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Example sentences for "panning"

Lexicographically close words:
panniculus; pannier; panniers; pannikin; pannikins; pannis; panno; pano; panoplied; panoplies
  1. I'm panning out happiness millions to the pan right now.

  2. I've been busy panning it out all the time I could spare, till the creek froze up.

  3. Above all things avoid the too common error of panning the pick of the rock, as a false estimate is bound to follow and only too probably eventual loss.

  4. Nevertheless, every assay or panning has a value as indicating the presence of gold.

  5. It should be observed that these assays, no matter by whom they are made, are misleading to the uninitiated, and though the panning is better, neither are to be relied on as sure guides to what the reef will prove throughout.

  6. To-morrow afternoon should see us panning gold.

  7. Why, you and Mack would have starved to death here in the Canyon, for it's morally certain neither of you would have stopped panning gold long enough to prepare your food.

  8. We traced our way up the creek as far as Discovery and back, panning dirt at various places with resulting colors in some cases.

  9. They passed men camped and panning dirt, but continued resolute, halting only "to pass the good word.

  10. Panning below I found nothing of particular value; so breaking off fragments of the rocks we piled them up beside the stream, making a little monument to mark the spot, should I wish to revisit it.

  11. We went on up the brook, panning continually, but nowhere on the bed-rock found gold in paying quantities.

  12. Another, a grave-faced, sturdy man from Maine who is panning free gold near Circle City, and has endured much of hardship and suffering.

  13. The sands of the river are said to also have been recently discovered to hide many grains of gold, and we saw in several places Chinamen industriously panning by the water-side.

  14. Prospecting, panning out, and discovery that it pays.

  15. Of course they immediately prospect it, which is accomplished by panning out a few basinfuls of the soil.

  16. Occasionally, he goes out to the Park to see how these mines are panning out.

  17. Here and there along the river bank, like a lot of pic-nickers, the guileless miners are panning pounded quartz, or submitting their socks to the old process for freeing them from decomposed quartzite, and nonargentiferous clayite.

  18. Then he turned into this gulch, because it seemed to yield the most color, and the gold was the coarsest, and he kept panning and panning until the color quit again.

  19. As Archie had said, this digging and panning was hard work.

  20. Panning was a one-man job; you did it all yourself.

  21. Panning was slow, but it was rather exciting because there always was liable to be something yellow right under your eye, if you looked close enough.

  22. You can try panning again, this afternoon, and I'll go down to the grocery and lay in provisions and any other stuff we'll need, and then we can set up the sluice and pile up the gold.

  23. Terry went at his panning with enthusiasm, bound to make a showing.

  24. I met one of the brothers a number of years after the time I saw them panning out the gold, and he told me that he and his brother took twenty thousand dollars apiece out of that mine.

  25. I hope I shall hear you tell about the grand success you have had in panning gold on Cherry creek this winter.

  26. By sighting, he roughly developed the lines showing the probable limit of pay dirt, as marked by the monuments of his earlier labor; he noted the intersection of those lines, and there began a feverish panning with his remnant of water.

  27. It was close by; he had hidden there his pick, shovel and the broad shallow basin used for panning gold.

  28. Panning is not difficult, but it requires practice to learn the degree of shaking, which dissolves the dirt and throws out the stones most rapidly without losing the gold.

  29. This last process is called panning out, and will be described in the next section.

  30. No tinned iron or copper vessel should be used for holding or panning out amalgam, or dirt containing amalgam; since quicksilver forms an amalgam with tin and copper, and will stick to the sides of a tinned or copper pan.

  31. Panning in Africa is women's work, and the process has been described in the preceding pages.

  32. On an arenaceous strip projecting from the western edge the women were washing and panning where the bottom of the digging was below that of the river.

  33. Somebody starts panning a rube crossroads, telling how he was there in 1900 and it consisted of one muddy street, count 'em, one, and nine hundred human clams.

  34. That day the gold hunters were more systematic in their work, beginning close to the fall, one on each side of the stream, and panning their way slowly down the chasm.

  35. Well, the richest finds were nearly always from three to a dozen feet under the surface, and when a prospector found signs in surface panning he knew there was rich dirt below.

  36. This would have called for a good panning technique.

  37. Several professional photographers, one of them a top Life photographer, said that if Hart was familiar with his camera and was familiar with panning action shots, his photos would have shown much less blur than ours.

  38. Jim, busily panning on the creek, was the first to see her.

  39. Jameine did not have the heart to point out to him that, with the Bull Mine running at full blast, his share of the profits brought him more wealth in an hour than did a week's laborious panning of the sands of the little creek.

  40. It showed a young fellow, bearded, in the typical Australian digger's rig-out, panning gold.

  41. He worked steadily up the creek, not only panning as he went, but also striking off to right and left to see if the ground gave promise of a reef.

  42. I had watched men panning on the beach that morning and I believed I could do it as it appeared very easy.

  43. Reasoning thus I had wandered away a short distance by myself in order to let Pa's temper cool, and had forgotten the panning I had started out to do.

  44. It was said that the mine was panning three ounces over a width of four-six, and a strike of a thousand feet proved, with the reef at the bottom of the shaft, richer and stronger than ever.

  45. Besides, the Leopard was panning out well, at the rate of a thousand pounds sterling per month, and had the prospect of doing far better.

  46. We accordingly once more crossed the river, and proceeded against the stream along its southern bank, panning as we went.

  47. Having now come literally to the end of my resources, I again started carrying down stuff to the little spring and there panning it out.

  48. However, by "puddling" I managed to make a small dam which would at night collect enough water to admit of a limited amount of panning or cradling by day.

  49. Where the meat is cut with nine ribs on the loin, the shoulder and balance of the chuck is cut into chops for panning or braising.

  50. Calf's liver is most delicate and must be cooked quickly, either by panning or broiling.

  51. Upon these he deposited his treasure so that the sun would dry it, and turned once more to the panning of the gravel.

  52. They had but started panning out gold, and there was little prospect that they could do much more before spring.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "panning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.