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Example sentences for "damning"

Lexicographically close words:
damne; damned; damnedest; damneth; damnified; damnosa; damns; damnum; damoiseau; damoiselles
  1. Perhaps the most damning thing ever said against the present system, damning because of its empty absurdity, was uttered by Sir Thomas Whittaker.

  2. As he locked the letters once again in his desk he felt that there was indeed every reason to fear that Jackson would not rest until he had obtained possession of such damning evidence of his guilt.

  3. Nay, sir, you do not suppose that the lines which a poet writes in the character of a lover should be accepted as damning evidence that his own heart speaks.

  4. Two things in this world are inevitable, sir: death and the damning of your comedy.

  5. This is damning with faint praise indeed.

  6. Everybody was damning her, and all the time she was treating me as her friend--and nothing more.

  7. Some things, thank God, are beyond the damning power of our improvements.

  8. But what damning torments must that breast suffer which is robbed of its peace by brutal force!

  9. The inhuman wretch afterwards shamelessly boasted of his damning deed.

  10. And then he fancied the precision with which he knew each damning word he had lightly uttered would be brought against him.

  11. Whilst Sir Philip was damning himself, Mr. Percival ran to the boat-house for assistance, and they carried the body into the house.

  12. The Turks have service for men whom they capture, which, though hard, is not damning to body and soul.

  13. A story afterward floated over the lands of Moslem and Christian, as terrible as a cloud of blood, dropping its shadow into palace and cottage, and dyeing that page of history on which Mahomet's name is written with a damning blot.

  14. Did he even change color when he heard the damning testimony?

  15. Nothing might be so damning to her cause as that he should make sure of her innocence, if she were not innocent; and yet he would not ask her the question.

  16. Were there facts unknown to him, but known to her, which would be terrible, fatal, damning to his sweet friend if proved before all the world?

  17. Who would blast a friend without damning proof?

  18. Lycon could surmise what he liked, but the proof to make the damning charges good Democrates believed he had safe in his own keeping.

  19. These are the damning injuries I have done him!

  20. I am too full of phrensy, Fairfax, to tell thee what I mean: but she has given me another proof, more damning even than all the former, of the gluttony with which her soul gorges.

  21. At this very damning speck of time, Fairfax, the keeper and his scoundrels who had been dogging them came up.

  22. Though my heart in its anger could not accuse her of a single crime beside, that alone, that damning preference would be all-sufficient!

  23. Full proof, see, ample proof--does the Queen know I have such damning proof?

  24. That is more damning than faint praise," laughed Mrs. Joe; "but I understand.

  25. We also deplore these fraudulent espousals and this sneaking exchange of single life for married life because it is deception, and that is a corroding and damning vice.

  26. Oh, if the sisters of a household knew through what terrific and damning temptations their brother goes in this city life, they would hardly sleep nights in the anxiety for his salvation!

  27. It would be for the jury to decide whether or not these damning facts constituted an overwhelming proof of the prisoner's guilt.

  28. He started slightly, as the damning words fell from the young man's lips.

  29. But he sees clearly that everything must be risked for the sake of that damning piece of evidence.

  30. Had the evidences of her apparent infidelity been less damning she knew that Peter Moore would have waited, would have listened to her explanation, and believed her.

  31. Yet here was evidence, damning her, if not as a wilful tool of the cinnabar king, then at least as a room-breaker.

  32. Palla nodded and whispered to Jim: "He secured all that damning evidence at the Smolny for our Government.

  33. Must the new heavens and the new earth of prophecy and science come in your little instant of life in order that you may not go howling and damning with Jack London up and down the earth that we happen to have?

  34. Enclosed you will find two damning evidences of additional incapacity.

  35. Wycherly, the popular playwright of the time, remains the most brutal among all dramatists; and nothing gives so damning an impression of his day as the fact that he found actors to repeat his words and audiences to applaud them.

  36. Indeed, before I had read these letters, my mind did not need this damning proof of his innocence and my guilt.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "damning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absolute; admissible; authentic; certain; circumstantial; conclusive; convincing; cumulative; curse; damning; decisive; determinative; documentary; documented; evidential; eyewitness; factual; final; firsthand; hearsay; implicit; incontrovertible; indicative; indisputable; irrefutable; irresistible; material; overwhelming; presumptive; reliable; significant; suggestive; sure; symptomatic; telling; valid; vituperative; weighty