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Example sentences for "meaningful"

Lexicographically close words:
meanest; meaneth; meanin; meaning; meaninge; meaningless; meaninglessness; meaningly; meanings; meanly
  1. One may be good at organizing meaningful material but poor at remembering mere words.

  2. Moreover, constant political turmoil and the continued dominance by former Communist officials have impeded the introduction of meaningful economic reforms.

  3. While meaningful economic figures are difficult to come by, Zaire's hyperinflation, chronic large government deficits, and plunging mineral production have made the country one of the world's poorest.

  4. The therapist tries to bring about meaningful emotional interchange, create an atmosphere of trust and rapport, and reduce the feeling that family members are threatened.

  5. You will probably feel more real, meaningful satisfaction with your life, since you are no longer imprisoned by uptight standards of judgment.

  6. Reflectiveness Do you often find yourself thinking about your feelings, about the purpose of life, and about whether yours has a meaningful direction?

  7. We hope this experience will be meaningful to you all personally, quite apart from the fact that you will be learning how to conduct a retreat yourselves after you return home.

  8. We saw ourselves as equal participants with the others, and facilitators of a process which started well with frank, meaningful conversation.

  9. To-day the art was ravishingly companionable with her sweet-lighted face: too sweet, too vividly meaningful for pretty, if not of the strict severity for beautiful.

  10. But it is nevertheless true that in some recent curtain-raisers the compact swiftness and meaningful effect of the playlet form has become more apparent--they differ from the vaudeville playlet less in form than in legitimate feeling.

  11. It could nevertheless really be a psychic accident, or meaningful only in very rare cases, and the poet would still retain the right to infuse it with meaning through his setting.

  12. Dreams may be quite meaningful or at least coherent, yes, even witty, fantastically beautiful.

  13. I venture the assertion that all these phenomena are meaningful and capable of interpretation in the same way as are the errors, that they are small manifestations of other more important psychic processes, valid psychic acts.

  14. Yet the only meaningful conclusion is again drawn from the onanism complex, where it is a matter of course for the young man to do everything in order to hide his sex life from his father.

  15. Or another meaningful dream, that of a lady.

  16. History and popular tradition tell us that the dream is meaningful and significant; it sees into the future.

  17. Illustration] [Illustration] A river system draining the basin it has carved out over geological eons of time is one of the more meaningful units in nature, but within it there may be great variety.

  18. And, just as in water supply, ultimate "hard" technology is undoubtedly going to make better solutions possible, while a strong and meaningful start is possible with the technology that is on hand.

  19. And no safeguard this present mortal generation can set up is more meaningful than that hope.

  20. One is that we hope to make a model of it, commencing here processes of preservation and restoration to show the rest of the country that modern ways of being need not eat up everything whole and green and old and meaningful and right.

  21. Nevertheless, it is impossible at present to be sure that any given locality is going to take meaningful steps toward staving off blight and landscape destruction, and a great many of them in the Potomac Basin have not done so.

  22. However, concentrations of coliform bacteria, originating in animal manure or elsewhere, may invade a stream through runoff from rural lands without having any meaningful relationship to human disease germs.

  23. Having determined meditation in the midst of activity is the only meaningful practice, he next addressed the question of how to go about it.

  24. The story also shows that the use of the stick was meaningful only if it was unexpected.

  25. Hakuin did not exclude sitting in meditation; he tried to broaden the definition to include the kind of thing he believed would really produce meaningful enlightenment.

  26. It was the opening shot in a campaign to make pure Zen the meaningful alternative to the decadent traditional Buddhism of the aristocracy and the new Salvationist sect of Pure Land.

  27. The use of the rational mind in the study of Ch'an is only meaningful at the beginning.

  28. But avoidance of conceptual thought leads to a serene, direct, and meaningful understanding of the world around us, without unsettling mental involvement.

  29. His genius thereby saved traditional Zen in its classical form, while at last making it accessible and meaningful in modern life.

  30. If the teacher uses objects, pictures, or drawings to make meaningful his language in teaching, he is using the illustrated method.

  31. Maxims, precepts, proverbs, mottoes, laws, become meaningful and potential only when the soul moulds these mass motives of guidance from the plastic and suggestive data of a rich and varied contact with concrete experiences and things.

  32. If then the pupil's personal experience is meager, how very difficult it is to teach him, and how very important it is that we should be wise enough to supply the concrete data necessary to make meaningful our teaching.

