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Example sentences for "cogent"

Lexicographically close words:
coffre; coffret; cofre; coft; cogency; cogently; cogged; cogging; cogit; cogitable
  1. The extraordinary hurry in which the latter part of their task was accomplished, and the suspicious uniformity of the offences reported, furnish a last and most cogent reason for doubting the truth of the statements of the visitors.

  2. Biological psychology finds many and cogent reasons to confirm this view if only a proper environment could be provided.

  3. It is, of course, exposed to much criticism from the clergy on the cogent ground that morality needs the support of religion, at the very least, in childhood.

  4. I now have positive and authoritative evidence that France now waits the assent of England for recognition and other more cogent measures[613].

  5. The main importance of Harvey's vigorous and cogent defense of epigenesis is that it provided some kind of counterbalance to the increasingly dominant preformationist interpretations of embryonic development.

  6. He gave in great detail an exposition of how these specifics may operate, but did not in any way produce cogent evidence that they do in fact operate in such fashion.

  7. His style was simple, natural, unstrained; the lucid statement and cogent argument now and again irradiated by a salient passage of satire or a burst of not too eloquent rhetoric.

  8. In his message to Congress of December, 1862, he proposed payment for the slaves, elaborating a scheme in detail and urging it with copious and cogent argument.

  9. The man who does not realise that any such cogent reasons exist will argue: "I quite understand that the welfare of society depends upon the moral conduct of its members; but why should I care for the good of society?

  10. This theory is for many and cogent reasons quite untenable.

  11. This cogent reason for intervening to protect the peasantry was supported by another which was not less convincing.

  12. The arguments in favour of the first type of enclosure were too cogent for any policy which condemned enclosing in general to have the smallest prospect of success.

  13. I will demonstrate it," returned Scalza, "by reasoning so cogent that not only you, but he that denies it shall acknowledge that I say sooth.

  14. Is there not cogent evidence to prove the identity here?

  15. One cogent theme may well prevail as text of the whole.

  16. But with the lack of cogent form, and the multitude of small motives it seems a different kind of art.

  17. Resonant and compelling is the motive of horns and trumpets, new in temper, though harking back to the earlier text, in its cogent ending.

  18. And before we submit to this we shall feel compelled to make a more careful inquiry, to see whether the arguments against freedom are really so cogent as they are represented.

  19. For the fact that an age lacks an inner unity, that cogent reasons drive it beyond the extant syntheses, is now a sign that it is not clear and certain as to its own life.

  20. This indirect method, therefore, can only be regarded as a great extension and improvement of the Method of Agreement, but not as participating in the more cogent nature of the Method of Difference.

  21. These three were drawing up an account of the recent victory at Créçi, to be forwarded to all mayors and sheriffs in England, with a cogent postscript as to the King's incidental and immediate need of money.

  22. Presently Hastings said: "My friends, in creating our womankind the Maker of us all was beyond doubt actuated by laudable and cogent reasons; so that I can merely lament my inability to fathom these reasons.

  23. It would debilitate her as completely as if her belief were founded on cogent reason.

  24. This would be a cogent argument on the score of economy, even if the popular school-books of this year were sure of maintaining their ground the next.

  25. Turn the subject in your mind, my Dear Sir, and particularly as to the power of contracting debts, and develope it with that cogent logic which is so peculiarly yours.

  26. It is likely that in other letters there were like passages, but these letters Miss Burney 'for cogent reasons destroyed.

  27. Allowing that such a thing was barely not impossible, the improbability was so intense, as to demand the strictest and most cogent proof: yet when we asked, Who testifies it?

  28. All this might be very cogent in itself, but it was the conduct of men who stood by themselves and were conscious of it.

  29. This argument, conclusive against modern Socinianism, is still more cogent and striking when directed against Puritanism.

  30. This argument becomes much more cogent when we consider what that style is.

  31. In this second period they have had as many as twenty-one Sultans, whose average reigns are only half the length of those who preceded them, and afford as cogent an argument of their national disorder and demoralization.

  32. Electricity as a motive power for printing machinery is quietly yet irresistibly winning its way into general favour, and for very cogent reasons.

  33. Many other equally cogent reasons why duplicates of the original should be made for printing purposes present themselves.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cogent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acute; admissible; advantageous; astute; auspicious; authoritative; beneficial; benevolent; binding; bonny; braw; capital; cogent; commendable; concise; conclusion; consistent; convincing; credible; discerning; dynamic; effective; elegant; eloquent; energetic; estimable; excellent; expedient; fair; famous; farseeing; farsighted; favorable; fine; forceful; forcible; foreseeing; foresighted; good; goodly; grand; graphic; happy; healthy; helpful; incisive; irresistible; just; justifiable; kind; laudable; lawful; legal; legitimate; lofty; logical; mighty; nice; noble; operative; penetrating; perceptive; percipient; perspicacious; perspicuous; persuasive; piercing; plausible; pleasant; potent; powerful; prepotent; profitable; provident; puissant; rational; reasonable; regal; reliable; royal; ruling; sagacious; sane; satisfactory; satisfying; sensible; significant; skillful; solid; sound; splendid; striking; strong; substantial; sufficient; telling; trenchant; understanding; useful; valid; vigorous; virtuous; vital; weighty; wholesome