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Example sentences for "hurtfull"

Lexicographically close words:
hurt; hurte; hurted; hurteth; hurtful; hurtfulness; hurting; hurtle; hurtled; hurtles
  1. The same will be sung in doleful tunes vpon sweete instruments of musicke, manifesting the force of hurtfull loue.

  2. Those of cane do split and pierce a coate of maile, and are more hurtfull then the other.

  3. And albeit I will not place my selfe in the ranke of great and renowmed Captaines, such as liued in times passed, yet we may iudge by their examples, how hurtfull backbiters haue beene vnto commonwealths.

  4. For whereas in wars nothing can be more expedient than to haue one head, by whose appointment all things may be gouerned: so nothing can be more hurtfull than to haue manie rulers, by whose authoritie things shall passe and be ordered.

  5. We haue therefore no hurtfull waters amongst vs, but all wholesome and profitable for the benefit of the people.

  6. It hath beene of long time a question in controuersie, and not yet determined, whether holds and castels neere cities or anie where in the hart of common-wealths, are more profitable or hurtfull for the benefit of the countrie?

  7. Other pernicious beasts we haue not, except you repute the great plentie of red & fallow deere, whose colours are oft garled white and blacke, all white or all blacke, and store of conies amongst the hurtfull sort.

  8. Of these hurtfull and perillous mutations (O noble Pompeius) thy Romane City may be a most cleare glasse and Spectacle, and a multitude of thy noble Citizens in tyme past and present, may geeue plentifull witnesse.

  9. Which doth their miseries declare And argues plainly that their wants More hurtfull are then outward Crosses Infirmities, Reproach, or Losses.

  10. Vnder some hurtfull Plannet I was born That will (I think) my Confusion be, And there are many wickeder then I Who never knew the like adversity.

  11. God is a Rock first in respect He shadows his from hurtfull heat, Then in regard he doth protect His servants still from dangers great And so their enimies defeat.

  12. Of the evills, and such things as are hurtfull in the Plantation.

  13. There is nothing more hurtfull for young trees then piercing drought.

  14. For be your ground, site, plants, and trees as you would wish, if they be wasted with hurtfull things, what haue you gained but your labour for your trauell?

  15. But let them know it is more hurtfull to their trees then the benefit they reape therby: as not suffering a tree to liue the tenth part of his age.

  16. If you sticke some sharpe thornes at the roots of your stakes, they will make hurtfull things keepe off the better.

  17. I know no excesse more hurtfull for me, nor more to be avoided by me, in this declining age.

  18. Mrs Asquith's Autobiography, and just as delightful: of both it might with equal truth be said: "It is only hurtfull unto fooles.

  19. We haue not yet found any venomous Serpent or other hurtfull thing in these parts, but there is a kind of small flie or gnat that stingeth and offendeth sorely, leauing many red spots in the face, and other places where she stingeth.

  20. The other sort is greater then the first aforesayd, with a long bone made sharpe on both sides not much vnlike a Rapier, which I take to bee their most hurtfull weapon.

  21. The second he esteemed both shamefull to his reputation, and hurtfull to the state of his affaires.

  22. Nothing was more hurtfull to the English, being of a franke and noble spirit, then that their violent inclination caried them too fast into hope of victory.

  23. Contrariwise, euill angels are hurtfull and enemies vnto men, they followe them euery where, to the ende they may withdrawe them from true worshipping of God, and from faith in his onely sonne Iesu Christ, vnto sundry other things.

  24. Other say, that Lemures are euil and hurtfull shapes which appeare in the night, yea and that they be the soules of those that make men black and blew, called after that name.

  25. For his Maximes and Tenents are condemnd of all, as pernicious to all Christian States, and hurtfull to all humane Societies.

  26. And when both the Princes and the servants are thus disposed, they may rely the one upon the other: when otherwise, the end will ever prove hurtfull for the one as well as for the other.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hurtfull" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.