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Example sentences for "natural science"

  • The prohibition was fatal to the study of natural science in Italy.

  • The first who attempted to apply this idea methodically to the whole universe was not a student of natural science, but a metaphysician, Hegel.

  • I think I have said enough in Chapter II (section 10) about what we mean when we speak of psychology as a natural science and as an independent discipline.

  • This is an admirable statement of the scope of psychology as a natural science, and also of the relations of metaphysics to the sciences.

  • If we compare the psychology of a generation or so ago with that of the present day, we cannot but be struck with the fact that there is an increasing tendency to treat psychology as a natural science.

  • The first is called, "Natural Science in its Connection with Poetic Art and Religion.

  • Its theme is, "Superstition and Skepticism in their relation to Natural Science.

  • Natural Science only, the same voting powers as in the case of the "M.

  • To the specification of the five heads of natural science, it is added, that the whole of the 1,000 marks may be gained by high eminence in any two; as if the choice were a matter of indifference.

  • But the next branch, entitled "Natural Science," is what I am chiefly to remark upon.

  • I contend, therefore, that there is a radical omission in the scheme of natural science; an omission that seems without any justification.

  • This address and another by the same author are published together under the common title, Wandlungen in den Grundlagen der Naturwissenschaft ('Changes in the foundations of Natural Science').

  • The importance of mathematics, whether as a discipline of the human spirit or as an instrument of natural science, was not for a moment undervalued.

  • We shall speak here of a task of experimental research which was mentioned by Rudolf Steiner in connexion with the renewal of natural science.

  • This was not attained until long after the revival of natural science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

  • Natural science, however, furnishes only the negative result that the gods of polytheism are not what they are said to be: real beings of a higher order than man.

  • Is the general prevalence of natural science prejudicial to the cultivation of high art?

  • Does the prevalence of natural science tend to check the poetic spirit?

  • Natural science too is an account of what will happen, and under what conditions.

  • Memory of such events is in the same field as history; prophecy is in the same field as natural science.

  • She hated mathematics in any form and spent all her time on natural science, language, and literature.

  • She does not encourage the study of natural science anywhere.

  • Natural Science may be said to form, at present, an integral portion of the religion of the Germans.

  • It is strange to think that among all these laboratories of natural science, only that of "experimental psychology" has judged it possible to dispense with an organization for the preparation of the subjects to be observed.

  • Every one now knows that students of natural science require in their laboratories an organization directed to the preparation of the material to be observed.

  • This we must necessarily leave to the journals devoted to scientific matters, and the class of students most intimate with these departments of Natural Science.

  • We see that one of its three parts embraces the largest generalities of Natural Science, under the head of an "Essay on Classification.

  • But never, we believe, was it before enforced and illustrated by so imperial a survey of the whole domain of Natural Science as in the volumes before us.

  • Philosophy sets limits to the much disputed sphere of natural science.

  • Darwin's theory has no more to do with philosophy than any other hypothesis in natural science.

  • It is certainly not the solution of any problems of natural science that is required.

  • The totality of true propositions is the whole of natural science (or the whole corpus of the natural sciences).

  • Even in natural science we find this deification of the necessary.

  • Moreover, all historical deduction is very limited and unsafe, natural science should be preferred.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "natural science" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cannot fail; excellent painter; kind reader; less permanent; natural ability; natural affection; natural agents; natural conditions; natural depravity; natural enemies; natural enough; natural explanation; natural fresh water resources; natural growth; natural heat; natural language; natural law; natural liberty; natural necessity; natural process; natural right; natural rights; natural selection; natural world; open grassy; take time