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Example sentences for "kosher"

Lexicographically close words:
kopjes; koppie; kore; koro; koruna; kosko; kosmic; kosmou; koss; kost
  1. Kosher meat is labelled with the name of the slaughterer and the date of killing.

  2. Arrangements will be made for the provision of Kosher food when possible.

  3. In the meantime a telegram was received from the War Office to say that the Kosher food would be granted, and Saturday would be kept as the Sabbath.

  4. The only serious trouble we had in Plymouth occurred over Kosher food.

  5. In addition to the general basket tax, imposed upon all Jews who use Kosher meat, an "auxiliary basket tax" was instituted to be levied on immovable property as well as on business pursuits and bequests.

  6. The revenue from this tax which had for a long time been imposed upon Kosher meat was originally placed at the free disposal of the Kahals, though subject, since 1839, to the combined control of the administration and municipality.

  7. For Italians, oatmeal was replaced by spaghetti, and Kosher food for those of the orthodox Jewish faith was arranged for through orders upon local grocery stores and kosher butchers in the Jewish quarter.

  8. He observed the Sabbath, and kept kosher house with the minutest punctuality.

  9. Morejne, kosher meat costs us so much that we never eat it.

  10. Kosher meat is very dear, so I buy three pounds every week, and eleven people have to keep up their strength, on it.

  11. Gouda, Kosher Holland The same semihard good Gouda, but made with kosher rennet.

  12. Some are specially made for the Jewish trade and called Kosher Gouda.

  13. Kosher This cheese appears in many countries under several names.

  14. It is a bit more mellow than most and, like all kosher products, is stamped by the Jewish authorities who prepare it.

  15. Cornish game hens 6 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Kosher salt and pepper to taste lemon wedges (optional) With poultry shears or sharp knife, cut along both sides of backbone and remove.

  16. On page 4 you have deliberately missed an opportunity of puffing the Kosher Co-operative Society.

  17. Now, too, the publican gets unto himself a white sheet and suspends it at his door and proclaims that he sells Kosher rum by permission of the Chief Rabbi.

  18. The paper was to be the property of the Co-operative Kosher Society, an association originally founded to supply unimpeachable Passover cakes.

  19. Why, we get the Co-operative Kosher Society to start with.

  20. There are rationalistic Jews to whom Karl Marx is the Messiah, and the Socialistic commonwealth, Jerusalem; and there are just Jews, who eat Kosher food because they like it, to whom Mammon is the Messiah and their business the Holy of Holies.

  21. The sons began studying the Talmud when they were five years of age, and the daughters were initiated into the mysteries of the Kosher household before that age.

  22. He said: "Pardon, but this is a kosher café.

  23. At the cafés you will find a special kosher bar, whereon are wines and spirits in brand new decanters, glasses freshly bought and cleansed, and a virgin cloth surmounting the whole.

  24. But all Crisco is Kosher and all of the same purity.

  25. Special Kosher packages, bearing the seals of Rabbi Margolies of New York, and Rabbi Lifsitz of Cincinnati, are sold the Jewish trade.

  26. Illustration: The Kosher Seal] Campers find Crisco helpful in many ways.

  27. If flour is musty; it is not kosher and must be destroyed.

  28. After making Kosher and cleaning poultry, season all fowls for several hours before cooking.

  29. Make Kosher as directed in "Rules for Kashering".

  30. MEATS* The majority of the cuts of meat which are kosher are those which require long, slow cooking.

  31. Kosher soap, made according to directions for making hard soap, may be used in washing meat dishes and utensils.

  32. In conducting a kosher kitchen care must be taken not to mix meat and milk, or meat and butter at the same meal.

  33. Miss Bailey, wise by this time in the laws of kosher and of traff, the clean and the unclean, according to Mosaic dietary laws, suggested a glass of milk at a neighboring dairy, or a roll from the delicatessen shop across the street.

  34. The same way with the kosher meat idea: his business was the packing business, and the firm wasn't trying any ventures.

  35. I had never given up the idea of the money that might be made in putting up sausages and preparing kosher meat for the city market.

  36. The Schunemanns took to peddling our kosher meat in Chicago, and worked up a good trade.

  37. The next time I saw the manager I asked him about sausage and kosher meat, and he scowled.

  38. My little schemes of making sausages on a large scale and kosher meat had been turned down.

  39. I began to talk about the kosher meat business the Schunemann brothers were handling for me, and I could see Gooch's eyes open.

  40. Why not get some old rabbi and make kosher meat--the real article?

  41. At last we made the arrangement, and the Schunemann brothers put up the "Duchess" brand of sausage after my plan, and we began to handle kosher meat in a small way.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kosher" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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