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Example sentences for "holyday"

Lexicographically close words:
holster; holstered; holsters; holts; holy; holydays; holye; holystone; holystoned; holystoning
  1. Stephens, that cost but a poore noble: for Adams holyday hose and doublet were of no better stuffe then plaine fig-leaues, and Eues best gowne of the same peece: there went but a paire of sheeres betweene them.

  2. Is it a mortal sin not to hear Mass on a Sunday or a holyday of obligation?

  3. It is a mortal sin not to hear Mass on a Sunday or a holyday of obligation unless we are excused for a serious reason.

  4. But, by good St. Valentine, whose holyday will dawn tomorrow, I am so glad to see thee in the bonny city of Perth again that it would be hard to tell the thing I could refuse thee.

  5. And when the clamor of triumph shall have ceased, and a grateful people sit down to think, in their hours of evening or of holyday ease, of the past, they will remember the thrilling songs of their poet, and pay him a long and grateful homage.

  6. Those few acquaintances of theirs, which they could reckon on being kind to me in the great city, after a little forced notice, which they had the grace to take of me on my first arrival in town, soon grew tired of my holyday visits.

  7. Fortune iz no holyday goddess she don't simper amung arkadian scenes, she dwells in rugged places, and yu kant wear her favors without winning them.

  8. Fastidiousness, az a general thing iz a holyday virtew, and i hav frequently notissed that thoze individuals who are alwus afrade they shal cum akrost sumthing hily improper, are generally looking for it.

  9. This day, true holyday to me, Shall banish care: I will not fear Rude broils or bloody death to see, While Caesar's here.

  10. Mowbray talks of coming down this way toward the end of August: but had not, when he last wrote, fixed on his Holyday place.

  11. That was our first sea-side experiment, and many circumstances combined to make it the most agreeable holyday of my life.

  12. The practiced knights from Palestine made holyday sport of carving the awkward men-at-arms into chops and steaks.

  13. After some time he rode over to see how all went on, choosing a festival day, that he might meet them in their holyday gayety.

  14. They were in their holyday clothes, and had been singing and dancing.

  15. The spirits of my companions and myself were in a holyday dance while we were receiving our first impressions; and New-York always afterward bore an air of gayety to me from the association of the early pleasures of foreign travel.

  16. Tis useless to speak of the griefs of society-- They overtake us in passing along; And public misfortunes, in all their variety, Need not be told in a holyday song.

  17. The poor fly, That makes short holyday in the sun beam, And dies by some child's hand.

  18. Rather myself had stood In that ignoble wood, Bare to the mob, on holyday or high day.

  19. Our holyday has been simply a friendly sign of the survival of the love of letters among a people too busy to give to letters any more.

  20. Their zeal about their occupations appears remarkable to those who do not reflect that holyday is no pleasure to the blind, and idleness a real punishment, as it is the one thing of which they have had too much all their lives.

  21. Holyday quaintly says no patron cared "What the orchestra cost raised for chief friends, And chairs recarried when the reading ends.

  22. Effeminate wretches, who, as Holyday says, like women, are afraid of touching their heads with more than a finger, for fear of discomposing their curls.

  23. Holyday gives the following account of the origin of this custom.

  24. Holyday quotes from Brodæus the price given to Terence for his Eunuchus, viz.

  25. Holyday explains this by "chess-board," from the resemblance of the squares to the tesselated pavements.

  26. Holyday has a most elaborate explanation of the method.

  27. Holyday and Ruperti interpret it, "Do not waste your little remnant in an unprofitable journey to Rome to accuse your plunderer.

  28. Nor is the church forgotten amid the gathering of holyday array, for that, too, must be robed in beauty.

  29. The holyday robes are chosen, and the presents selected which shall bring joy to so many hearts.

  30. The troublous aspect of the times had of late somewhat altered the character of these meetings; and the two holyday hours were now for the most part, if not entirely, consumed in grave and anxious consultations on public affairs.

  31. Her shrine in Rome is most magnificent and rich: and her festival is kept as a holyday in the city, with great solemnity.

  32. Her festival is a holyday at Louvain, and throughout the duchy of Brabant.

  33. Her principal festival at Mans is kept a holyday on the 11th of July, the day of the translation of her relics.

  34. It was formerly a holyday for the women in England, as appears from the council of Worcester, held in the year 1240.

  35. The Greeks keep his feast a holyday on the day of his death, the 20th of December.

  36. It being a holyday we met crowds of well dressed citizens, in all sorts of vehicles, driving towards it.

  37. The Congressman then returned to America, while Mr. Goldhaar was left as executive secretary pro tem of the Paris office and Rabbis Kohn and Enelow conducted holyday services at different points.

  38. I dropped in at Tours for a day to arrange for the holyday services; the local committee of soldiers saw that special meals were provided for the Jewish men; and the bills were paid by the Jewish Welfare Board.

  39. In the 42nd Division, to cite only one more example, some of the boys came together and held holyday services during the actual campaign, and afterward instituted their own hospital visiting.

  40. It is a mortal sin not to hear Mass on a Sunday or a holyday of obligation, unless we are excused for a serious reason.

  41. He who eats meat twice on a Friday or other abstinence day commits two sins, just as he who works twice on a Sunday or holyday commits two sins.

  42. Example: It is speculatively certain that farm work on a holyday is a forbidden kind of work, and that clerics are obliged to say the Divine Office.

  43. Examples: In the diocese of X a minor feast was made a holyday of obligation.

  44. Thus, if one is travelling on a feast-day that is a diocesan holyday in one's home diocese, but not in the diocese where one is, one is not obliged to hear Mass.

  45. Examples: He who hears Mass on a holyday not intending to perform his duty, as he does not know that it is a holyday, has satisfied the law.

  46. His life was one long holyday of fun and frolick.

  47. It was a day of days--not a cloud to alarm even the most fearful, and holyday dresses were donned without the slightest dread lest they should be spoiled.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "holyday" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.