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Example sentences for "osculum"

Lexicographically close words:
oscilloscope; oscula; osculating; osculatory; osculis; oscuro; ose; osier; osiers; osity
  1. We know from Roman law that the so-called osculum interveniens, which concerned gifts, was exchanged between engaged couples.

  2. The priest kissed the penitent, and through this kiss gave him peace; this was the true kiss of peace (osculum pacis).

  3. Before the aperture is formed, it is already possible to distinguish on the surface of the parenchyma numerous channels radiating from the point at which the osculum will be formed to the periphery of the young sponge.

  4. The simplest form of sponge, which is known as an olynthus, is a hollow vase-like body fixed at one end to some solid object, and with an opening called the osculum at the other.

  5. Of the more important soft structures in the sponge the osculum is the first to appear, the ciliated chambers being formed later.

  6. Whichever end is uppermost, it is in the uppermost end, or as it may now be called, the upper surface, that the osculum is formed.

  7. With further complexity the simple internal cavity tends to disappear, and the sponge proliferates in such a way that more than one osculum is formed.

  8. One relatively large depressed osculum usually present in each sponge; pores inconspicuous; dermal membrane in close contact with the parenchyma.

  9. It will be noted that the diagram represents an individual with a single osculum or exhalent aperture.

  10. The effluent water collects in patches under the external membrane instead of making its way out of the existing oscula, and new oscula are formed over these patches in much the same way as the first osculum is formed in the bud.

  11. The terminal osculum and lateral pores are represented as oval white spaces.

  12. Though respiration was, no doubt, mainly effected by the ciliated cells, it is improbable that it was completely localized in them, but they were enabled to continue performing this function through the formation of an osculum and pores.

  13. He also figures the appearance of an osculum at the opposite pole[68].

  14. The relative times of appearance of the single osculum and the smaller apertures are not constant for the different larvae.

  15. At this extremity a small perforation is formed leading into the gastric cavity, which rapidly increases in size and forms an exhalent osculum (os.

  16. Though respiration was, no doubt, mainly effected by the ciliated cells, it is improbable that it was completely localised in them, but the continuation of their function was provided for by the formation of an osculum and pores.

  17. The relative times of appearance of the single osculum and smaller apertures is not constant for the different larvae.

  18. At this extremity a small perforation is formed leading into the gastric cavity which rapidly increases in size and forms an exhalent osculum (os).

  19. Central capsule originally monaxon, with an osculum at | | the basal pole of the vertical main axis.

  20. Osculum three times as broad as the central chamber, surrounded by a crown of strong conical teeth.

  21. Osculum of the same breadth as the central chamber, surrounded by numerous very short teeth.

  22. Porodiscida without chambered arms and radial spines on the margin of the circular or elliptical disk, but with one large marginal osculum or opening surrounded by a coronet of spines.

  23. Osculum twice as broad as the central chamber, surrounded by a coronal of strong conical teeth, twice as long as its diameter.

  24. Osculum twice as broad as the central chamber, armed with a crown of short conical teeth.

  25. This peculiar osculum is here also surrounded by a corona of spines, and serves probably for the exit or outlet of a bunch of pseudopodia or a "sarcode-flagellum.

  26. Osculum three times as broad as the central chamber, surrounded by a coronet of short teeth.

  27. The osculum does not correspond to a certain radius.

  28. Probably in the living Ommatodiscida the osculum is the door from which a "sarcode-flagellum" issues (comp.

  29. A mock sermon often concludes the night's proceedings, the ordinary salutation of the osculum in tergo being first given.

  30. The 'Osculum in tergo' seems to be an indispensable part of the Homagium or Diabolagium.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "osculum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.