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Example sentences for "verandah"

Lexicographically close words:
verae; veram; veramente; veran; veranda; verandahs; verandas; verano; veratrine; verax
  1. In summer-time the verandah is gay with flowers.

  2. Through the tall French windows that opened on to the verandah one could see the sky lit up with the tumultuous display of monstrous fireworks.

  3. We all look very much alike, with tiny areas, three stone steps leading up from the pavement, one window blinking out from the ground-floor, two blinking out from each of the other floors and a verandah running straight across us.

  4. She stepped out onto the verandah and stood looking down into the square.

  5. On the thirteenth morning, therefore, she sat beneath the verandah of the house, reading in the book according to her custom, and I went about my work making food ready.

  6. This figure came on through the moonlight with a swift agile step, looking neither to the right nor to the left, till it arrived in front of the verandah and halted.

  7. Juanna stopped in front of the verandah and searched it with her eyes.

  8. These wretches, most of whom had already drunk too freely and were drinking more, stood with their backs to them, looking towards the verandah of the Nest.

  9. The house itself, of brick and two-storeyed, with massive bay-windows, had an ornamental verandah on one side.

  10. On the verandah a dark form stirred and made a hasty movement.

  11. Then, not the ghostly footsteps of a delusive hope, but a hard, human crunching that made the boards of the verandah shake.

  12. He had just seen, in a kind of phantom picture, the feet of the sisters Beamish as they sat on the verandah edge: both young women wore flat sandal-shoes.

  13. From the verandah they went down into the vegetable-garden, where the drab and tangled growths that had outlived the summer were beaten flat by the recent rains.

  14. Brick for solidity, where wood prevailed, with a wide snowy verandah up the posts of which rare creepers ran, twining their tendrils one with another to form a screen against the sun.

  15. Then he stepped on to the verandah and crossed the lawn, carrying the letter in his hand.

  16. Polly sat the further end of the verandah talking to Jinny, who dandled her babe in a rocking-chair that made a light tip-tap as it went to and fro.

  17. Only Jinny and Tilly stood on the verandah of romantic memories, and ruefully waved their handkerchiefs, keeping it up till even the forms of horses were blurred in the distance.

  18. It was twice as large as the old one, had a garden back and front, a verandah round three sides.

  19. You know I've forbidden you to be on the front verandah when the patients come.

  20. Supper over, Mrs. Bearnish announced in a loud voice that the verandah was at the disposal of the "turtle-doves.

  21. Now, as the young man sat on the verandah of his bungalow, not listening to the greybirds and meadowlarks around him, he felt happy.

  22. Evan was left on the verandah with Frankie.

  23. While he sat for a few moments alone on the verandah he mentally sorted over a bunch of bills, entered them up wrong, heard Castle's squawking voice, and eventually yawned over a heap of mail.

  24. While the Hometon girl stood on her father's verandah, gazing and philosophizing, Evan stood on the Watersea verandah at Mt.

  25. She sat on the front verandah with the material for a pair of pyjamas on her white-aproned lap.

  26. He accepted the invitation with alacrity and seemed quite pleased with the verandah welcome he received.

  27. He met Mrs. Greig on the verandah and looked for signs of news in her eyes.

  28. He will go out on the verandah at a party, with some of his confreres, and discuss banking until he forgets the prettiest girl at the dance.

  29. Miss Carr had come out of the hotel after her afternoon nap, and was seated on the verandah beside the two younger girls.

  30. I can wish more comfortably sitting here in the shade of the verandah I've been once before, and I wouldn't drag up there this afternoon for a dozen wishes.

  31. The owner of the house stated that the swallows in question had already reared one brood that year, and that the birds in question had nested in his verandah for some years.

  32. She displays little fear of man and takes no pains to conceal her nest, which is often built in the verandah of an inhabited bungalow.

  33. The nest of June 28th was attached to a rafter of the front verandah of a bungalow at Lahore.

  34. When they got back to their house, she was on the verandah playing with one of the trader's dark children.

  35. I was sitting one evening on the first floor of the hotel on a verandah that overlooked the street when Lawson came up and sank into a chair beside me.

