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Example sentences for "inaptitude"

Lexicographically close words:
inappreciable; inappropriate; inappropriately; inappropriateness; inapt; inaptly; inarched; inarching; inarticulate; inarticulately
  1. Here we have again to deal with a form of that inaptitude for attention, well known to us, which is a peculiarity of the degenerate subject.

  2. I call this part of your pamphlet "strange," because it displays such singular inaptitude to appreciate the force of Evidence.

  3. But, in truth, considerable familiarity with these pursuits may easily co-exist with a natural inaptitude for their successful cultivation, which shall prove simply fatal.

  4. This is sufficiently shown by the frequent inaptitude for the art of love, and even for the mere physical act of love, so frequently manifested both by men and women in the very countries where flirtation most flourishes.

  5. To some, a most striking incidental proof of his inaptitude for the ordinary layman's life, is found in the subjoined extract from the memoranda.

  6. Besides the general malaise, he experiences no little despondency, inaptitude for exertion, and indeed actual weakness.

  7. There is languor, with depression of spirits, mental weariness, and inaptitude for work of any kind.

  8. An inaptitude for exertion, especially for mental labor, forces the boy to give up school and college life.

  9. But, on the other hypothesis, of space being objective, it is impossible to guess whence we are to draw our proof of the alleged inaptitude in two straight lines for enclosing a space.

  10. Our survey of the psychical characteristics of criminals showed that they constantly reproduce the features of savage character--want of forethought, inaptitude for sustained labour, love of orgy, etc.

  11. The chief indications he had found in the childhood of criminals were inaptitude to education, resistance to family order, and the revolt against social conventions.

  12. Among adult criminals one found in childhood the same characters of inaptitude and resistance.

  13. The inaptitude for the plastic art strikingly diminishes, as soon as the German, not the Celtic element, preponderates in the race.

  14. The Welsh, too, share, it seems to me, with their Saxon invaders, an inaptitude for show and spectacle.

  15. Experience has demonstrated to us our inaptitude as financiers.

  16. He was generally esteemed on account of his learning, but his family suffered from his inaptitude for business, which was for us a question of life.

  17. Excuses for the intellectual inaptitude and perversion of uncultivated religious minds.

  18. Fatal effect of their want of mental discipline as causing an inaptitude to receive religious information.

  19. The special view in which we wish to place it, is that of the inaptitude of uncultivated minds for receiving religious instruction.

  20. For we may appeal to those pious and benevolent persons who have made the most numerous trials, for testimony to the inaptitude of uneducated people to receive that kind of instruction.

  21. This lay in a monstrous inaptitude for turning round.

  22. I did not recognize in him inferiority of literary taste half so distinctly as I did simplicity of character and fearless acknowledgment of his inaptitude for scholarship.

  23. A brown sunburnt gentleman, who appears in some inaptitude for sleep to be wandering abroad rather than counting the hours on a restless pillow, strolls hitherward at this quiet time.

  24. Inaptitude and ineptitude have been usefully despecificated.

  25. He had, to begin with, a French inaptitude for apprehending poetry at all: any poetry, that is, which transcends manners and the interests of social life.

  26. We find a class of persons who labour under an obvious natural inaptitude for whatever they aspire to.

  27. But in general there was not that division in the labours of the mind and body among the Greeks and Romans that has been introduced among us either by the progress of civilisation or by a greater slowness and inaptitude of parts.

  28. If a critical ear might cavil at the incompleteness or inaptitude of his similes, to the warm imagination and excited fancy of the Irish peasant they had no such blemishes.

  29. I see that he cannot conceal his joy at the inaptitude of my avowal.

  30. Then I take it that his inexperience and inaptitude can do the company no harm?

  31. Troublesome as these nuisances are, there is such an inaptitude to new plans, that they might go on for ever, if an interference should not come in from some external quarter.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inaptitude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnormality; anomaly; futility; impropriety; inability; inadequacy; inappropriateness; inaptitude; incapability; incapacity; incompetence; incongruity; inconvenience; ineffectiveness; inefficiency; ineptitude; infelicity; irrelevance; maladjustment; mediocrity; thoughtlessness; unsuitability; uselessness