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Example sentences for "skyscrapers"

Lexicographically close words:
skyn; skyr; skysail; skysails; skyscraper; skyward; skywards; slab; slabbed; slabe
  1. Upon their return to the cliff city, the Gibi found most of their wax skyscrapers in ruins, but they set about rebuilding without complaint.

  2. They passed the trees and reached the foot of the wax skyscrapers which towered dizzily above their heads.

  3. Millions from every race of the world come here, and the Statue of Liberty is the first symbol, and the skyscrapers of lower New York the first reality they see of the Land of Promise.

  4. Our steel bridges and skyscrapers are in constant motion; solid concrete dams must be provided with expansion joints; the Washington Monument goes through a diurnal gyration in response to the sun’s rays.

  5. Because of her 100-foot beam she would be too wide to be wedged in between the skyscrapers that border lower Broadway.

  6. Without this obedient slave of wood and steel, all our railroads and skyscrapers and automobiles could not save us from famine.

  7. If this farm output were to be cut off, the towering skyscrapers would fall and the gay palace-hotels would be as desolate as the temple of Thebes.

  8. I was homesick for the flash on the windows of the New York skyscrapers or the gleam on the Hudson of that bright sunlight in a drier air, that is the secret of the American's nervous energy.

  9. Pierpont Mount Vernon Mutiny, the Myanoshita Nautch, the Nawanagar, the Jam of New or Imperial Delhi New York, its skyscrapers its buildings its aquarium its shops its dances its sky signs its pictures its MSS.

  10. That comes not merely from the towering profile of Detroit's skyscrapers seen across the river, but from the spirit of Windsor itself.

  11. All manner of bits of paper fluttered and swirled in the air, making a grey nebula in the distance; glittering like spangles of gold against the severe white cliffs of the skyscrapers when the sun caught them.

  12. The strange rites connected with the "tivo" in the long cave had laid a foundation upon which my imagination piled skyscrapers of horror.

  13. I couldn't see the faces of the girls, but I understood what skyscrapers of hope they had built upon the announcement I had made when Edith had told of her discovery.

  14. The skyscrapers grew brighter and brighter still, the brightness of the inside of the Sun.

  15. Alive and amused in the fresh, weather-controlled air between the lines of bright skyscrapers with their winking windows and under a sky so blue you could almost call it dark.

  16. The fan-shaped skyscrapers spread a checkerboard of window lights through the gloom.

  17. The scherzo architecture of Villon's Paris, the gabled caprice of Shakespeare's London, the Rip Van Winkle jauntiness of a vanished New York, these are ghosts that wander among the skyscrapers and dynamo beltings of modernity.

  18. Behold, your skyscrapers and your Statue of Liberty are now receding from view; and your landlord and his card and messenger will be further from us every while we think of them, until, thanks to Time and Space and Steam!

  19. And when he pulls down the pyramids to build American Skyscrapers with their stones, where shall we bury then our Muhdi?

  20. Tickets for sightseeing space in skyscrapers were sold at high prices; cold meats and potted spreads were hawked to viewers with the assurance that they would be able to snag the bread out of the air and enjoy a historic sandwich.

  21. Gryce, escaping from his own managerial suite, raged about the city, demanding general cooperation in the stretching of great nets between the skyscrapers to trap the errant loaves.

  22. After all, friend, we were wrong in saying that this power lies outside the world of skyscrapers and business.

  23. It was the first time in my life I had ever felt power as great as skyscrapers and railroads and yet apart from them.

  24. This goes deeper than skyscrapers and other material aspects.

  25. These termite skyscrapers aren't much to look at on the outside, but inside they're just fine; they have everything the most particular ant could want.

  26. While we cannot see any of the termite skyscrapers in the United States, because we have none of the species of termites that build them, we can see a member of the termite family.

  27. The remarkable little creatures that build these skyscrapers are called "termites.

  28. Thus he was borne through the streets of old, old Tokio where the automobile and the jinrikisha mingled as unconcernedly as did the old-time temples and tea shops mingle with eight-story skyscrapers and picture theaters.

  29. In a few moments, the skyscrapers of San Francisco, looking white and spectral, were swallowed up in the gray-brown pall that enshrouded the Golden Gate.

  30. Mountains of stone are built out of men's visions, towers and skyscrapers swing up out of their wills and up out of their hearts.

  31. The skyscrapers are singing, "I will, I will!

  32. The skyscrapers are news about us to our President.

  33. Not quite so many, in fact, as there are in five of the skyscrapers of New York.

  34. Before the embers were cool the owners of some of the damaged skyscrapers gave commands to proceed instantly with their reconstruction.

  35. Not until 1890 was a high structure built, and few skyscrapers had invaded the city up to its day of ruin.

  36. Among the other skyscrapers north of Market Street that perished were the fourteen-story Merchants' Exchange, and the great Mills Building, occupying almost an entire block.

  37. Upon this solid foundation the first skyscrapers of Chicago were built.

  38. Where squaws used to pitch their wigwams, giant skyscrapers tower up toward the clouds.

  39. Well, America was there first, but we've certainly stuck a few skyscrapers about on the redskins' hunting preserves.

  40. Every building was either partly or wholly wrecked, roofs and cornices falling from skyscrapers on lower houses, crushing and burying the inmates.

  41. The steel framework of many of the modern skyscrapers stood intact after the shock, while the brick and stone walls were shaken out.

  42. Men overworked to the breaking point and women unnerved by hysteria dropped down on the cooling ashes and slept where they lay, for had they not seen the tall steel skyscrapers burn like a torch?

  43. As the sound died away, echoing in a ringing note on the skyscrapers opposite, the boys felt a sudden trembling beneath their feet.

  44. He and Mary had quite an argument about this, for she thought the skyscrapers beautiful.

  45. This they found oppressive at first, till they saw it after dark from a ferry boat, when Stefan became fired by the towerlike skyscrapers sketched in patterns of light against the void.

  46. As you swing 'round you obtain glimpses from different angles of the skyscrapers of San Francisco, with every now and then a stretch of glistening water.

  47. One of the best views of the city, its skyscrapers and the Bay is obtained from the hill.

  48. Suavities of outline accent the horizons of San Francisco, where the skyscrapers take on fantasy as they pile up on hills and recede into vales.

  49. From the background emerge tall buildings, white mostly, and recalling the skyscrapers of the United States.

  50. Skyscrapers now tower over the buildings which were thought enormous a dozen years ago.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skyscrapers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.