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Example sentences for "hoch"

Lexicographically close words:
hobo; hoboes; hobos; hobs; hoc; hock; hockey; hocks; hocussed; hodden
  1. Hoch and Amsden, for the examination of the personality of persons suspected of mental abnormality.

  2. Zwee Blatz sin do uf dare Bortsch, Die halt ich hoch in Acht, Bis meines Lebens Sonn versinkt In schtiller Dodtes-Nacht!

  3. Talk of the attachment of a Swiss or a Tyrolese to his native mountains--the dweller in Fleet Street or the Hoch Grasse will beat him hollow.

  4. Wedding takes place on the spot; bookkeeper restored to his office and emoluments; Paul Hoch led off to jail.

  5. Hoch placid and content, Gretchen weeping over her hard fate.

  6. Paul Hoch comes to old Huss and says, "I am at last as rich as you required--come and view the pile.

  7. Hoch Geehrter Herr,--"could you promise to yourself advantage from such associations as these?

  8. She did at last, bringing an Italian Prince with her, and a Hoch Geborene German Count also, who alleged they were travelling to study the country, but who were reputed to have had a duel already on the beautiful widow's account.

  9. Johann Hoch and sent by him to Mrs. Gunness to be murdered and buried.

  10. I feel great impulse to Hoch der Kaiser and to cheer for Germany and my German kin.

  11. Agricola says in his "Musica instrumentalis," regarding the height of pitch for the lute: "Zeuch die Quintsait so hoch du magst Das sie nicht reist wenn du sie schlagst.

  12. Ten years later he accepted a post at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, where he worked as member of the Quartet of the Museum Society, and as master at the Hoch Conservatoire.

  13. When the Conservatoire at Hoch was founded in 1878, the office of teacher of his instrument was entrusted to him, which post he now occupies.

  14. His signal to them was first a brief prayer; then a fervently uttered 'Hoch lebe Kaiser Franz!

  15. Gerold, situated on a little elevation below the Hoch Gerach, about seven miles on the east side of Feldkirch.

  16. He was quite willing, but the sergeant-major, in this instance, had the whole say and Hoch was not called upon for a long time to be my guardian.

  17. Three months ago, when you read them to the non-commissioned officers, Non-Commissioned Officer Hoch was out on his afternoon leave, was he not?

  18. He agreed that Hoch was a dutiful man as a rule.

  19. On the afternoon I now speak of we had just left the jail, when I proposed to Hoch that we walk through the streets in order that I might buy a few cigars.

  20. On this day, June 30, travelers who had permits to cross to England proceeded towards Hoch Van Holland, where we arrived at seven o’clock in the evening.

  21. The idea at once occurred to me of saving Hoch from punishment if it were possible.

  22. We waited four days for the outcome of this explanation, and during this time Hoch was in terrible fear.

  23. Hoch willingly acceded to my request and we entered Koenig street.

  24. And Hoch turned on his heels and disappeared.

  25. I explained to him that when the instructions concerning myself were read three months previously Non-Commissioned Officer Hoch was absent.

  26. In the month of August, 1917, however, Hoch was requested to accompany me on my promenade in the park.

  27. I expressed regret to see a fine fellow like Non-Commissioned Officer Hoch implicated in the matter.

  28. Of all the collectors or wardmen who figure in the evidence, Hoch enjoys the most conspicuous notoriety.

  29. It is not quite clear how it was that she got at cross purposes with the police, but one remark made by Hoch would seem to indicate the existence of an incipient jealousy between the police and Tammany Hall.

  30. He had ascended the Hoch Gall with two gentlemen in the August of the former year, and now recommended an attempt at the still virgin Wild Gall.

  31. These were rude but very picturesque log cabins, built in a clearing amongst a steep chaos of rocks, with the glaciers and the majestic peak of the Hoch Gall shining above all.

  32. Each verse has in reality four measures, the last measure being taken up by a pause: Es stand in al ten Zei ten | | ein Schloss so hoch und hehr.

  33. Sprich dankbar froh: Also, also Hat Gott die Welt in seinem Sohn geliebet: O wer bin ich, Herr, dass du mich So herrlich hoch in deinem Sohn geliebet?

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hoch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.