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Example sentences for "tarantula"

Lexicographically close words:
tapus; tar; tarantass; tarantella; tarantelle; tarantulas; tarboosh; tarbush; tard; tarda
  1. Araneides, comprising all the spiders and spinners; and Pedipalpi, comprising the tarantula and scorpions.

  2. Mania, among barbarous people, often takes the epidemic form, as among the savage negroes of Juidah, among the Abipones and among the Abyssinians in those affections analogous to the tarantula which are called tigretier.

  3. The subjects also had an antipathy to anything red, unlike tarantula subjects who are madly attracted to red.

  4. What do you think of the Tarantula business?

  5. An ensuing explosion from Jones proclaimed to the listening world that Wallace had thrown a tarantula upon him.

  6. I routed out a hairy tarantula from under a stone and teased him into a frenzy with my stick, and tried to get up a fight between him and a scallop-backed horned-toad that blinked wonderingly at me.

  7. He had kept teasing Lee for some sort of pet, however, and as a joke Lee had just presented him with the biggest tarantula he could capture.

  8. Furious, raging with anger, now crouching in the corner, now springing toward the boys, only to strike the wires, an immense tarantula faced his jailers with deadly menace in his whole bearing.

  9. The border is almost invariably of three stripes, of which the central has the tarantula design, and the two guards have a reciprocal sawtooth design.

  10. The main one almost invariably has the tarantula design and is enclosed by guards with the serrated sawtooth design.

  11. The tarantula and crab designs are found exclusively in borders of Caucasian rugs.

  12. I had an embalmed tarantula and her porcelain-lined nest, and I desired to add to these the gray and airy home of the hornet.

  13. The gipsy who night and day for seven months goes to and fro with her brats upon her back" is the Lycosa, the Tarantula with the black stomach, the great spider of the wastes.

  14. The deft hands swept the birds and beasts, with tarantula and tsetse, into the wooden box, and lifted the children from their chairs, as Captain Bingo and Beauvayse, following the D.

  15. Bough would lie low, and watch, and wait, and then spring, as the tarantula springs.

  16. From a mossy cranny in a stone a hairy tarantula leaped upon a little lizard that sunned itself, not thinking Death so near.

  17. He glanced over his shoulders right and left, and took a step towards her, carrying out the movement suddenly, as a tarantula darts upon its prey.

  18. There’s a tarantula lying on Arden’s breast; don’t you see it?

  19. It’s the biggest and ugliest tarantula that I ever laid eyes on, and if it gives Arden one nip, he’s a goner.

  20. The tarantula had not stirred more than an inch since he was seen, but that was in the direction of the Texan’s face, and his peril was becoming more imminent than before.

  21. I had just made up my mind to give the spider a flirt with my hat,” he said, “but the tarantula is so quick, I knew it would get in its work before I could brush it off.

  22. The tarantula that was straddling across the chest of the prostrate Texan, surcharged with virus and about to inflict its fatal bite, vanished as though it had never been.

  23. Smith, the naturalist and collector, saw a man bitten on the bare foot by a tarantula (Mygale) so hard as to draw blood.

  24. And even there, he believes, death never follows tarantula bite unless the subject is in a depleted state of resistance from blood-disease or other cause.

  25. Apparently of the same nature is the "news story" of a Californian who, presumably mistaking a tarantula for a fragrant floweret, was bitten on the nose and "died in great agony.

  26. He followed with some stories about the tarantula and tarantula hawk which he had seen while on a professional trip in the Southwest.

  27. You could n't convince him that coyotes ain't dangerous; and he thought it was sure death if a tarantula looked at him; and you could make him jump out of his boots any time by just buzzin' your tongue behind his ear.

  28. Up to this time it had not seen the tarantula either.

  29. The boys could see that the bird was dead, and the mandibles of the tarantula were buried in its shining threat!

  30. Its eyes were bent eagerly upon the latter; and whenever it flew up from the flowers and whirred idly about, the tarantula squatted itself closely, hiding behind the leaves or shanks of the vines.

  31. The tarantula now commenced reeling in his line, for the purpose of carrying his prey up among the branches, where he had his nest.

  32. It had scarcely been a moment in this position, when the tarantula sprang forward and clutched it round the body with his antennae.

  33. One such type is the tarantula spider described above.

  34. In spite, however, of all that has been written on this subject by physicians and historians, it appears to be a fact that the bite of the tarantula is not more venomous than that of other large spiders.

  35. And the superstition was general that by means of music and dancing, the poison of the tarantula was distributed over the whole body, and was then eliminated through the pores of the skin.

  36. Neither the stings of the trapdoor spider nor true tarantula are usually dangerous although the wounds caused by the bites may heal slowly.

  37. As to the origin, habitat, and character of this tarantula I have never been afforded the least information.

  38. During the eclipse the priests never cease to call upon their deities for aid against the mighty tarantula that is menacing the moon.

  39. He grasped the club and gave him the soundest kind of a thwacking, but when the Tarantula shouted "Harder," he guessed that it was an enchanted weapon, and changing it for his magic ball he finished the Tarantula at a blow.

  40. On a ride on the Haitian border my horse shied at a tarantula in the trail, and in calling my Dominican companion's attention to it, I remarked that it was as large as a saucer.

  41. Those sometimes met with are the species of tarantula known as the hairy spider, the spider known as guava, and the blue spider, also the scorpion and the centipede.

  42. The bite of the tarantula is cured by music; and this only by certain tunes.

  43. I never saw a tarantula so quiet as that before.

  44. How had the tarantula come into his bed, and why had someone said that it acted like a thing drugged or intoxicated, and that, when it woke up, it would have been a bad lookout for Roddy?

  45. A tarantula bit him--one of the awful big poisonous ones out of the aloe hedge.

  46. Prendergast, was one day writing in his log cabin, when a huge Tarantula spider gently lowered itself from the roof by its slender cord, and dangled in front of him.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tarantula" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beetle; bug; caterpillar; centipede; fly; insect; larva; maggot; mite; nymph; scorpion; spider; tarantula; tick