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Example sentences for "toiled"

Lexicographically close words:
togyder; tohunga; toient; toil; toile; toiler; toilers; toiles; toilet; toileth
  1. For an hour the men toiled at the oars, the sweat pouring from their brick-red faces; yet uncomplainingly they maintained their long swinging strokes, as if they were pulling across a harbour rather than setting out for a 180-mile voyage.

  2. Well it was that the Arabs were very indifferent shots at long range, otherwise they would have taken a heavy toll of the seamen who were obliged to present a fair target as they toiled in the open.

  3. No red-deer picks have been at work there, no bright-eyed, scrambling hordes have toiled their shifts or left traces through the centuries as at the Devil's Dyke.

  4. All heavy gear, including the guns, was taken ashore, the manual work being performed by gangs of negro slaves, who toiled and groaned under the lash of their relentless taskmasters.

  5. For the rest of the day our army of workers toiled at their arduous task, and before nightfall a cutting was made sufficiently wide and deep to divert the stream.

  6. It was as if Nature were fighting against them to keep them within reach of Hallam and his friend, and, though they toiled on, a second hour had elapsed and found them still astray.

  7. I should have toiled on for my child's sake, and waited patiently until my husband bade me come.

  8. Eaton, piteously, as Bayle toiled on with him, seeing now that Hallam and Crellock were outside the verandah, looking curiously towards him, but not taking a step to his aid.

  9. So E Company, in its shirt-sleeves mainly, doubled for the dear life, and in the rear toiled the perspiring Sergeant, adjuring it to double yet faster.

  10. God be thanked--whate'er comes after, I have lived and toiled with men!

  11. The Bull grunted approval as he toiled down the furrows for the last time that day, and the song ended, leaving the cultivator with a very good opinion of himself in his aching bones.

  12. The girls who toiled together at Lowell were clearing away a few weeds from the overgrown track of independent labor for other women.

  13. And the stream beside which we toiled added to its own inspirations human suggestions drawn from our acquaintance with each other.

  14. The soil was dry there, and, taking off his jacket, the Maestro toiled till a little hole was ready.

  15. She did not look behind, but toiled stolidly toward the building.

  16. This gave me renewed courage, and we toiled up until at last we reached the great platform and stood beneath the left-hand wing of the gigantic vampire of solid rock.

  17. This terrible lesson was heeded by everyone, and for fully half an hour the silence was almost complete, save for the gasps and hard breathing of our followers as they toiled onward down the steep face of the gigantic rock.

  18. I have toiled and earned nothing; I have sown in care and reaped not in merriment; I have poisoned the comfort of others, but no blessing hath fallen into my own lap.

  19. My muscles seemed to have been torn asunder, but I toiled (or made a show of toiling) all the second day.

  20. It was hot at mid-day and the sun fell upon our bended shoulders with amazing power, but we toiled on, glad of the opportunity to earn a dollar.

  21. We toiled through all the museums, working harder than we had ever worked upon the farm, till Frank cried out for mercy.

  22. It cannot be that I was required to work very hard or very steadily, but it seemed to me then, and afterward, as if I had been made one of the regular hands and that I toiled the whole day through.

  23. I could not forget the duty I owed to her who had toiled so uncomplainingly that I might be clothed and fed and educated, and so I wrote to her announcing the date of my arrival.

  24. So it was settled, and the grasshopper went forth into the fields and toiled as hard as any slave.

  25. Bewildered,--with eyes and ears alert, we toiled up Haymarket Square shoulder to shoulder, seeking the Common.

  26. All your life long you and mother have toiled with hardly a day off.

  27. When the quartette toiled up the steep beach-gravel path to the steps of the house, Captain Nickerson jumped lightly on to the verandah and clasped his mother in his strong arms.

  28. It was all for his son and his family pride that he toiled and scrimped and did shady tricks so that when the time came he could restore the family fortunes and uphold the dignity of the house.

  29. The boys toiled and mucked all afternoon in the rain and bitter wind, and Donald crawled to his bunk at seven that evening aching in every limb and muscle and with his hands skinned and painful.

