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Example sentences for "dams"

Lexicographically close words:
dampish; damply; dampned; dampness; damps; damsel; damsell; damsels; damson; damsons
  1. So rapid was the flow of oil when this was extinguished that earthen dams were hastily constructed to save the oil.

  2. Before many dams could be so laboriously modified the Revolutionary War arrived to obscure placid matters like fish conservation.

  3. There were no dams barring access to the highest reaches of the rivers and no cities and factories to discharge pollution, so that the river-herring and shad made their way far inland even to the Blue Ridge mountains.

  4. The dams absolutely stopped them, but they had greatly declined before their erection.

  5. You will notice when there is a light shift of snow that mink cross old logs, limbs, boards and dams that are across streams.

  6. This trap should be set around old dams or log jams by the brook, baited with fish, muskrat, rabbit or chicken.

  7. All these lower lake-basins were evidently formed by terminal moraine dams deposited where the receding glacier had lingered during short periods of less waste, or greater snowfall, or both.

  8. They are the most industrious and greatest Artificers (in building their Dams and Houses) of any four-footed Creatures in the World.

  9. Bevers are very numerous in Carolina, their being abundance of their Dams in all Parts of the Country, where I have travel'd.

  10. Dams and fishing weirs are built across streams by the inhabitants of most countries.

  11. Many of the natives of Africa and Australia are very skilful in the construction of dams and weirs.

  12. Three other dams of modern construction are also in existence, one near Firminy, the other two near St Etienne.

  13. It has been proposed to construct in the upper valleys of the several affluents a number of gigantic dams or reservoirs from which the water, stored during flood, could be let off into the river as required.

  14. Before I vould hep dem ter harm dese kullod peeples py dams I suffers ter be kilt.

  15. I stays in mine house, mine house is mine castle, and ef dey wants me let dem cum to mine house, by dams I fills dem full uv lead; yo kin put dat in yo pipe and shmoke id.

  16. The Hendersons and the Van Dams and that sort are in a race to see who shall build houses with the biggest rooms, and give the most expensive entertainments.

  17. By the middle of August Jack's yacht was ready, and he went with Mavick and the Van Dams and some other men of the club on a cruise up the coast.

  18. And then the Van Dams and Miss Tavish; they were at Henderson's, and would help to make it easy.

  19. The Van Dams would go, Miss Tavish, the Chesneys; the suggestion was a relief to everybody.

  20. The Blunts and the Van Dams and the Chesneys and the Tavishes and Mrs. Henderson had called, invitations had poured in, subscriptions were asked, studies and gayeties were projected, and the real business of life was under way.

  21. But when I examined the ground again in 1912, the dams were broken, the ponds all dry.

  22. Last September I found a fine lots of dams and dammers on the southeast side of Yellowstone Lake where you may go on a camera hunt with certainty of getting Beaver pictures.

  23. In this way I found the Beavers at Yancey's in 1897 had constructed thirteen dams in succession.

  24. There is also a light-house upon one of the two dams which secure the harbour, also built two years ago.

  25. Both of them have, not far from their junction, high dams forming waterfalls, and on all the four shores mills for flour, oil and sawing.

  26. The valley of the Schuylkill appeared to particularly great advantage, which by means of dams and canals, made near shallow places, is navigable till beyond the Blue Mountains.

  27. I fear, however, that this work will also be destroyed, unless a couple of perpendicular dams be built touching the principal dam, to break the force of the waves before they reach the latter.

  28. The river lapped the shores of peaceful meadows; it flowed along banks green with maple, beech, sycamore, and birch; it fell tempestuously over dams and fought its way between rocky cliffs crowned with stately firs.

  29. The dams in most cases are amazingly well constructed.

  30. So stanchly constructed were the dams that the use of dynamite was necessary to destroy them.

  31. There are many instances of their totally undermining the most solid mason-work, or burrowing through dams which had for ages served to confine the waters of rivers and canals.

  32. It had done enough, however, to raise an alarm, and the whole herd came to its rescue, compelling the intruder to decamp: for the dams will allow no one to touch their young without attacking him with impetuosity.

  33. There were not only the rock dams of Lake Caroline but the concrete and rock dams of Ice, Ohman, Steuart, and Reynolds Lakes and the great earthen dam of Loch Lomond, the main lake of the reservoir system.

  34. Behind these solid dams the water from the rains and the melting snow of the mountains was backed for miles, and was at once ready to change barrenness into fruitfulness.

  35. Enormous dams of cemented stone were thrown across the gorges in the foothills of the mountains.

  36. If the dams were not high enough to throw the drainage out of the valley, the lakes would have their outlets over them.

  37. Devil's lake then occupies an unfilled portion of an old river valley, isolated by great morainic dams from its surface continuations on either hand.

  38. The drift obstructions in the Baraboo valley were probably removed about as fast as those in the Wisconsin, and since the obstructions were of drift, and the streams strong, the removal of the dams was probably rapid.

  39. The retreat of the ice therefore left two well defined drift dams in the valley, one low one just above the Lower narrows, and a higher one, the moraine dam, just west of Baraboo.

  40. In this last case, the partial fillings at various points constituted dams above which drainage was ponded, making lakes.

  41. It is lowest in November, and rocks, shallows, and the remains of old dams then render it almost unnavigable.

  42. Midhat caused many of the dams to be destroyed and for some years occasional steamers were run between Meskene and Hillah in flood time, from April to August.

  43. Congressional Committees investigated, the Supreme Court tested the dams against the Constitution, ethnologists and archeologists hastily checked for Indian relics; and the dams, infused with youthful vigor, matured.

  44. Whether the task was the strengthening of dams or the clearing of canals, it had to be done and finished within a certain period over a great area.

  45. To complete all, there was need to clear the choked canals yearly, repair the dams and build lofty roads for the army, which had to march at all seasons.

  46. To guard against excessive waste of water, they built mighty dams and dug reservoirs, among which the artificial lake Moeris occupied three hundred square kilometers of surface and was fifty-four meters deep.

  47. We may gain the impression that the erection of these dams in the civilized child is the work of education; and surely education contributes much to it.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dams" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.