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Example sentences for "juridical"

Lexicographically close words:
juramentum; jurat; jurats; jure; juridic; juridically; juridique; juries; juring; juris
  1. In several countries, and particularly in France, collections have been made of the juridical murders which tyranny, fanaticism, or even error and weakness, have committed with the sword of justice.

  2. It is not so from the natural or technical rules of construction of the act of Parliament, but from the principles of juridical policy.

  3. The juridical depositions of witnesses then living, have assured us, that all sick persons whom he did but touch, were immediately cured, and that his hands had an healing virtue against all distempers.

  4. He had one night a vision, whether awake or sleeping has not been decided by the juridical informations of the Father's life.

  5. On the heels of the Zemstvo delegates appeared the barristers, who discussed the existing evils from the juridical point of view, and prescribed what they considered the necessary remedies.

  6. This is not, according to French juridical conceptions, an appeal.

  7. Legal means conformable to the letter or rules of the law as it is administered in the courts; conformable to juridical law.

  8. The science of juridical law; the knowledge of the laws, customs, and rights of men in a state or community, necessary for the due administration of justice.

  9. It will be necessary to state, shortly, the difference between a legislative and a juridical act.

  10. In order to establish this principle, if it should not be sufficiently proved by being stated, tell me what are the criteria, the characteristics, by which you distinguish between a legislative and a juridical act.

  11. But the juridical momentum was strong within me.

  12. Social habits become moral habits, and their laws are afterwards taught as sacred duties, and form the basis of the juridical order.

  13. The whole of our modern morality and social and juridical order have evolved in the course of the nineteenth century out of the earlier and lower conditions which we now generally regard as things of the past.

  14. This question is of great importance, both in practical philosophy and in juridical and medical practice, and, as opinions differ very much on the subject, it seems advisable to deal with it here.

  15. They base their claim on the ground of Marx's economic interpretation of history and especially upon his oft-repeated doctrine that upon the economic structure of society rises the juridical and political superstructure.

  16. Henceforth Ger and Ger Toshab became juridical terms, the social and legal designation of those proselytes who had abjured heathenism and joined the monotheistic ranks of Judaism as "worshipers of God.

  17. With the dissolution of the Jewish State no juridical basis remained for the Ger Toshab, the "protected stranger.

  18. Originally, no doubt, Torah signified the instruction given by the priests on ritual or juridical matters.

  19. This raises in the first instance the question "How is a merely juridical or rational [as distinguished from a purely physical] possession possible?

  20. French writers have described this phenomenon as a "revival of juridical idealism.

  21. In civil society, a declaration by word or act that an external thing is mine and making it an object of the exercise of my will is "a juridical act.

  22. Conceding that the idea of a primitive community of things is a fiction, the idea of a logically original community of the soil and of the things upon it, he says, has objective reality and practical juridical reality.

  23. All juridical functions should be socialized in the strict sense of being maintained at the social expense for the free service of its citizens.

  24. We want to give the Senate new juridical powers, but we have no laws.

  25. It is a misconception of the analysis to suppose that it involves a difference in juridical character between custom not yet recognized by any judicial decision and custom after such recognition.

  26. It is of course true that when a rule enforced only by opinion becomes for the first time enforceable by a court of justice--which is the same thing as the first time of its being actually enforced--its juridical character is changed.

  27. And, as we have seen in our survey of the literature of the subject, recent comparative studies tend to make the share of juridical analysis in given relative surroundings larger and larger.

  28. The wealth of the wealthy, no longer guaranteed by juridical institutions, will cease to be a power.

  29. The totality of these relations of production constitute the economic structure of society, the true basis from which arises a juridical and political superstructure to which definite social forms of consciousness correspond.

  30. From the juridical point of view, exchange appears as the relation between two wills.

  31. These laws," according to an official document published in 1964, "on their part determine the juridical form of the line pursued by the Albanian Workers' Party in building socialism in Albania.

  32. But all law, whatever its juridical origin, whether Christian or Mohammedan, Roman or African, may be traced to other and ampler influences in Nature, sometimes of Right and sometimes of Wrong.

  33. Such is the plain juridical origin of the American slave code, now vaunted as a badge of Civilization.

  34. I may also interject a momentary remark as to the difference between juridical and common judgment.

  35. If the verdict is for his side, it is a sort of juridical upholding of his position.

  36. After juridical informations on his life and miracles, the bull of his beatification was published by the true pope Clement VII.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "juridical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    actionable; applicable; authorized; competent; constitutional; judicial; juridical; just; kosher; lawful; legal; legislative; legit; legitimate; licit; rightful; sanctioned; statutory; valid