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Example sentences for "semester"

Lexicographically close words:
semely; semen; semence; semer; semes; semesters; semet; semeth; semetipsum; semi
  1. At first Houston's effort was brave, but at the end of the first semester of his freshman year he was conditioned in one course.

  2. Through the last semester she saw him less frequently, even, than she had during the earlier part of the year.

  3. Jack explained to her, as best he could, that the three days' respite from work after the first-semester examinations could not be that for him.

  4. Recall what is meant by the work of a semester hour and you will easily see how broad our academic requirement is.

  5. The amount of work required for this specializing varies with the different subjects, but in most cases it is from 20 to 24 semester hours.

  6. I also told her that I was a student in my second semester and that it was my ambition to be a poet.

  7. The few hundred marks that the jewellery would bring would surely keep him until the end of the semester .

  8. The winter semester usually commences in October and lasts till the latter part of March.

  9. At the end of the first semester of this course the examination given is not a test of what the students have remembered but rather a test of what they are able to do under definite conditions.

  10. The work of the history librarian on the side of the students would be concerned during the first semester particularly with the freshmen and the sophomores.

  11. During the second semester the work of the history librarian would be largely with the seniors and would be more constructive in its nature.

  12. Ang intráda sa únang simistri Hulyu 15, The first day of classes for the first semester will be on July 15.

  13. Hikwarismahan pa ang ikaduhang simistri, The second semester classes will still be on during Lent.

  14. Dì siya muiskuyla sa síkan simistir kay way kwarta, He can’t attend school during the second semester because he has no money.

  15. Sometimes, on the other hand, the two-semester course is treated as a unit, the various topics being distributed over the year; this latter procedure is probably the one that finds most favor with psychologists.

  16. This means that the choice time for the course in the history of education is the first semester of the senior year in college.

  17. A semester excursion to the city or to some state charitable institution adds such a touch of vividness to the routine class work.

  18. The average student plods through his semester from a sense of duty or obedience rather than from a conviction of the worth of both subject matter and method.

  19. Texts and contents= What should be the content of the one-semester general course?

  20. Still, good results can be obtained with the semester course supplemented by other courses.

  21. Ideally the botanical and zoölogical portions should be fused and be given by one teacher, rather than presented as one semester of botany and one of zoölogy.

  22. At the end of his second semester he has not developed sufficient laboratory technique for significant work in chemistry; he is ignorant of the chemical explanation of the most common phenomena in life.

  23. The most usual year of advanced work consists of one semester each of money and banking and of public finance.

  24. The phrase I say to people just to get it across is that, among other things, by the second semester we were discussing the differential geometry of Banach manifolds.

  25. By the end of his first semester at Brandeis, things were falling into place.

  26. He had her teaching every semester with the hope that she'd be too busy to cause anymore trouble.

  27. All of my semester student evaluations have been excellent.

  28. Can you recall anytime during the first semester that I had an injured wrist and couldn't put instructions on the board?

  29. Actually, the class was carried out first, well, first semester and Mr. Fredricksen was hired by Socony Mobil and joined the class.

  30. Then he can probably start making up the second semester at night school if he has a job.

  31. The second semester I switch to a music course.

  32. I’ve been taking a history course the first semester at school.

  33. The college began needling him for the water-fight damages, as well as second-semester tuition.

  34. Instead of doing his research work, we would all go to Munich, and he would take an unexpected semester there, working with Brentano.

  35. Almost every Saturday afternoon that first semester we fared forth early, Nandy in his go-cart, to get a seat in the front row of the baseball grandstand.

  36. The two textbooks used in the first semester were McDougall's "Social Psychology" and Wallas's "Great Society.

  37. We finally decided that, if we took the next semester or so in Berlin, Carl could earn money enough coaching to keep us going without having to borrow more.

  38. Just as a few months at Harvard showed us that one year there would be but a mere start, so one semester in Germany showed us that one year there would get us nowhere.

  39. More girls appeared at Ardmore that day, and the one following would see the opening of the semester and, as Jennie Stone said, "the buckling down to real work.

  40. This pleasant reward for the labour of a Semester came to Marjorie one Saturday afternoon in the latter half of May.

  41. With a strong sense of the need of instructing people of the Coale and the Ballantyne type in the way they should go, Marjorie began her last Semester in college.

  42. If the work in quantity, quality and regularity is deemed worthy, the teacher will credit the pupil with the number of home credits earned, which will be added to the pupil's standing at the end of the semester in determining promotion.

  43. In Wilbur, Washington, a scheme providing for a credit report for the semester is in successful operation.

  44. Some public schools in Arlington, Charlottesville and Norfolk, as well as in Alexandria, began integrated classes in the Spring semester of 1959.

  45. At the beginning of this semester we determined to put an end to all friction, though trivial, between the two organizations.

  46. But no matter how successful the semester will be, we shall only be able to say that we have added but one stone to the pedestal which is to be the permanent and deep foundation of the Menorah at Michigan.

  47. The first semester will be devoted to a presentation and discussion of some of the Jewish problems, viz.

  48. So here follows the many lives of "The Norwegian Bible": In the previous semester at the Teachers Training College we had a task of writing a short story in English.

  49. At the last lesson of the semester she gave all of us the best marks and said, "Good bye".

  50. He was deep in these end-of-semester figures when Pellams burst in at the window, like a storm-driven creature.

  51. One semester in this subject was usually considered sufficient.

  52. I had other uses for the semester twenty marks, unless he absolutely needed them.

  53. I had spent twenty marks semester after semester on his lectures and it did not seem to me that I was getting on very fast in my subject.

  54. I took two privatim twenty-mark lectures in my major, each semester that I was in the university.

  55. By my third semester I knew ten times more about Africa than I knew about my own country, and an unfathomable number of times more than I ever will know about Political Economy.

  56. By presenting the course in art related to the home as a separate semester or year course that parallels the homemaking course.

  57. When it is a semester course, it is well to offer art the first half of the year in order that it may be of greatest value to the first units in clothing.

  58. When but one semester is provided for related art work, additional units in home furnishing and clothing selection should become a part of the regular homemaking program, with several consecutive weeks planned for each unit.

  59. It all began thus: The first of last semester in the English class Each, most horribly read.

  60. And in order that you may learn to construct and pronounce it correctly, I propose that this last semester of your College course, you play a game that we may call 'English Notes.

  61. During the semester immediately before the modem's arrival, Electron's report card showed six As and one B.

  62. The following semester he earned six Bs and only one A.

  63. For a semester or two, perhaps for three, the German student gives himself up to the rollicking freedom of the corps student's life.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "semester" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.