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Example sentences for "heydukes"

Lexicographically close words:
hexameters; hexapod; hexcuse; heyday; heyduke; heye; heyes; heynous; heyr; heyre
  1. The heydukes told us afterwards that when he got outside he rose up in the car and addressed the people.

  2. As it is one of my heydukes has sprained his hand.

  3. He gave each of the two heydukes who accompanied him in the felon's car, one on his right, the other on his left, a silver coin apiece.

  4. As however he had very long legs, and the wicked heydukes had lashed the stirrups up very high, he was obliged to squat upon the horse as if it had been a camel.

  5. I understand," replied Beldi, and immediately commanded his heydukes to admit no one into the vestibules; placed guards in front of the windows, and drew the curtains down to the ground.

  6. One of my heydukes will give you his, which you must mount at once.

  7. Two heydukes thereupon brought the huge picture in its bronzed frame into the room, and they leaned it up against the wall.

  8. First of all, however, the pastor had to go and pay his respects to the Starosta, and he appeared along with him in the banqueting-chamber when the heydukes threw open the folding-doors.

  9. On the box sat a coachman in the national costume, and a couple of heydukes clung on to the straps behind.

  10. Heinrich also was carried on men's shoulders to the carriage--only in his case it was not the cavaliers, but the heydukes who performed that office, and they placed him in the front seat face to face with Casimir.

  11. A couple of bustling heydukes brought forward a little three-legged table, covered with a fine linen cloth, and placed it behind the armchair of the Starosta.

  12. When at last Raby was freed from his chains, he could not stand, and had to be carried by two heydukes to a neighbouring cell, which was one of those he had formerly occupied.

  13. The gaoler and heydukes blundered out of the room, and the new arrival turned to look at his companion.

  14. And turning to the castellan, he cried, "Close the doors, and tell the heydukes to load their muskets at once.

  15. Then the carriers removed the lid of the receptacle and began to fill it from that of the well-bucket, taking care the while that the heydukes could not see there was anything else inside.

  16. The heydukes who accompanied him all seemed at his service.

  17. With her companions she had lain concealed in the forest near the inn, till the arrival of the Pesth heydukes warned her that the time for reprisals had come--with what results we have seen.

  18. And these, it appeared, were the two heydukes who had been commissioned to play this trick upon their unsuspecting victim.

  19. A whole gang of heydukes from Pesth is on your track.

  20. With much trouble the heydukes restored order, and the judge called on the court to be quiet.

  21. And some of the heydukes promptly drove out the women, while the rest looked after Raby.

  22. The third day they fell in with a party of armed heydukes who were searching for their charge.

  23. Without, stood half a dozen heydukes armed with swords and carbines and the town provost.

  24. The gaoler ordered four and twenty of us heydukes to disguise ourselves as Turks, then to break open the door of the prisoner's cell, and put on him a peasant girl's dress and escort him to Vienna in this disguise.

  25. On the death of his wife, he sent his daughter on foot to the neighbouring village to learn her alphabet from the cantor, and two heydukes accompanied her lest the dogs should worry her on the way.

  26. On the third day the heydukes and doorkeepers also migrated over in a body to Abellino, who began to be exasperated at so much flattery.

  27. True; but all the heydukes we have must be there too, either as Turks or Hungarians.

  28. Let the gipsy musicians strike up my tune as we march along; and let two heydukes hold my horse when I mount.

  29. The bearers of the torches were all heydukes wearing a peculiar uniform.

  30. With great difficulty the heydukes hoisted him into his carriage.

  31. First of all, the Nabob offered it to the heydukes one by one.

  32. The heydukes immediately took their master at his word.

  33. The heydukes speedily caught up the flasks, and began to fill up the gipsy's throat with half a bottle at a time to assist the downward progress of the worthy mouse.

  34. The heydukes brought in large candelabras, the clinking of glasses went on uninterruptedly.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heydukes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.