  33. The results just given may be compared with those obtained when =meaningful stimuli= are employed.

  34. With meaningful material, interference may arise in other ways.

  35. Meaningful material, which is grouped or unified by its topic, may be learned ten times as quickly as meaningless syllables.

  36. In the meantime we shall constantly seek meaningful agreements to settle this and other problems, knowing full well that not only the integrity of a single city, but the hope of all free peoples is at stake.

  37. Americans also want a good material standard of living--not simply to accumulate possessions, but to fulfill a legitimate aspiration for an environment in which their families may live meaningful and happy lives.

  38. Those of us who are privileged to hold public office have a solemn obligation to make meaningful this inspiring objective.

  39. Moreover, constant political turmoil and the continued dominance by former communist officials have impeded the introduction of meaningful economic reforms.

  40. Since some species of marine bird are known not to breed before at least 3 or more years of age, meaningful information on survival and recruitment in populations cannot be obtained by studies of less than 10 years.

  41. Each Member of the Congress has a role to play in modernizing our defenses, thus supporting our chances for a meaningful arms agreement.

  42. By creating more centers of meaningful power, more places where decisions that really count can be made, by giving more people a chance to do something, we can have government that truly is by the people.

  43. So I also must now call on you to finish the job both houses began last year, by passing tough and meaningful campaign finance reform and lobby reform legislation this year.

  44. With shared values and meaningful opportunities and honest communications and citizen service, we can unite a diverse people in freedom and mutual respect.

  45. A lasting and meaningful peace is our fourth great goal.

  46. I have been disappointed by inability to complete many of the meaningful organizational reforms which I contemplated for the Federal Government, although a start has been made.

  47. And to give a major new tax credit for any small business that provides a meaningful pension to its workers.

  48. And we can build a meaningful peace to protect our loved ones and this shining star of faith that has guided millions from tyranny to the safe harbor of freedom, progress, and hope.

  49. If we are to meet our obligations to help all Americans realize the dreams of sound health care, decent housing, effective social services, a good education, and a meaningful job, important legislation still must be enacted.

  50. And you've never found another meaningful word since," Lattimer added.

  51. It was a moment before she realized, from the murals, that she had at last found a meaningful Martian word.

  52. This is evidence of meaningful adaptation of the North American populations to environments in which they now live, and continued use of P.

  53. Was it therefore good, was it right, was it meaningful and the highest occupation to make offerings to the gods?

  54. He said nothing, but he exchanged a meaningful glance with the dragon, and everyone went home to tea.

  55. And no one had seen the meaningful glance except Tom.

  56. Now, the good news is we can make meaningful progress on this issue while driving strong economic growth.

  57. Look, you've trimmed some of this spending, you've embraced some meaningful change, but restoring the public trust demands more.

  58. Race to the Top is the most meaningful reform of our public schools in a generation.

  59. But you know, things like childcare and sick leave and equal pay, things like lower mortgage premiums and a higher minimum wage--these ideas will make a meaningful difference in the lives of millions of families.

  60. The invitation requests a sharing of both content and context of nursing experiences as they are lived in meaningful patterns that have significant bearings on all other patterns.

  61. While meaningful economic figures are difficult to come by, Zaire's hyperinflation, the largest government deficit ever, and plunging mineral production have made the country one of the world's poorest.

  62. This passing tension of facts against meaning may suffice to call up and carry a wide range of meaningful facts which are quite irrelevant to the intellectual problem.

  63. Conversely, there has been a continued issuing of ideas from the region of hypotheses and theories into that of facts, of accepted objective and meaningful objects.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meaningful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    allegorical; articulate; believable; big; cogent; connotative; consequential; considerable; demonstrative; denotative; diagnostic; eloquent; evidential; evocative; expressive; extended; figurative; forewarning; graphic; ideographic; idiosyncratic; imaginative; important; indicating; indicative; individual; intelligible; interpretable; intuitive; knowing; material; meaningful; meaty; metaphorical; momentous; monitory; moving; naming; ominous; peculiar; pithy; pointed; precursory; predictive; pregnant; premonitory; prognostic; readable; reliable; representative; semantic; sententious; signalizing; significant; substantial; suggestive; symbolic; symbolical; symptomatic; true; typical; vivid; warning; weighty