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Example sentences for "surplice"

Lexicographically close words:
surpassed; surpasses; surpasseth; surpassing; surpassingly; surpliced; surplices; surplus; surplusage; surpluses
  1. The puritans disrupted the established church's Sunday services, tearing the surplice off the minister's back and the wafers and wine from the altar rail.

  2. When the surplice controversy was agitating the Established Church, he told his congregation that he usually preached in a surplice because he preferred it, but he "would preach in his shirt-sleeves if it would be any satisfaction to them.

  3. We do not propose to put the cassock and surplice upon persons whose very appearance in that garb would disedify the people.

  4. He was destined to appear in public at least once more, not only in the black coat and white tie of his everyday professional costume, but even in the flowing snowy surplice of a solemn and decorous spiritual function.

  5. So, in the end, Arthur packed up his surplice in his little handbag, and took his way peacefully down to Calcombe Pomeroy.

  6. The short surplice worn by choir-boys and choirmen is usually called a cotta.

  7. It is worn over the alb or surplice and varies in color according to the Church season.

  8. This, however, has long since been given up; the surplice is more properly worn.

  9. Welcome alike in surplice or in gown The loyal lieges of the Heavenly Crown!

  10. No matter how clearly their little vices and enormous absurdities were pointed out to her, she could not see them; she was blind to ecclesiastical defects; the white surplice covered a multitude of sins.

  11. And scarce had I dressed myself and put on my surplice when Pastor Benzensis came in at the door and fell upon my neck, weeping, and as mute as a fish.

  12. Many rites and ceremonies, such as wearing the surplice and making the cross in baptism, had been retained; and these things, in their eyes, appeared mere Popish superstitions.

  13. The old man insisted upon performing his accustomed duties, placing the surplice or black gown on his son's shoulders, and sitting below him in the clerk's lowly desk.

  14. It was pitch-dark when he got off his horse at the church gates, and with some difficulty he found his way into the vestry and put a surplice over his wet garments.

  15. Ay," he says, chuckling, "the old surplice and the old Book of Common Prayer.

  16. The moments thus employed would be turned to account in the afternoon by the officiating clergyman, who would take the opportunity of retiring to the vestry to exchange his surplice for his academic gown wherein to preach.

  17. The surplice (washed twice a year) was hung over the altar rails, within which the curate robed, his hat or any parcel he happened to have in his hand being put down for the time on the Holy Table.

  18. I darned the surplice and laid it in lavender.

  19. Bacon, was curate at Newton, and remembers well the old surplice turned up and shortened at the bottom, where the old parson's spurs had frayed it.

  20. He chuckles again, puts back the surplice and the book, and locks the coffer[5].

  21. Robed in surplice and cope he is chanting the Psalms for the departed, and at the burial he is holding the holy-water vessel for the asperging of the corpse.

  22. The deputy of the ward was bound over to keep the peace, and Crowley was ordered to stay in his house, and for not wearing a surplice was deprived of his living, to which he was again appointed twelve years later[55].

  23. We can see the clerk clad in his surplice setting out in the morning of Sunday on his rounds.

  24. When the surplice is out, the book will stay no longer locked up.

  25. The clerk wears a surplice over a red tunic.

  26. It was the surplice which had once been white.

  27. Tho' honesty be no puritan, yet it will do no hurt; it will wear the surplice of humility over the black gown of a big heart] The clown's answer is obscure.

  28. Immediately afterwards, the clergyman appeared: putting on his surplice as he came along.

  29. Whittenden heard about it, and came running, book in one hand, surplice in the other.

  30. Then he yanked off his surplice as fast as he'd yanked it on, and went to work to help us lay them out decently, before their wives and children saw them.

  31. He had been a dear old rector, rotund and pompous; and his surplice had been fully as long and voluminous as a Mother Hubbard nightie.

  32. The surplice was exchanged for a black silk gown and bands before the sermon, the congregation all knelt for the prayers, and, in doing so, turned around and knelt to the seats.

  33. The clergyman was robed in a long surplice and black scarf.

  34. There was no vestry; the surplice was kept in a cupboard near the door, and the clergyman donned and doffed it behind a screen which only partially hid him.

  35. Julien was wearing his surplice with distinction.

  36. The richness of the lace surplice stopped Julien in spite of himself some paces in front of the mirror.

  37. As the sanctus of high mass sounded, Julien wanted to take a surplice to follow the bishop in the superb procession.

  38. I myself have known parishes in the mountains where the surplice fees were worth more than that of many town livings.

  39. In a cupboard in the vestry-room he had found an old surplice hanging; he took it down, tried it on before the mirror, and wistfully put it back.

  40. The surplice tempted him strongly, for it suggested the sermon he felt impelled to deliver, against the Bishop's orders.

  41. When the Bishop saw his lay reader appear in surplice and scarlet hood, he was startled.

  42. The congregation were particularly pleased, on this occasion, to see Gissing appear in surplice and stole.

  43. Yet the prejudice against surplice and organ was deep.

  44. Mary Magdalen Church in surplice and hood, and that church was always "full of young people purposely to hear and see the novelty.

  45. The coffin was first deposited in the middle of the church, and Dick twisted the brim of his big hat nervously, troubled by the service the parson in a white flowing surplice read from the reading-desk.

  46. But there being no help for it, he followed the procession through the tombstones, his white surplice blowing, Dick wondering how the little grave had been found amongst so many, but the sexton knew.

  47. For this reason I have made no attempt to introduce the surplice into the pulpit except on the great festivals, intending to familiarize my parishioners to it by little and little.

  48. With these precautions," said Charles, "I really think you might have ventured on your surplice in the pulpit every Sunday.

  49. Answer me this single question--Why does a clergyman wear a surplice when he reads prayers?

  50. Next comes the Sacrament, and has the surplice and hood.

  51. Then followed clauses providing that a clergyman might wear the surplice or not as he thought fit; it left the sign of the cross optional in baptism; and provided that the Eucharist need not be received kneeling.

  52. The cross in baptism, the use of god-parents, the wearing of the surplice were to be optional.

  53. At this point Peter McCaskill suddenly flapped his surplice in the face of Barra's horse, which flourished its heels and cantered away to meet its companions.

  54. His horse reared and shied at the waving surplice and the threatening hammer, whereupon the rider went over the pommel of his saddle and crashed all his length on the hard-beaten path.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "surplice" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.