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Example sentences for "homozygous"

Lexicographically close words:
homophone; homophones; homosexual; homosexuality; homosexuals; homunculus; homward; hon; honah; hond
  1. Antirrhinum studied by Baur, and the homozygous yellow mice).

  2. Moreover in respect of this pigment-restricting factor which we may call D, the sexes of the Brown Leghorn differ, for the male is homozygous or DD, but the female is heterozygous, Dd.

  3. Nevertheless there is practically no doubt that this is merely an imperfection in the dominance of the smooth edge, and we may feel sure that any plant homozygous for smooth edge would show no wave at all.

  4. But it may be that normal persons are homozygous in respect of some factor N, which prevents the appearance of brachydactyly, and that in any one heterozygous, Nn, for this inhibiting factor, brachydactyly can appear.

  5. If the given factor is brought in by one gamete only, the resulting heterozygote may be more or less intermediate between the homozygous form with a double dose of the factor and the homozygous form which is entirely destitute of the factor.

  6. In this way alone does it seem possible to explain the deficiency of yellows and the absence of homozygous ones in the families arising from the mating of yellows together.

  7. For a woman cannot be colour-blind unless she is homozygous for the colour-blind factor, in which case all her children must get a single dose of it even if she marries a normal male.

  8. In the simple case where the homozygous and heterozygous conditions are indistinguishable in appearance the number of possible forms is 2, raised to the power of the number of factors concerned.

  9. The heterozygous tall pea or the heterozygous rose-combed fowl cannot be distinguished from the homozygous form by mere inspection, however close.

  10. In other words, it must be a homozygous black mouse or rabbit, ggCCBB.

  11. An individual may be homozygous for one or more characters, and at the same time may be heterozygous for others.

  12. Yellow in the mouse is dominant to agouti, but hitherto a homozygous yellow has never been met with.

  13. Since AABB is homozygous for both A and B, all the gametes which it produces must contain both of these factors, and such a plant must therefore breed true to the red colour.

  14. Both sexes are homozygous for the male element, and the difference between them is due to the presence or absence of the female element F.

  15. We know that bay is dominant to chestnut, and that if a homozygous bay stallion is used a bay foal must result.

  16. None of his offspring, therefore, can be fully pigmented, for this condition only occurs in the absence of the inhibitor factor among zygotes which are either homozygous or heterozygous for P.

  17. If we denote the presence of the normal factor by N and its absence or recessive by n, then the male is Nn, while the female is homozygous or NN.

  18. This was supposed to support the view that the male is homozygous in sex, the female heterozygous in Vertebrates: that is to say, the female sex-character and the female secondary sex-characters are entirely wanting in the male.

  19. When two such gametes unite in fertilisation the resulting organism will be a homozygous recessive, and the corresponding character will be absent.

  20. Rubricalyx is therefore a dominant heterozygote, and this fact was further confirmed in the third generation when a selfed plant gave 200 offspring all rubricalyx, the mother plant having evidently been homozygous for the red character.

  21. This is the same difficulty which I pointed out above in connection with the Mendelian theory that the female was heterozygous and the male homozygous for sex.

  22. Accurate work with the club character was made possible by the discovery of a character that is a constant index of the presence of homozygous club.

  23. As the cultures dry out the abnormal males are the first to change over to normal, then the heterozygous females, and lastly the homozygous females.

  24. Thus stock homozygous for sable but still containing black as an impurity was obtained.

  25. The evidence from the history of the stock, together with these experiments, shows that the character resembles club (wing) in that it is not expressed somatically in all the flies which are homozygous for it.

  26. It must be supposed that the character depending upon the given factor shews complete dominance, so that there is no visible distinction between the homozygous and the heterozygous forms.

  27. In a population in equilibrium consisting of homozygous dominants, heterozygous dominants and recessives the last named class comprises 2.

  28. The three sets of figures in the left-hand column indicate different positions of equilibrium in a population consisting of homozygous dominants, heterozygous dominants, and recessives.

  29. M] (2) on the other hand is homozygous for the factor X, and consequently all of his germ cells contain it.

  30. There is no difference in appearance between the heterozygous and the homozygous mimetic insects, whether they belong to the A or to the H form.

  31. If the favoured variety is dominant it must be borne in mind that it can be either homozygous or heterozygous--that for these purposes it is represented in the left-hand column by the hybrids as well as by the homozygous dominant.

  32. Or to use the adjective forms, a pure black guinea-pig is homozygous for black pigment, an albino guinea-pig is homozygous for absence of pigment, while a cross between the two is heterozygous for pigment.

  33. Either of these factors when present alone, whether in homozygous or heterozygous form, causes about the same degree of low fecundity to be manifested.

  34. All the rabbits are homozygous for the black factor +B+.

  35. Insular populations develop a homozygous condition with resultant disappearance of secondary biotypes.

  36. The homozygous condition will tend toward a generalized genotype and the disappearance of secondary biotypes.

  37. Since not only offspring homozygous in W, but also all male heterozygotes, are white and many female heterozygotes are late in revealing any pigment, it is necessary to consider together individuals homozygous and heterozygous in W.

  38. If we assume the Cochin to be homozygous in boot (RR) and the Silkie to be heterozygous in boot, then we can interpret the high mode as extracted recessives, the median mode as heterozygotes.

  39. Two results are evident: first, each character in the heterozygous condition is reduced, and, second, each is much more variable than in the homozygous condition.

  40. This result suggests the interpretation that one of the parents, probably the male, contains both heterozygous black and barring, while the other parent lacks the supermelanic coat and has homozygous barring.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homozygous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.