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Example sentences for "stiffening"

Lexicographically close words:
stif; stiff; stiffe; stiffen; stiffened; stiffens; stiffer; stiffest; stiffish; stiffly
  1. Hungary has asserted itself against the Austrians, and Norway against the Swedes; and each by the stiffening of racial pride has insisted on the recognition of its national integrity.

  2. Gum, starch, and the like, used in stiffening or finishing silk, linen, and other fabrics.

  3. The art of stiffening or bracing a set of timbers, or the like, by putting in struts, ties, etc.

  4. The rootstock contains much starch, and has been used in stiffening linen.

  5. It is used as a food, in the production of commercial grape sugar, for stiffening linen in laundries, in making paste, etc.

  6. A dry granulated starch imported from the East Indies, much used for making puddings and as an article of diet for the sick; also, as starch, for stiffening textile fabrics.

  7. A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy.

  8. It is used as a stiffening in stays, fans, screens, and for various other purposes.

  9. A plate or thin portion, continuous or perforated, connecting stiffening ribs or flanges, or other parts of an object.

  10. I hope my temper is not especially bad," said Claude, stiffening with sudden reserve.

  11. There was the instant stiffening of muscles.

  12. You’re stiffening up quite a lot,” observed Barclay.

  13. She knew the truth; she felt it as steel stiffening against him and against every softer impulse of her own.

  14. Then the crutches creaked with a stronger grip of his hands and a stiffening of his body as he mastered his feelings.

  15. Stiffening in his chair, a flash of desperation in his eye, Bouchard's bony, long hand gripped the table edge.

  16. With a stiffening of his shoulders, he lifted his head, as if to stare all Lakeville in the face.

  17. Hard on the heels of this stiffening determination, Lakeville scored again, and yet again.

  18. Her glance had travelled beyond Lawrence and her features were stiffening into a mask of fear.

  19. Hamilcar, without answering him, clapped his hands and three men appeared; and all four simultaneously stiffening their arms, drew back from its rings the enormous bar which closed the door.

  20. With a bound he grasped it, stiffening his arms, and making a buttress of his feet, and at last the huge leaves partly opened.

  21. The convulsions affected every muscle of the body, and were accompanied by stiffening of the limbs.

  22. She heard hurrying feet and prepared herself by a visible stiffening for the coming of the arch villain himself.

  23. He sensed rather than saw a quick stiffening of Terry's already tense little body; fancied that the car was steadily taking on greater speed, read Terry's purpose in a flash.

  24. Yea, I shall cherish a stiffening thing for her.

  25. Get donned; make up the fire; have water boiling; And send the wench to lie in your warm form Ready to cherish what stiffening thing I bring.

  26. Sometimes the contracture got more marked, and the board-like muscles could be felt stiffening under the examining finger.

  27. The sight of it, stiffening and rising the way it did maddened Ruggam so that he beat it down hysterically in retaliation for the many grudges he fancied he owed the officer.

  28. May I remind you," said he, stiffening with the gentle insistence of a steel spring, "that I am not to be addressed in sarcastic tones any longer?

  29. At this, all the company who were present lifted up their eyes into the vault; and I must confess, we did discover many traces of cordage which were interwoven in the stiffening of the drapery.

  30. At sight of the stiffening body of the faithful slave you may suppose my blood ran cold and hot by turns, and that his blood cried out for vengeance from the sod that soaked it up.

  31. Through the dimming haze of sleeping sensibility the dancing savages became as marionettes in some cunning puppet show; and the blood stained figures stiffening against their log took shapes less horrifying.

  32. All his life Jimmy remembered the broken-hearted look in Christine's eyes when she flung herself down by the fast-stiffening body of her favourite.

  33. He had seen the sudden stiffening of her slim little figure, the sudden nervous clasp of her hands.

  34. Would any one of those averted faces look with pity and regret upon his stiffening form?

  35. There was the fantail beard, with its wadded nightcap for protection during sleep, of the stiffening which was applied.

  36. Thus was my prophecy to the herald fulfilled, and within the forty-eight hours Twala's headless corpse was stiffening at Twala's gate.

  37. But we hear too little of numberless other cases of the same stiffening and falsification; we are far too seldom reminded that just as church-going is not religion, so reading and writing are not knowledge, and voting is not self-government.

  38. If this system IS the country, as some say, the country is stiffening into more than the pomp and paralysis of China.

  39. The frost crept noiselessly along, stiffening each grass blade, while not an insect stirred down the biting air.

  40. He had forgotten the dead animal, which lay stiffening at his side.

  41. As if drawn by one strangely mutual attraction, all eyes, even those of Zephoranim himself, turned instinctively toward the flashing Emblem, which appeared to burn like living fire on that perished mass of stiffening clay, .

  42. Certain young singers take in an enormous breath, stiffening every muscle in order to hold the air, thus depriving their muscles of all elasticity.

  43. One, for instance, is to throw the tongue out as far forward as possible without stiffening it and then draw it back slowly.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stiffening" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.