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Example sentences for "rifts"

Lexicographically close words:
rifles; rifling; riform; rift; rifted; rig; rigardis; rige; rigged; rigger
  1. Such interbedded veins are commonly distinctly lenticular in form, occupying rifts in the strata which thin out in all directions and are often very limited in extent.

  2. The rest of the Indians are hidden away in the canons and rifts of the near hills,--wherever they can find a bit of ground to keep a horse or two and raise a little grain.

  3. They seem little more than rifts between dungeons: seven, eight, and nine stories high, the black walls stretch up.

  4. But then conceive of the block thus fissured towering three hundred feet or more sheer up, and having narrow rifts as the passages by which the interior may be penetrated.

  5. While Ailie and Tammy were collecting the price of his ransom Bobby was exploring the intricately cut-up interior of old St. Giles, sniffing at the rifts in flimsily plastered partitions that the Lord Provost pointed out to Mr. Traill.

  6. The ridge fell away steeply, through rifts of wynds and closes, to the Cowgate ravine on the one hand, and to Princes Street's parked valley on the other.

  7. He looked up, and the way was steeper, his only course being over an ice-covered face of rock far out of the perpendicular, but so smooth that the only way up was by taking advantage of the cracks and rifts which seamed it like a net.

  8. Through rifts in the trees we could watch the darkness creeping over the sea and the lagoon.

  9. Through the rifts in the trees we could see further--the stretching sands, gray in the moonlight, the blue-black mysterious seas beyond.

  10. Shall I less patience have than Thou, who know That Thou revisit'st all who wait for thee, Nor only fill'st the unsounded deeps below, But dost refresh with punctual overflow The rifts where unregarded mosses be?

  11. Many of them, like that on which Civita Castellana is perched, are surrounded by rifts and chasms and ravines and fosses, strangely furrowed and twisted by the force of fiery convulsions.

  12. These in the afterglow blush crimson, and through their rifts the depth of heaven is of a hard and gemlike blue, and all the water turns to rose beneath them.

  13. The wind had died That all day long sang songs unto the deep; It was eventide, And far and wide Sweet silence crept thro' the rifts of sound With spells of sleep.

  14. He had not so much difficulty in making out the shape of the place now, but it presented few differences from the many rifts in the rocks which he had examined when boating.

  15. As rifts in hanging clouds through which the rays Of silvery moonlight glance, so o'er each heart Steal flitting gleams of happy golden days, When in life's drama sorrow took no part.

  16. Rifts have been seen by several observers and in both caps; and what is most suggestive they always appear in the same places, year after year.

  17. At the next opposition more rifts were detected, one in especial on December 27, running from Arethusa Lucus, then upon the edge of the cap, athwart the snow in a northwesterly direction.

  18. In consequence the snow about it melts and the plants themselves show as dark rifts splitting the cap.

  19. This is evidenced by the recurrence of rifts in the same places annually in each.

  20. Impressed by the identity, I examined all the other rifts seen early in 1901, comparing them with the arctic canals seen later, to the finding of no less than five cases of the same coinciding positions.

  21. The process begins by the appearance of dark rifts which, starting in from the cap's exterior, penetrate into its heart until at last they cleave it in two.

  22. So far the season when the cap had been observed was that when the rifts were in process of forming.

  23. Some of the valleys are of considerable width, many only afford room for narrow tracks above the streams by which they are usually watered, while others are mere rifts for torrents and are inaccessible.

  24. The sun-lit white fleeces which had been rolling among the higher hills darkened and thickened into rain-clouds, drifting stormily, and only revealing here and there through their rifts glimpses of blue.

  25. The black mass drove over his head, so that he was forced to duck, and gleaming rifts showed and disappeared; and the darkness surged like the ocean and cried continually aloud with a hellish chaos of sounds.

  26. There was not much of the sea to be seen; what did appear here and there through the rifts in the squalls came on like a moving wall and broke with a roar into whitish green foam.

  27. The rifts of white mist are lifting from the bay, thinned into rose vapour now, as the sun creeps above the green hillsides.

  28. Lower down, skirting the velvet edge of the marsh, filmy rifts of mist broke into shreds or blended with the spirals of blue smoke mounting skyward from freshly kindled fires.

  29. At a distance through the rifts of mist I mistook this isolated hut of Garron's for a gabion.

  30. By the time they reached the forks of the stream the rising sun had melted the blanket of the mist until it lay over the desolate prairie in thin rifts of rose vapour.

  31. The village lay half hidden behind the rifts of mist.

  32. Changing lights and shadows sweep across the glancing emerald of the rice-filled vale, darken the purple rifts of mountain gorges, or intensify the luminous azure of soaring crests.

  33. Through occasional rifts in the matted mazes of branches, leafs, creepers and vines of the semi-tropical forest and jungle, rays of the late afternoon sun dappled the dusty elephant path under his naked feet.

  34. Five dust-covered, disheveled men moved steadily along a winding game trail, the rays of a noon-day sun pouring down on their tunic-clad backs through rifts in the arching branches overhead.

  35. While he had still a goodly distance to go he heard the sounds of shouting voices and caught an occasional glimpse of a flaming torch through rifts in the foliage ahead.

  36. Torrence; "sometimes in rifts of the fog we can see them more distinctly.

  37. The illumination from above would change from amber to erubescence, and then it would fall upon my path in sudden rifts of green or gold, and then return to its original amber tint again.

  38. Death shall claim my limbs and find them Laid in some desert place alone, or where the tides Of war's tumultuous waves on the wet sands behind them Leave rifts of gasping life when their red flood subsides.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rifts" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.