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Example sentences for "postponed"

Lexicographically close words:
postoperative; postorbital; postpaid; postpalatal; postpone; postponement; postponements; postpones; postponing; postposition
  1. At the especial request of the former lady, the final selection of jewellery was postponed until the following Monday.

  2. Promises of redress made by Mexico in the most solemn forms were postponed or evaded.

  3. Objects of appropriation which in peace may be deemed useful or proper, but which are not indispensable for the public service, may when the country is engaged in a foreign war be well postponed to a future period.

  4. Moreover, she had postponed the more expensive improvements and changes she had begun to make at Perth against his will; nor was there any sign of the various new purchases for the London house with which she had threatened him.

  5. Classes had been curtailed and interrupted, the many extra lessons postponed or turned over to Alwynne, whom more than any other mistress she had trained and could trust.

  6. A postponed lesson had given her time to attend the rehearsal, and she had afterwards joined the flock of mistresses at tea.

  7. For time was flying, the sum of his years mounting, shrinking that roomy future to which he had thus far always postponed what seemed too difficult for the moment.

  8. If she had any confession to make of other wishes than those chosen for her, she postponed it.

  9. When it reached the Senate, the supporters of Crawford indefinitely postponed it by a vote of seventeen to fourteen.

  10. It cannot wait political necessities elsewhere, or be postponed to suit individual wishes.

  11. As, however, his return to Canada is postponed for a week, I shall see him in London.

  12. But why should not the journey be only postponed for a fortnight; especially as the one I had intended to take does in no wise depend on the weather, or the company.

  13. She believed her difficulties to be overcome, and her troubles postponed for years at least.

  14. We now learned that our voyage was postponed until Monday, and perhaps longer, so little calculation can be made upon voyages in these parts.

  15. The boat which they had said would sail to-morrow, was posted to sail next Wednesday; but we think it will be postponed still longer.

  16. We, therefore, did not reject the offer of this person, but only postponed it until a later opportunity, perhaps after our return from the South River.

  17. As it was our last interview, I postponed my engagement to devote the hours of the Sabbath to friendship:--Edleston and I have separated for the present, and my mind is a chaos of hope and sorrow.

  18. The appropriate occasion for the transfer was postponed until after American political independence had been secured; and when occasion did not arise, the naturalness of the transfer was perverted and obscured by political preconceptions.

  19. But such a time will be postponed all the longer unless the nations, like France, Italy, England and the United States, which are at present sincerely desirous of peace, keep as well armed as their more belligerent neighbors.

  20. The performance is already arranged, the rehearsals have begun, all preparations are nearly finished, when suddenly everything is interrupted, and the whole performance postponed until the autumn, and all this without any apparent reason.

  21. They appeared before it with a front of such unflinching assurance, that their judges, Indian-like, postponed the sentence.

  22. Divided between honor and conscience, he postponed the marriage, until at length M.

  23. The Father Rector was putting on his vestments to say mass; but when he heard that a poor man from Canada had asked for him at the door, he postponed the service, and went to meet him.

  24. Ammunition was wanting; and so, reluctantly, all movement was postponed by the plotters against the British Empire till the first day of October.

  25. In response to his objections Sir Charles Warren postponed the attempt till the night of January 23.

  26. To have postponed it by twenty-four hours would have done no man any harm and would have spared the nation the sorrow of learning that many Boers had been killed by lyddite shells while engaged in prayer and worship.

  27. I'm booked for a Mediterranean cruise--postponed to give place to your ceremony.

  28. So the matter was postponed till another occasion, and I set off again at once for Paris.

  29. The two old men who had undertaken to cast my Jupiter postponed the experiment, saying they would like to arrange the moulds of my two heads.

  30. He and May were dining alone, all the family engagements having been postponed since Mrs. Manson Mingott's illness; and as May was the more punctual of the two he was surprised that she had not preceded him.

  31. Everything was to be postponed till the arrival of the person intended to succeed M.

  32. I have desired Mr Carmichael, for greater certainty, to give me notes in writing of all the information he gained in pursuance of these instructions, but he has postponed it for the sake of enlarging them by some important additions.

  33. Gardoqui, to whose arrival your Excellency postponed the discussion of these matters, informs me he is not instructed to say anything to me on these, or indeed any other subjects.

  34. The marshal bore the amputation of his limb with heroic courage; but the fever which came on immediately was so violent that, fearing he would die under the operation, the surgeons postponed cutting off his other leg.

  35. He was tried and condemned to death, and delivered to the soldiers by whom he was to be executed; but as night had arrived by this time, they postponed his execution till morning.

  36. The consideration of this can be postponed until the Conference on Obedience.

  37. For his daily routine is so uncertain, and so often interfered with by unforeseen pressure of work that the occasions on which the Office has to be postponed till evening are numerous and continually occurring.

  38. However, the electric bell rang just then, announcing that recess was over and the telling had to be postponed to a better season.

  39. Nor was any wasted, though Dorothy would gladly have postponed the Principal's further acquaintance till another day.

  40. Their departure had only been postponed in order that they might be present at the majority of Lothair.

  41. Mr. Phoebus postponed his voyage in order that Lothair might make his preparations to become his guest in his island.

  42. Still, there was no help for it, and the publication must be postponed rather than give an imperfect book to the public.

  43. We agreed to leave Paris the following evening, and I went to town alone in the afternoon for a few things which had been postponed to the last moment.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "postponed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.