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Example sentences for "indicative"

Lexicographically close words:
indicated; indicates; indicating; indication; indications; indicator; indicators; indicatory; indice; indices
  1. A not uncommon use of the imperfect indicative in the sense of the conditional.

  2. The use of the article is here indicative of familiarity.

  3. Ce n'est pas que in the sense of après tout may introduce either the indicative or the subjunctive with ne.

  4. Either mode is here correct, the indicative expressing greater positiveness, and the subjunctive more doubt, in the supposition.

  5. Several obelisks remain in the vicinity of Aberdeen, Dundee and Perth, upon which appear devices strongly indicative of Ophiolatreia.

  6. Deane further mentions that the serpent is sometimes found sculptured, and attached to the breasts of mummies; but whether with a view to talismanic security, or as indicative of the priesthood of Isis, is doubtful.

  7. We looked over the broad panorama to see villages, church-spires, white cottages, or the blue curling smoke indicative of a town or human residence, but the expanse was primitive and unbroken.

  8. His slouched hat was tipped back upon his head, showing a countenance indicative of intelligence.

  9. The use of the second person singular, indicative of familiarity in most European languages, has not been retained in this translation.

  10. When the vial is full, some signs are at times observed indicative of a liquefaction, chiefly a wave-like motion when the vial is moved.

  11. And although a considerable number joined in it, it was in a tone indicative more of compulsion and fear than of goodwill.

  12. Sir John saluted him with much politeness and ease, whilst Drost Peter observed merely needful courtesies; the demeanour of the other counsellors being indicative more of fear than of goodwill.

  13. It was Jarl Mindre-Alf's daughter, the brave Kirstine, who thus spoke, while she cast on her husband a look indicative of anything but affection.

  14. The fact is that there is a process of degeneration going on throughout the entire structure of the man, even to the last tissue, and the symptoms are all indicative of this; and this is more or less strictly true of all disorders.

  15. The limestone cliffs, which here approached within ten or twelve feet of one another, were marked with horizontal undulating grooves, perhaps indicative of the former existence of a glacier in this spot.

  16. As a specimen of typography, it is of a superior character; and the plates are indicative of no small degree of artistic skill as well as science.

  17. At first, the hill-sides were rounded and covered with vegetation, but very soon the road became rocky, and was covered as yesterday with enormous boulders, evidently indicative of a former glacier.

  18. Other events indicative of insolvency are sometimes added in which payment is to be accelerated.

  19. His very anomalous position in regard to Mist is also indicative of a rather blunt moral perception.

  20. Nothing, to the observant, is more indicative of a man's character and circumstances than his way of entering a room.

  21. Don't misunderstand me, dear child; don't for a moment imagine that I take it to be in anyway indicative of the contents of the book.

  22. Expressions relating to the highest form of love, "that which embraces all men and all beings" are derived from a root indicative of "what gives joy.

  23. They have no words or expressions in their language indicative of affection or love.

  24. Its shape, indeed, but for a want of size in the feet and a somewhat exaggerated length of tail, is very symmetrical, and indicative of fine flying powers.

  25. Your attitude, as you stroll about, is indicative of no sinister design.

  26. Lord Lilford considered that it was not so fast as the Greenlander, and its shape is certainly not so indicative either of speed or of strength.

  27. It was a distinguished appointment, characteristic of Mayor Seasongood's primary emphasis on the welfare of the city, and indicative of the confidence placed by intellectual and civic leaders in Mr. Nelson's judgment and ability.

  28. It struck me indeed as singularly indicative of the keen, lively, penetrating talents of the original.

  29. Van Praet must be now approaching his sixtieth year; but his age sits bravely upon him--for his step is rapid and firm, and his physiognomical expression indicative of a much less protracted period of existence.

  30. Even in numbers he is true to the high-flown conceits of the condoreiro school; the raising of Napoleon’s forty to the young Brazilian’s thousand is indicative of the febrile passion that flamed in all his work.

  31. At noon they were slaughtered at a spot so distant from the house that no sound indicative of the deed reached our ears.

  32. It was in the year 1858 that the first symptoms indicative of the work to which James Stephens had set himself made their appearance in the extreme south-west of Ireland.

  33. The frequency with which Muhammad feels it necessary to rebut this charge by mere denial is strongly indicative of its truth.

  34. This verse is very indicative of a late Meccan origin.

  35. Where woman, as indicative of sex, is intended, say woman--not lady or female.

  36. Due should be limited in its use to that which has to be paid, the word owing being indicative of the source of the existing condition.

  37. Although both words imply a celerity of action, the former presupposes consideration and is not opposed to good order, whereas the latter is indicative of perturbation and a measure of irregularity.

  38. It is no more surely indicative of the latter than is the laugh of a parrot.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "indicative" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; admissible; allegorical; allusive; authentic; certain; circumstantial; conclusive; connotative; convincing; cumulative; damning; decisive; demonstrative; denotative; determinative; diagnostic; documentary; documented; eloquent; evidential; expressive; extended; eyewitness; factual; figurative; final; firsthand; forewarning; hearsay; ideographic; idiosyncratic; imperative; implicit; incontrovertible; indicating; indicative; indisputable; individual; inferential; insinuating; intelligible; interpretable; intuitive; ironic; irrefutable; irresistible; material; meaningful; meaty; metaphorical; mode; monitory; mood; naming; ominous; overwhelming; peculiar; permissive; pithy; pointed; potential; precursory; predictive; pregnant; premonitory; presumptive; prognostic; readable; reliable; representative; semantic; sententious; showing; signalizing; significant; substantial; suggestive; sure; symbolic; symbolical; symptomatic; telling; true; typical; valid; warning; weighty