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Example sentences for "recklessness"

Lexicographically close words:
reckin; recking; recklect; reckless; recklessly; reckly; reckon; reckoned; reckoner; reckoneth
  1. Thus constant arrivals afforded a pretext for perpetual gaieties; and the Due d'Epernon received the new allies of his royal mistress with a profusion and recklessness of expenditure which excited universal astonishment.

  2. Miss Satterly helped him reckon his winnings--which was not easy to do, since he had been offered all sorts of odds and had accepted them all with a recklessness that was appalling.

  3. Oh, damn Spikes," murmured Weary, with the fine recklessness of Irish in his tone.

  4. This he does with an evident recklessness that his approval of Spain and France involves a definite condemnation of his own country.

  5. Unhappily, his brilliant fame is sullied by a recklessness of human life, the more odious in one too young to be steeled by familiarity with the iron trade to which he was devoted.

  6. He then waited on the young monarch and remonstrated with him on the recklessness of measures which must infallibly ruin his credit with the people.

  7. The friendship of his steward, Paz, saved him from the ruin into which his creole-like carelessness, his frivolity and his recklessness were dragging him.

  8. I may add in a footnote a final startling example of recklessness we have been noting.

  9. It is true enough that even under the Empire great fortunes were made and lost, but the gambling spirit, the wild recklessness in monetary dealings, are not met with again.

  10. Fortunately, the recklessness which led this attempted crossing to disaster did not characterize the movements of the main body which had crossed at Novoselo.

  11. A little less generalship on the part of the defenders, or a little more recklessness behind that smashing offensive might have turned this retirement into a rout.

  12. And with recklessness he added: "We reach the Profile House next week, and I am sure I can convince you I am right.

  13. It is the sensible side, the prudent side; but I do admire recklessness in love.

  14. There were some small pieces of her personal property that she had left behind in the sudden recklessness of her flight, which could be easily retrieved and would add materially to our resources.

  15. As an illustration of the recklessness of life in Kentucky, and the terrible paralysis of public sentiment, the bishop states the following fact.

  16. The absurdity of assigning the newness of the country, the unrestrained habits of pioneer settlers, the recklessness of life engendered by wars with the Indians, &c.

  17. Let us consider the method by which nature changes recklessness into caution.

  18. Gradually a flood of recklessness welled up in her breast.

  19. The act has been applauded as one emanating from stern patriotism and self-devotion, but it appears rather to have proceeded from sheer recklessness and bitter hatred to the English.

  20. Every fortress which was not strategically abandoned by the French, was won by the skill of the general-in-chief, and the recklessness of life shown by his soldiers, in spite of the want of almost every appliance proper for an army.

  21. And he went his way with a cheery recklessness that seemed its own security.

  22. A curious recklessness possessed her that night.

  23. The Cato Street conspiracy would have been simply ridiculous but for the recklessness of the desperadoes who planned it.

  24. I bowed to his superior judgment, knowing that he combined true courage and daring with a sufficient caution to prevent recklessness for the mere sake of display.

  25. There is a recklessness about the Hottentot which the Kaffir does not possess, the former being a thorough spendthrift.

  26. With a gallantry that almost approached recklessness he faced round his regiment, and in the full intent of attacking his enemies, corps by corps, he gave the order to charge, and dashed right at the pursuing regiment.

  27. The splendid recklessness and passion that knows no precept and no school-teacher, whose very molten spontaneity is its own guide.

  28. Is there not the massive brilliant, out-flinging recklessness in the male soul, summed up in the sudden word: Andiamo!

  29. Kermode's different: he plunges into recklessness and the penalty falls on somebody else.

  30. Jernyngham had been a careless fool, and Prescott suspected that he was not likely to alter much in this respect, but he did not expect others to pay for his recklessness when the reckoning came.

  31. She had acted foolishly, with that recklessness which had always characterised her and had already scandalised the Imperial Family.

  32. This action of hers showed her recklessness and lack of discretion.

  33. Kenton was a most agreeable young fellow, with winning manners that made him many friends, even though Boone looked upon him as a firebrand because of his extreme recklessness in fighting the Indians.

  34. Although Kenton was possessed of a particularly amiable disposition among his friends, it is likely that his equal for recklessness was never known.

  35. Bravely, and with the recklessness of one who feels that the worst is over and nothing else matters, she pushed open the folding-doors.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recklessness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; apathy; carelessness; childishness; desperation; detachment; dispassion; disregard; dissipation; extravagance; forgetfulness; haste; hastiness; immaturity; impatience; imprudence; impulsiveness; inattention; indifference; indiscretion; insouciance; irrationality; laziness; listlessness; negligence; nonchalance; oblivion; precipitation; prodigality; profligacy; puerility; quickness; rampage; rashness; recklessness; sloth; stuffiness; suddenness; temerity; thoughtlessness; unconcern; unpreparedness; unreason; unreasonableness