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Example sentences for "mounts"

Lexicographically close words:
mountebanks; mounted; mounteth; mounting; mountings; mourant; mourir; mourn; mourned; mournefull
  1. Sometimes its steaming breath lies close above it, sometimes mounts in swaying, lofty columns to the sky, but always cold and ghostly, without expression of warmth or life.

  2. It was the habit of Brazilians to wear the spurs upside down, so that when they got off their mounts they had to remove them or it would have been impossible for them to walk.

  3. Even we on our mounts felt nearly suffocated by the stifling heat from the sun above and the lava below.

  4. Alexander and the rest of the riders, who urging their mounts to a racing pace, and, both men and women, yelling in imitation of the Moor, vanished through the gate after him in a whirlwind of dust.

  5. Your Bengalee mounts defences of tattees and punkahs that cool down a hot wind, or whistle air into presence in a trice.

  6. But when the idea of probity is carried out, so far as to imply a view of things comparatively disparaging to Christian morals, it mounts to an anti-climax, and falls over into the province of nonsense.

  7. Sights rifles and mounts scopes and things like that.

  8. It did have the mounts on the side for a sling.

  9. You see, they make mounts for several different guns, but I don't know one mount from another myself.

  10. The foam of these great ruins mounts in an instant to the ridge of the sand glacis, swiftly fleets back again, and is met and buried by the next breaker.

  11. The road mounts the near shoulder of Mount Saint Helena, bound northward into Lake County.

  12. We are now widely separated, a great sea and continent intervening; but memory, like care, mounts into iron ships and rides post behind the horseman.

  13. Gail Hamilton will write of the daily trifles of which life is made, then boldly grapple with the highest truths; she mounts from the hut to the skies, and pours the light of heaven on all she touches by the way.

  14. The whole creation is but the visible expression of the laws of our unseen God: the man of science mounts from the visible fact to the unseen Idea, while the poet descends from the idea to the fact, thus humbly imitating the work of creation.

  15. Genius descends from the Idea to the Form--from the invisible to the visible: talent mounts from the visible to the invisible.

  16. Purser rigged and parish damned," is the sailor saying in the American Navy, when the tyro first mounts the lined frock and blue jacket, aptly manufactured for him in a State Prison ashore.

  17. Is there, whom his tenth epic mounts to fame?

  18. His charger mounts each baron of the host; They spur with haste as through the pass they go.

  19. Upon that word mounts the Emperour again.

  20. When, in his turn, he is scarcely distinguishable, another Arab mounts and follows.

  21. As soon as he is but a speck on the horizon, one of the Arabs mounts his camel and sets off in the direction that the liberated animal has taken.

  22. His queen is pregnant, and she mounts the throne as regent in behalf of her unborn son.

  23. Taraka laughs horribly, then mounts his chariot, and advances against the army of the gods.

  24. This pleases Don Pedro, as he believes he can force her to abdicate if she marries a muleteer; but in the last scene Manuel mounts the throne, and announces he is King of Castile, Elvira expresses her delight, and all ends happily.

  25. So they rode on, with their mounts growing more and more sluggish for a while, and then West suddenly uttered an exclamation.

  26. Without hesitation now they put their mounts to a canter, rode up to the pleasant refreshing-looking place, and after leaving the ponies with the Kaffir and climbing to one of the highest points, took a good look round.

  27. Those fellows are quite a mile from us, and their mounts will be pumped out if they push forward like that.

  28. Changing their course, they started to make a half-circle of a couple of miles' radius, riding steadily on, but only to have their shivering mounts startled again and again till they were ready to give up in despair.

  29. But let us flee upon the ship; before the king mounts his swift chariot.

  30. The mounts are permanent, and we have some which have remained unchanged since 1880.

  31. The materials for the balsam mounts may be obtained of any dealer in microscopical supplies.

  32. Dewitz mounts the larvae and pupae of Microlepidoptera, and also the early stages of other small insects, in the following way: The insects are put into a bottle with 95 per cent alcohol.

  33. The neatest mounting of Microlepidoptera which I have seen is the work of my assistant, Mr. Albert Koebele, who mounts these insects on an oblong strip of pith.

  34. The Dead Sea waves And Egypt caves Of mummied silence laugh When he mounts to quench the Siroc's stench, And to wrench From his clutch the tyrant's staff.

  35. At the back to one side, the teraphim, or image of divination; on the other side a stairway mounts to the roof.

  36. Then let us solace, and in love's delight And sweet embracings spend the livelong night; And whilst love mounts her on her wanton wings, Let descant run on music's silver strings.

  37. From the dark sylvan roofs the restless spire Inconstant glancing, mounts like springing fire.

  38. Anon, in order mounts a gorgeous show Of horsemen shadows winding to and fro; 1793.

  39. It was the starving, abandoned cavalry mounts making another charge.

  40. They were cavalry mounts that had lost their masters and remained on the battlefield, and instinct had counseled them to associate together in a band.

  41. It is not unusual that when the pressure mounts and war danger rises, many a man develops a sudden conviction that he would be more useful in a noncombat arm.

  42. The essence of tragedy is a spiritual breakdown or decline, and in the great French play the spiritual sentiment mounts unceasingly until the last line.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mounts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.