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Example sentences for "iconoclastic"

Lexicographically close words:
ick; ickle; icon; iconic; iconoclasm; iconoclasts; iconographic; iconographie; iconography; iconostasis
  1. He died in 839 in secure possession of his see, and with his Iconoclastic belief unshaken.

  2. The great Iconoclastic reform, which arose in the East, undoubtedly received its originating impulse from the Moslems.

  3. It was he who began the attack upon the ancient custom of the Eastern churches which gave rise to the long and bitter iconoclastic controversy.

  4. The historians, being ecclesiastics, resented his attempt to assert the most extreme claims of the iconoclastic emperors to rule the Church, and the people despised him for his treachery and his failures in war.

  5. Theodosia was the first martyr, under Leo the Isaurian, of the iconoclastic persecutions, and her name was held in special veneration by the ladies of Constantinople.

  6. Constantinople became the centre of a new study of literature, which had decayed since the iconoclastic emperors set themselves to destroy culture and Leo III.

  7. Constantine Copronymus was far more eager than his father to push the iconoclastic campaign.

  8. Now and again an iconoclastic spirit revealed itself in opposition to the growing use, not only of the crucifix but of images of saints and patriarchs, but it made no headway in the west.

  9. The directing force in this iconoclastic movement was evidently Genevan, and it would appear to have been Genevan only, for it is well known that the Lutheran Churches of Germany retain the Crucifix above the altar.

  10. Amongst the few crucifixes in the east which survived the destruction consequent first on the iconoclastic persecution, and then their final condemnation, is one that is probably the oldest in the world.

  11. As usual, a long period of neglect and decay was followed by iconoclastic cleaning and setting in order.

  12. Sidenote: 1525] Iconoclastic outbreaks occurred in which crucifixes were desecrated.

  13. Sidenote: War on relics] An iconoclastic war was now begun not, as in other countries, by the mob, but by the government.

  14. They went rather to the opposite extreme, to the cultivation of a rigid and iconoclastic literalness.

  15. Indeed, the iconoclastic teacher spoke with open disparagement of these revered masters, and openly upbraided his fellow-practitioners for following their tenets.

  16. That Kepler dared dispute so firmly fixed a belief, and one that seemingly had so sound a philosophical basis, evidenced the iconoclastic nature of his genius.

  17. Pre-Reformation churches had several wooden images of saints, most of which were destroyed by the iconoclastic zeal of the Reformers or Puritans.

  18. Some were covered up and concealed by plaster, in order to preserve them from iconoclastic violence.

  19. In spite of their abhorrence of the iconoclastic Leo and his successors, the popes did not give up all hope that the emperors might aid them in keeping the Lombards out of Rome.

  20. Sidenote: Controversy over the veneration of images and pictures,--the so-called iconoclastic controversy.

  21. This iconoclastic or critical phase of his economic discussion is now past, and with it the uncertainty as to the trend and outcome of his scientific activity.

  22. The incessant neologisms of the national speech sweep the whole country almost instantly, and the iconoclastic changes which its popular spoken form are undergoing show themselves from coast to coast.

  23. The iconoclasm in literature in our time is objective rather than subjective; and attention to the spirit of the age will give a practical comprehension of this iconoclastic spirit.

  24. If such is the spirit of the age, and if literature be colored with the light of the century which produces it, shall we wonder if the nineteenth-century literature is distinctively an iconoclastic one?

  25. Two incidental results of the iconoclastic movement must be noticed, the one of less, the other of more importance.

  26. The iconoclastic movement is perhaps the most dramatic episode in Byzantine history, and the above outline of its external events must be completed by an appreciation of its deeper historical and religious significance and results.

  27. The fury of the West against the iconoclastic emperors was such that the whole of Italy clamoured for war.

  28. In the crusading epoch the Cathars and Paulicians carried all over Europe the old iconoclastic spirit, and perhaps helped to transmit it to Wycliffe and Hus.

  29. The plow, the hoe and the spade, those iconoclastic weapons of civilization, are fast effacing them from the surface of the country.

  30. To this day may be seen traces of their efforts in this direction, in stately avenues of venerable trees, which the iconoclastic hand of modern progress has considerately spared.

  31. Bigotry has quailed beneath the ringing blows of your iconoclastic hammer, dogmatism become more humble and the priesthood well-nigh forgotten to prate of a hell of fire in which the souls of unbaptized babes forever burn.

  32. We have cast behind us the myths and miracles, proven the absurdity of our ancestors' most cherished traditions and brought their idols beneath the iconoclastic hammer.

  33. As to Kopronymus, the Iconoclastic heresy was the furious passion of his whole life.

  34. Isaurian, convulsed the Church with the Iconoclastic tragedy, 299.

  35. Thus from 726, the beginning of the Iconoclastic heresy and tyranny of the emperors Leo III.

  36. It is said that he had been seen in the French church hewing at the 136 altar and images with the axe that he had brought for that purpose; and perhaps this iconoclastic performance had eased the high pressure of his zeal.

  37. Mr. Mimram Stoot, who accompanied himself on the sarrusophone, endorsed the iconoclastic views of his sister.

  38. A figure of the Christ over his own palace fell the first victim to his iconoclastic destruction.

  39. Isaurian) promulgated his iconoclastic edict in the Eastern Empire.

  40. We are also aware of the troubles excited by the seditious speeches of Arnauld of Brescia, the iconoclastic fanaticism of Pierre de Bruis and Henri.

  41. The Iconoclastic controversy in the Eastern church, which called forth the Seventh Ecumenical Council at Nice in 787, whose decrees were favorable to images in the churches.

  42. Zen is more iconoclastic than any of the Christian or the Mohammedan denominations in the sense that it opposes the acceptance of the petrified idea of Deity, so conventional and formal that it carries no inner conviction of the believers.

  43. Zen is not, nevertheless, iconoclastic in the commonly accepted sense of the term, nor is it idolatrous, as Christian missionaries are apt to suppose.

  44. It is said that he had been seen in the French church hewing at the altar and images with the axe that he had brought for that purpose; and perhaps this iconoclastic performance had eased the high pressure of his zeal.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "iconoclastic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.