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Example sentences for "intreate"

Lexicographically close words:
intrastate; intrauterine; intravenous; intravenously; intreat; intreated; intreatie; intreaties; intreating; intreats
  1. The chiefe captaine of Machao dooth accuse them in saying that they were spies, and doth intreate of other strange matters.

  2. When hee tooke his leaue of them, hee did intreate them verie curteously with words of great curtesie.

  3. I praie you intreate no more for the man, Woodcocke wilbe a woodcocke do what ye can.

  4. So as if we should intreate our maker to play also the Orator, and whether it be to pleade, or to praise, or to aduise, that in all three cases he may vtter, and also perswade both copiously and vehemently.

  5. Whereupon the Gentleman toke him with him so sodainly, as he had no leasure to arme him selfe with other weapon but with his onely dagger.

  6. If there be any thing to intreate of, the King calleth the Iawas, that is to say their Priestes, and the most ancient men, and asketh them their aduise.

  7. No that were pittie, I would intreate you rather to put on Your boldest suite of mirth, for we haue friends That purpose merriment: but far you well, I haue some businesse Gra.

  8. Sirra Biondello, goe and intreate my wife to come to me forthwith.

  9. Oh ho, intreate her, nay then shee must needes come Hor.

  10. Tis most true: And he beseech'd me to intreate your Maiesties To heare, and see the matter King.

  11. Y'are welcome Gentlemen, I will intreate you when you see my sonne, to tell him that his sword can neuer winne the honor that he looses: more Ile intreate you written to beare along Fren.

  12. I thanke your honor; for my part my Lord, My purpose was not to haue seene you heere, But meeting with Salerio by the way, He did intreate mee past all saying nay To come with him along Sal.

  13. O stay slaue, I must employ thee: As thou wilt win my fauour, good my knaue, Doe one thing for me that I shall intreate Clow.

  14. Cannot my body, nor blood-sacrifice, Intreate you to your wonted furtherance?

  15. They did intreate me to acquaint her of it, But I perswaded them, if they lou'd Benedicke, To wish him wrastle with affection, And neuer to let Beatrice know of it Vrsula.

  16. Thus much haue I digressed and I hope not vnnecessarily: nowe will I returne againe to my course and intreate of that which yet remaineth appertaining to this Chapter.

  17. O that I might intreate your rare wits to be imployed in more profitable courses: & let those Apes imitate your past excellence, and neuer more acquaint them with your admired inuentions.

  18. We will to Care, and intreate him to lend us his helpe, for without him, indeed we shall make an ilfavoured ende, of what we begin untowardly.

  19. But now returne I againe to you [t]hree, knowing my miserie is to you no news: and let me heartily intreate you to bee warned by my harmes.

  20. If wofull experience may mooue you (Gentlemen) to beware, or vnheard of wretchednes intreate you to take heed, I doubt not but you will looke backe with sorrow on your time past, and endeuour with repentance to spend that which is to come.

  21. Gallants I shal intreate you to prepare, For Maskes and Reuels to defeate the night, Our Soueraigne will in person grace our marriage.

  22. I was addrest to both, and at once I have met both, sure I must intreate that you must not deny.

  23. Tullie's not heere but heere is Tullies friend; For, ere I speake, I must intreate you wil Transforme poore Tulley into Lentulus.

  24. As he is friend, we will intreate his love; As he is great, his threatenings shall not make me love.

  25. Call in the damseles, Intreate them fayrely heather; say wee hope We shall have good newes for them.

  26. Fayre Mirable, the fyrst thinge I intreate you In which to expresse your love, speake for my frend.

  27. To intreate a Rodophe, I had rather dye Then have my life lodg'd in such infamy: If all my fortunes on her words depend, Let her say kill me, and so make an end.

  28. Shall I intreate you to receive them backe?

  29. Intreate her, children, Fredericke, Euphrata, Let me not loose the essence of my soule.

  30. I must intreate your furtherance and advise About a thing that doth concerne us neere.

  31. And now, to give a period to my speeche I doe intreate your grace, if that your love Be not growne colde, but that your heart desires The true societie of a chaste wife, Be pleas'd to undergoe a further doome.

  32. I did intreate him, but he would not come, But vow'd to be as secret as my selfe.

  33. Frend, I doo Withall intreate you interceade for mee To your fayre loves companion, for if all Th'estate I have in France can by her freedom, Shee shall no longer faynt beneathe the yoake Of lewdnes and temptation.

  34. But enough of Kepler let me once againe intreate your counsel how to read him with best profit, for I am wholie possessed with Astronomical speculations and desires.

  35. I must againe intreate you, to let me know what charge & troble any of your people have been at aboute him, y^t it may be recompenced.

  36. Now haue I got thee naked in my power, die thou shalt, though my mother and my grandmother dying did intreate for thee.

  37. Let vs intreate of other thynges, suche as they chiefely seeke for, whose desyre is to liue deliciously, see ye not daily ||C.

  38. Then we intreate styll of mortal thynges and not of immortal, & yet in these euils the state of vertuous men, may bee better borne withal, then of suche as seeke for the pleasures of the body they care not howe.

  39. So this suffiseth to your demaund, wherefore we wil come to intreate of the defending and besieging of tounes, and of their situacions and edifications.

  40. Seyng that it is so your pleasure, I will begin to intreate of this matter from the beginning, to the intent it maye be better understode, being able by thesame meane, more largely to declare it.

  41. O that you weare Jupiter, to bee a helping father to these sonnes of sorrow, or I weare Janus indeed, that I might have two tongues to intreate for this pittifull crew.

  42. This part of Rhetorike is large to intreate vpon, for the [Fol.

  43. This parte of Rhetorike is large to intreate vpon, for the aboundaunce of matter.

  44. We are very glad to see your grace so pleasant, My good lord, let vs againe intreate To know of you the ground and cause of your distemperature.

  45. But my good Lord, shall I intreate thus much?

  46. Iul: Nay stay sweet Nurse, I doo intreate thee now, What sayes my Loue, my Lord, my Romeo?

  47. I doo intreate sweete Prince thoult iustice giue, Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo may not liue.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intreate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.