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Example sentences for "mutiny"

Lexicographically close words:
mutineers; mutinie; mutinied; mutinies; mutinous; mutism; mutt; mutter; muttered; muttering
  1. Hardly had they arrived in this harbor, in itself sufficiently inhospitable, when the mutiny broke out which had been brewing, probably, since Magellan’s first insult to John of Carthagena.

  2. Magellan doubtless felt that these examples were sufficient, and he pardoned forty of the crew; but, as the reader will see, the spirit which prompted the mutiny was not yet extinguished.

  3. A portion of his garrison, a little after, showed themselves in mutiny against their officers, this spirit having been manifested before his departure for La Caroline.

  4. Now in vessels which are in a state of mutiny and by sailors who are mutineers, how will the true pilot be regarded?

  5. But his trouble with his men was not yet over, and he had to face a serious mutiny on the part of his officers.

  6. Not only had Major Gordon to relieve more than one beleaguered loyal garrison, but he had to establish his authority over his own force, which was on the verge of mutiny and clamouring for the return of Burgevine.

  7. But it was now necessary to have the mutiny to take place before they got to that island: and this essential point was established by Wales, by an addition to his previous testimony fixing that point.

  8. This addition to his testimony caused an inquiry to be put to him by the judge advocate before the court: "When did you first swear that Mr. Spencer told you that the mutiny would break out shortly before your arrival at St. Thomas?

  9. Governor Wall fancied there was a mutiny in the garrison, the one half (of 150) engaged in it, and one Armstrong and two others, leaders in it.

  10. Case of the American Brig Creole with Slaves for New Orleans, carried by Mutiny into Nassau, and the Slaves Liberated 409 XCIX.

  11. Maine boundary, the Schlosser massacre, and the Creole mutiny and murder!

  12. The President disapproved the absurd findings (seven of them) under the mutiny charge, but approved the finding and sentence on inferior charges; and offered a pardon to Fremont: which he scornfully refused.

  13. The ship had religious exercises upon it, and had multiplied their performance since the mutiny had been discovered.

  14. Laws and principles are not for the times when there is no temptation: they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour; stringent are they; inviolate they shall be.

  15. Now you are all in open mutiny and I am authorized by law to shoot you.

  16. This sight staggered the captain who exclaimed: "Mutiny by the eternal!

  17. From that day dated the mutiny of the Mavericks, to the joy of Mulcahy and the pride of his mother in New York--the good lady who sent the money for the beer.

  18. I believe Ortheris preaches mutiny on those occasions, and I know that the mere presence of Learoyd mourning for Mulvaney kills all the cheerfulness of his room.

  19. As to the actual upshot of the mutiny he cared nothing.

  20. The mutiny had broken out and the barracks of the Mavericks were one white-washed pandemonium.

  21. Take them with us, and load them before we go--we may want them: who knows but there may be a mutiny on board of the speronare?

  22. However, all future mutiny must be provided for.

  23. One thing only is certain, mutiny was not the proper way of proceeding.

  24. I need not enter into an account of that painful event, the Mutiny of the British Fleet.

  25. Nearly all the just demands of the seamen having been granted, they returned to their duty and it was supposed that the mutiny was at an end.

  26. Mutiny and desertion were in consequence rife amongst those who served him, and in the end he lost his life at the hands of his own followers.

  27. It ended in commonplace mutiny and murder.

  28. But the Almighty, who knew how dangerous this second mutiny must be to the admiral, was pleased to put a stop to it by the coming of a vessel sent by the governor of Hispaniola.

  29. When the Mutiny was over, and the English had time to reflect on the danger they had escaped, they set themselves to repair their defences, so that they should never more be in such peril.

  30. But six months later the Mutiny broke out, and he was one of its first victims.

  31. Neither he nor his brother John, the Governor of the Punjaub, were taken by surprise when the Mutiny broke out.

  32. This city played a great part in the Mutiny of 1857.

  33. Many of the Sepoys were practised artillerists (since the Mutiny all the artillery regiments in India are English), and answered back with fatal aim.

  34. In the Mutiny they were taken at every possible disadvantage.

  35. He was suspicious of treachery; but the case was desperate, and Nana Sahib, who up to the time of the Mutiny had protested great friendship for the English, took a solemn oath that they should be protected.

  36. The outbreak of the Mutiny in India in 1857, took its English rulers by surprise.

  37. But my companion thinks not, for two reasons: the government has made stringent laws against the destruction of forests; and since the mutiny the natives are not allowed to carry fire-arms.

  38. The phantom continued till the Mutiny twenty years ago, when this "King of Delhi" was set up by the Sepoys as their rallying cry.

  39. The alarm caused among the members of the Provisional Government by the mission of the Marshals was increased by the news of the mutiny of Marmont's troops.

  40. But the atmosphere had been materially cleared and the leaders of the mutiny were in a position to go into executive session and consider the matter.

  41. He now informed me that he had come into the mutiny because he saw the men were resolved, and also because they thought he took the captain's part, which was a belief full of peril to him.

  42. He should throw all responsibility on the foreman, or take charge himself, which was impossible now; for an outfit which will sulk and mutiny once will do so again under less provocation.

  43. Yet under an old patron, these same men would never dare to mutiny or assert themselves.

  44. When an army falls into mutiny and division, it reflects disparagement on him that hath the conduct of it.

  45. The others, begging for mercy, threw down their arms, and the mutiny was at an end.

  46. It is prompt in the prevention of piracy, and suppresses mutiny with a heavy hand.

  47. So when we heard the ripple of musketry fire and the sullen boom of the artillery, Deventer and I supposed that a mutiny of sorts had broken out at the works, or that news had come from Paris of some sudden change of government.

  48. There had been news from Paris and a mutiny had broken out.

  49. The successful relief of Leyden was followed by a mutiny of the army of Valdez.

  50. Can't you give us an account of that mutiny at Morristown?

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mutiny" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    arise; commotion; disobedience; disobey; insubordination; license; mutineer; mutiny; outbreak; overthrow; rebel; rebellion; revolt; revolution; revolutionize; riot; rise; rising; sedition; strike; subvert; turn; unrestraint; uprising