in the eyes of the fair, and the demure handmaid of the governor declared that his squint was perfectly irresistible.

  26. The demure handmaid would have put in a word in favor of the prisoner, but the governor silenced her with a look.

  27. Therefore, if philosophy was to preserve the strongest reason for its existence, it had to remain the handmaid of theology.

  28. Bacon, it will be remembered, says again and again that all sciences must serve theology, and find their value from that service: the science of theology includes every science, and should use each as a handmaid for its own ends.

  29. The indisposition of the handmaid could not, and did not, escape the notice of her royal mistress.

  30. That the most single-hearted handmaid of the Holy Church, whose life was one long devotion to its ordinances, should survive in this grotesque myth, might serve to point a satire upon the vanity of earthly fame.

  31. In Parma alone Correggio challenges comparison with Raphael, with Tintoret, with all the supreme decorative painters who have deigned to make their art the handmaid of architecture.

  32. The golden ewer a beauteous handmaid brings, Replenish'd from the cool translucent springs, Whose polish'd vase with copious streams supplies A silver layer of capacious size.

  33. But to the queen with speed dispatchful bear, Our safe return, and back with speed repair; And let some handmaid of her train resort To good Laertes in his rural court.

  34. Then bread and wine a ready handmaid brings, And presents, such as suit the state of kings.

  35. Secondly, civilization and its handmaid agriculture are incompatible with the fur trade.

  36. The village he founded became an example of civilization among the Indians, as well as a handmaid to the Christian work done.

  37. They felt, perhaps, something of the raptures of the Blessed Virgin who is Mother and Wife and at the same time the beatified Handmaid of God.

  38. So he gave him in charge to a handmaid and a blackamoor; the girl dressed him his meals and the slave carried them to him.

  39. So the handmaid carried him the tray of food and set it before him and he ate his fill: after which he sat down and raised his charming voice and fell to reciting the chapter called Y.

  40. I was sitting one day whilst my handmaid here combed my hair.

  41. Then I took leave of her and she sent a handmaid to show me the way and open the house door; so I went forth and returned to my own place, where I prayed the morning prayer and slept.

  42. Replied her father, 'O Commander of the Faithful, she is thy handmaid and at thy commandment.

  43. And while they were sitting and sadly enough pondering their case, in came the Princess's handmaid and saluting Naomi said to her, "My lady biddeth thee to her banquet.

  44. He valued the older painters "because they had made painting the true handmaid of religion"; art was to him an object of devotion.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "handmaid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.