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Example sentences for "stupefy"

Lexicographically close words:
stupas; stupe; stupefaction; stupefied; stupefies; stupefying; stupendious; stupendous; stupendously; stupes
  1. Most of the fishing here is done with the tuba plant; and I think it is mean to stupefy the fish, and then pick them up on the top of the water.

  2. The effect is to stupefy and sometimes kill the fish.

  3. Sometimes he was given a narcotic drink to stupefy him.

  4. The captive general, uncertain of his life or death, was hastily thrown upon a horse, and conducted to the presence of Julian; who kindly raised him from the ground, and dispelled the terror and amazement which seemed to stupefy his faculties.

  5. Shouldn't wonder if he's a Thug--they use dhatura poison to stupefy their victims, you know.

  6. To make drunk; to inebriate; to excite or to stupefy by strong drink or by a narcotic substance.

  7. Defn: Drops of some drug put in one's drink to stupefy him for purpose of robbery, etc.

  8. The fumes of drink discompose and stupefy the brain.

  9. I, however, O foremost of warriors, always used to stupefy the son of Radha.

  10. Any preparation, as of opium, used to stupefy or, in the case of a race horse, to stimulate.

  11. He smoked pipe after pipe to stupefy the monster; in vain.

  12. Zack, suspecting that the brandy he had swallowed was beginning to stupefy him, determined, with characteristic recklessness, to rouse him into talking at any hazard.

  13. These words seemed at first to stupefy Mat: they burst upon him in the shape of a revelation for which he was totally unprepared.

  14. If only those three men would be so accommodating as to stupefy themselves in quick order, while thus celebrating their successful raid, Donald thought they surely could manage to get the upper hand of the remaining fellow.

  15. He entertained Donald with a glowing account of how he had finally managed to stupefy the whole band with some drug he found among their plunder, and in this fashion made his escape.

  16. Under any other circumstances, the drink would simply stupefy me.

  17. I thought the influence of opium was first to stupefy you, and then to send you to sleep.

  18. In order to have control over the bees during the operation, you must slightly stupefy them with the smoke of a smouldering rag.

  19. Within an hour after passing out of this cell you will have it in your power to trample on your better nature and stupefy your mind.

  20. Your power to drown memory and conscience, and stupefy your mind, will last a little while only at best.

  21. With a shudder he thought of the real eternity, beyond, when the power to excite or stupefy his lower nature would be gone forever.

  22. Is it indeed right and scriptural to impair body and mind, to defile the flesh, cloud the soul, stupefy conscience, and cherish the worst passions?

  23. To stupefy with excess of light; with a blow, with cold, or with fear; to confuse; to benumb.

  24. To stun or stupefy with noise; to deafen.

  25. The device of putting into the water some poisonous or narcotic substance in order to stupefy the fish is met with all over the globe.

  26. In the Horn of Africa magicians who want to get rid of a man stupefy him with drugs and sell him into slavery as having the evil eye (jettatura).

  27. At the time of his first exhibition he wrote to Bruyas: "I stupefy the entire world.

  28. It was after Gauguin's first sojourn to the Islands that he came back to France a barbarian, eager to stupefy the world of arts not only by his pictures but by his very attire.

  29. I have found sugaring of little use till after the blossoming season, and it is almost impossible to so stupefy or intoxicate an insect that it will remain upon the sugared tree till the next morning.

  30. The strange discovery seemed to stupefy him.

  31. The sight of the newcomer seemed to stupefy Vantrasson.

  32. This compounded, And made into a glassy metal, soon Reflects upon the eyes of him that looks in't A sleepy poison, which will stupefy The vital parts.

  33. Lead, poppy, slumber, stupefy my heart; But Bedlam grief acts gambols in my brain.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stupefy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    amaze; appall; astonish; astound; awe; benumb; bewilder; blunt; boggle; chloroform; confound; daze; dazzle; deaden; dope; drug; dull; freeze; horrify; intoxicate; jolt; kayo; numb; overpower; overwhelm; paralyze; perplex; petrify; rock; shatter; shock; stagger; startle; stun; stupefy; surprise; terrify; unnerve