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Example sentences for "stylist"

Lexicographically close words:
stylet; stylets; styling; stylish; stylishly; stylistic; stylists; stylized; styll; stylle
  1. At fourteen young Weiner is a stylist of the highest all-court type.

  2. Zerlendi is a match winner first and a stylist second.

  3. The stylist may vault airily into the saddle of logic, or in the delicate reticulation of his silver-fire paragraphs he may take, as an exemplar, John Henry Newman.

  4. John Jay Chapman in a brilliant essay has traced the progress of this prose pilgrim, a professional stylist as well as a professional invalid.

  5. The present version is faultlessly rendered by an English stylist who has sought to set down the exact shade of the critic's meaning.

  6. He surpasses Mrs. Gerould by reason of the variety of his subject matter, and as a stylist he is equal to Anne Douglas Sedgwick.

  7. To say that an author is a stylist is about as helpful as to say that he is a thinker.

  8. But is it a reason for writing more of an author already more discussed than any English stylist of our time?

  9. A fourth is the stylist who writes in disjointed phrases and expletives, intended to represent the actual processes of the mind.

  10. The bizarre stylist misses truth by straining too much to achieve it.

  11. The shelf was evidently not popular, yet it contained the books that had been specially recommended to me as best worth reading by my stylist friends.

  12. Mr. Herbert Gracious was not merely a stylist himself, he was a cause of style in others.

  13. There was really very little of the stylist in her voice, although she was not aware of it, and would have been quite mortified had such been the case.

  14. In a literary point of view we have already noticed that he was the creator of the modern Latin prose;(34) his importance rests on his mastery of style, and it is only as a stylist that he shows confidence in himself.

  15. No figure of speech, no touch of the stylist could make such a profound impression as this brief, concise statement of fact.

  16. And so the stylist considers not only the words he uses but he places them in the most strategic position in the sentence--the beginning.

  17. There have been few great writers who have been so incapable of revision as Robert Browning, but Browning with all his genius is not a great stylist to be named with Shakespeare.

  18. He did indeed prove himself to be a great stylist in more than one poem, such as Childe Roland--which he wrote almost at a sitting.

  19. For it yet remains to be said that Strauss was not only an inferior actor but a very worthless stylist as well.

  20. Beautiful as are many of the passages describing the pathetic outcast Ann, the reader is too conscious of the stylist and the full-dress stylist.

  21. I say seemed, for it was the stylist that stood in the way of the story-teller.

  22. This was Malherbe, who was also a powerful lyric poet, a stylist with an ear for melody.

  23. Her qualities as a poet are a touching and individual grace, much delicate spontaneity, a pure and often profound emotion, and an instinct as a stylist which is almost infallible.

  24. They are the slenderest of strings upon which the master stylist hangs the pearls of his wisdom.

  25. Kropotkin has written very much, but practice does not make a stylist any more than learning the rules in the Rationale of Verse makes one capable of producing The Raven.

  26. There is no reason why one man should be a stylist and another should not, but so it is.

  27. The stylist hovered above her for over a minute, muttering and clucking as it conducted an apparently disapproving survey of the job.

  28. This time the stylist purred as it surveyed and hummed while it worked.

  29. She dialed another drink and settled down with it beneath the mechanical stylist for a readjustment in the hairdo department.

  30. She had a bath and then discovered a mechanical stylist in a recess beside the bathroom mirror.

  31. Possibly the stylist had included the Automatic Sales dress in its computations.

  32. Then she saw that the stylist had produced a shining make-up kit and was opening it.

  33. Whoever that stylist was, it was to him that James handed over the manuscripts which he received from the translators.

  34. Such a lament from such lips is, nevertheless, what it declares human words not to be: the exact measure of the agonized striving of the great stylist for artistic perfection.

  35. Beyle the stylist has no sense for either colour or form.

  36. Gautier the stylist is an artist of the first rank, but Gautier the author, in spite of his poetic qualities, is cold and at times arid.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stylist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    designer; rhetorician; stylist