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Example sentences for "inferential"

Lexicographically close words:
infeliz; infer; inferable; inference; inferences; inferentially; inferior; inferiore; inferiores; inferiori
  1. Phenalgin,[134] twin brother to the Antikamnia fraud, shouts its inferential falsehoods in a half-page display.

  2. In analytic observation, it is a positive object to strip off all inferential meaning so far as may be--to reduce the facts as nearly as may be to derationalized data, in order to make possible a new and better rationalization.

  3. The perception of our own locomotion, which is likewise a highly inferential process, offers illustrations of casual illusion and of artificial deception.

  4. This is due, not to the mere sense-impressions that the organ furnishes, but to the perception and coördination of these by inferential processes of a more complex nature.

  5. Sims himself, however, was recalled by former residents near Raymond; and there seemed at least much inferential proof in favor of the notes.

  6. Only the finished products of such activities, not the activities themselves, can be presented to consciousness; and only by general reasoning, inferential of agencies that lie outside the conscious field, can we hope to determine them.

  7. They confound appearances in space with things in themselves, and therefore assert that our knowledge of their existence is inferential and consequently uncertain.

  8. Not passive contemplation but active judgment, not mere conception but inferential interpretation, is the fundamental form, and the only form, in which our consciousness exists.

  9. If you and Michael Fitzpatrick had been the typical coroner's jury, Mr. Bromley, you couldn't have been more easily satisfied with purely inferential evidence.

  10. The two surviving trainmen, questioned separately by me within the past week, both say that there were at least inferential proofs of pulled spikes and a loosened rail.

  11. A doubting state of mind was the necessary psychological prerequisite for such an inferential system.

  12. Were there no stone not yet sculptured and built into walls, no sentiment not yet perfectly uttered in poetry, no distance or oblivion yet to be abolished by motion or inferential thought, activity of all sorts would have lost its occasion.

  13. In our groping and inferential thought one part may become a ground for expecting or supposing the other.

  14. Inferential thought is a venture not to be approved of, save by a thought no less venturesome and inferential.

  15. It may busily concern itself with the differentiation of various types and forms of thought--different modes of conceiving, various conformations of judgment, various types of inferential reasoning.

  16. This instigation to behave toward the remote in space or time is the primary trait of the inferential act; descriptively speaking, the act consists in taking up an attitude of response to an absent thing as if it were present.

  17. And since every such inference tries to terminate in a further perception (as its test of validity), the value of inferential knowing depends on perception.

  18. In view of the assumption, shared by Mr. Russell, that there is such a thing as non-inferential knowledge, the conception that a thing offers evidence for itself needs analysis.

  19. These considerations suggest that before we can intelligently raise the question of the truth of ideas we must consider their status in judgment, judgment being regarded as the typical expression of the inferential operation.

  20. It is ready to be interpreted and diversified by suitable minor premisses in all inferential applications.

  21. But what then are those inferential marks which, as you say, fully prove that the Vedânta-texts aim at setting forth the nature of the individual soul?

  22. That which the text refers to is an inferential mark--thus.

  23. From the inferential mark supplied by the reflection of them.

  24. If, on the other hand, it be held to have a real content, then it follows that no cognition is devoid of such content; for all of them are alike cognitions, just like the inferential cognition.

  25. On account of the inferential sign further on, together with Kaitraratha.

  26. But better than that is the other also on account of an inferential mark.

  27. On account of the going and of the word; for thus it is seen; and (there is) an inferential sign.

  28. The Sûtras proceed to dispose of the so-called inferential marks.

  29. But I have very positive inferential knowledge based upon these four facts.

  30. That fact with the others gives strong inferential knowledge regarding the man.

  31. Pierre Jarrett has a car of that sort, so they included the inferential idea of Pierre Jarrett's ownership of the car so described.

  32. There had been one or two inclusions of inferential matter in the guise of description, but that was to be looked for and discounted.

  33. The difficulty of preserving the effect of the Greek is increased by the want of adversative and inferential particles in English, and by the nice sense of tautology which characterizes all modern languages.

  34. In Begruendung the inferential feature is the more prominent, while in Bestaetigung the main emphasis is on the experiential aspect.

  35. It is much more than an inferential act, but it is distinct from an act of certitude.

  36. Again; sometimes assent fails, while the reasons for it and the inferential act which is the recognition of those reasons, are still present, and in force.

  37. So much is it commonly felt that assent must be preceded by inferential acts, that obstinate men give their own will as their very reason for assenting, if they can think of nothing better; "stat pro ratione voluntas.

  38. First, we know from experience that assents may endure without the presence of the inferential acts upon which they were originally elicited.

  39. While psychology is concerned with the natural history of reasoning, logic is concerned with the warrants of inferential reasoning.

  40. Further, metaphysics is concerned with the unification of the totality of knowledge in the form of a scientific cosmology; logic is concerned merely with the inferential and methodological processes whereby this result is reached.

  41. In other words, our presuppositions and inferential knowledge depend only upon those innumerable repetitions of events from which we postulate that the event recurred in the place in question.

  42. By that time it has been buried too deep in the heap of our inferential system to be discoverable.

  43. Another danger lies in the testimony of witnesses who have a certain sense of form in representation and whose inferential leaps consists in their omitting the detailed expression and in inserting the notion of form instead.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inferential" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    allusive; analytic; analytical; categorical; circumstantial; conditional; constructive; deductive; dialectical; discursive; hypothetical; implicit; indicative; inductive; inferential; insinuating; ironic; logical; suggestive