  30. Their implements made little or no impression on this unyielding substance, and though they toiled incessantly, the work proceeded with disheartening slowness.

  31. As the carriage slowly toiled along the sandy road, she meditated, sometimes even uttering her thought in low tones.

  32. So Keen toiled at his garden, and Mrs. Ward toiled at her books, her speeches and her correspondence, each holding for the other the respect that only the toilers of this world can know.

  33. His son was one of the first Americans to join the British Army in 1914, but he himself, like Henry James, was not to see the day for which both he and Roosevelt had toiled so hard.

  34. Bearing so grievously this loss of their social status after they had toiled up from poverty, many ambitious free persons of color, left the State for more congenial communities.

  35. Not deterred, however, by this seemingly discouraging development, the friends of the race toiled on as before.

  36. Rice had toiled among these people six years, receiving very little financial aid, and suffering unusual hardships.

  37. Mr. Charlton who toiled in this field until 1747 when he was succeeded by Rev.

  38. Plows, sickles, horses, oxen, all implements of husbandry were taxed for the benefit of those who toiled not, but who gathered into barns.

  39. This was indeed a noble thought and desire, for his parents had toiled and labored much in the midst of trials and tribulations that had reduced them to a state of poverty.

  40. She had indeed toiled and suffered, striven early and late, for the child of her affections, and this timely assistance was a source of great joy.

  41. We toiled along on the roadsides, begging from house to house.

  42. After this I toiled on, often hungry, always weary, but frequently meeting with kindness.

  43. At once crafty and insolent, he toiled for power with an indefatigable labour, as he indulged his sense of authority by an intolerable arrogance.

  44. You have toiled too hard to earn it, poor man.

  45. For that he had toiled so long; for that he had so often gone to give lessons to a sick boy, poor teacher!

  46. Poor mistress, who was so kind to me, who had so much patience, who had toiled for so many years!

  47. We watched them as they worked, and it seemed to us that no matter how hard we toiled those two birds kept ahead.

  48. They had never played together--she and the little daughter for whom she had toiled and sacrificed.

  49. Through chilling snow she toiled to reach his side, Forcing her way mid branches brown and sere, Hastening that she his sorrows might divide, Share all his woe, or calm his gloomy fear.

  50. Slowly up the hillside toiled the shepherds to the tent of Berachah, their chief, who rose to greet them eagerly.

  51. The black was an idler in no sense but that of keeping watch, and he had toiled the past day as much as any of the men, though it was not exactly at the pumps.

  52. They had a brief halt at the mouth of the black ravine, toiled up it till they reached Gros's tethering place, and then went on.

  53. The ascent of the glacier-filled valley was continued, and they toiled on.

  54. Continue the search," said Dale sternly; and the next day and the next they toiled on, going farther and farther into the mountains, but there was no other result than weariness.

  55. While the boards toiled and the eligible young men went through the process of examination, resulting in acceptance or rejection, officials of the war department were planning the camps.

  56. The well members of the battery toiled hard to complete the stables and save the horses from cruel exposure to the weather.

  57. They had toiled early and late, in all kinds of weather, to learn how, and it is natural to presume that a red-blooded soldier yearned the opportunity to make use of that knowledge acquired with such sacrifice and toil.

  58. As battery members they all toiled together in France for a common cause.

  59. Quaintly and slowly oxen under yoke were used on the streets to haul the farmers' grain to the large public square, where, under the scorching sun the farmer and his helpers toiled with hand flailers, thrashing the grain.

  60. Consider that for six endless months I toiled at the oar of a galley, and you'll understand what it was that turned my body into iron and robbed me of a soul.

  61. The news of which the fellow was the bearer was of such urgency that for twenty hours without intermission the slaves had toiled at the oars of Biskaine's vessel--the capitana of his fleet--to bring her swiftly home.

  62. All night they toiled up the great river, straining every nerve to place themselves beyond the reach of pursuit.

  63. And so for a long week the little party toiled up the great waterway, keeping ever to the southern bank, where there were fewer clearings.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toiled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.