  36. Edward walked to the edge of the verandah and leaning over looked intently at the blue magic of the night.

  37. After supper he saw Horn on the verandah and, as though to have a casual word with him, went out.

  38. She had been known after a night of drunkenness to confine him for twenty-four hours to his own room, and then he could be seen, afraid to leave his prison, talking somewhat pathetically from his verandah to people in the street below.

  39. At that moment another man joined us on the verandah and Lawson sank into a moody silence.

  40. In the young man's soul there was a great stillness also, a stillness equal almost to that which had fallen on him when he came out of the shadows and lay in the verandah of the mission house.

  41. Any disputes, and there were many, were brought before the chief sitting in judgment on the verandah of his house on certain days, with the white men in attendance to assist his deliberations.

  42. They were all sitting on the verandah of his house one night, watching the lightning play tremulously up and down the western sky, listening to the surf, and discussing matters generally.

  43. It was days before he recovered consciousness, weeks before he could lie in a chair on the verandah of the distant mission-house--weak from loss of blood, weaker still in other ways.

  44. His majesty's levée took place in the verandah of a poor bamboo hut, one of the dozen which compose his capital.

  45. Provided with this solid defence, which may be bought in any shop, one can indulge one's self by sleeping in the verandah without risk of ague or rheumatism.

  46. Most of them have a verandah facing the street, and a "compound" or cleared space in the rear for cooking and other domestic purposes.

  47. In the verandah were two tables and two stools, and at the end of one of the former a candidate was already seated, so Mr. Sung sat down alongside of him.

  48. If you doubt my word, you can wait in the verandah until she takes her daily walk in the garden, and thus judge for yourself.

  49. And I was straining my eyes all across the paddock, to see you on the verandah looking out.

  50. Finding his host alone in the verandah of the hotel one evening, he asked outright, without pretence of beating about the bush, whether he might, as an old friend, continue to burden them with his society.

  51. This pretty speech was followed by a little pause, during which he came up the steps and led her along the verandah towards two empty chairs at the farther end.

  52. The canon and madame were sipping their café noir after dinner, seated in the verandah towards the garden, and Madame Babette, the toil of the day over, was dozing and reposing under the bowery sweet clematis at the end by her own domain.

  53. They were still at the glass door of the verandah when Mrs. Chiverton sought Bessie to bid her good-night.

  54. Mamma went, a weary, willing sacrifice; and in the arcade and in somebody's pretty verandah they spent the hot afternoon until six o'clock.

  55. All this, however, was undreamt of by honest John Colton as he sat with his wife on the verandah of his house, watching the antics of a puppy that was playing with the children in front of them.

  56. I could scarcely speak, but I contrived to return to the verandah of the bungalow and to sink upon a chair.

  57. We strolled up to the station together, and while they sat and smoked in the verandah I hunted up some food and set it before them, with the last two bottles of gin I had in the store.

  58. When he came into the grounds my father went out into the verandah to receive him, and I followed close in his wake, my eyes, I make no doubt, bulging with curiosity.

  59. The windows and doors were then put into the walls, the floors of the rooms and verandah laid, the papering and painting completed, until at last it stood ready for occupation.

  60. At last I reached the verandah and paused upon the threshold like a stranger, not knowing quite what to do.

  61. After breakfast we sat and smoked for perhaps half-an-hour, and were in the act of setting off for the racecourse, when a boy rode up to the verandah and called to Pete to know if I were inside.

  62. I'm going to find out what that scream meant,' I answered, as I turned towards the verandah steps.

  63. Somehow I never seem to take offence however much you scold, Sheilah,' I said, as we left the verandah and went round by the neat path to the stables.

  64. But never a hint was dropped, and when the meal was over I went out into the verandah to rage alone.

  65. On the posts of the verandah and along the eastern wall the geranium creeper was just beginning to climb.

  66. Then I fumbled my way across the verandah down into the garden, and having reached it, stopped to look back at the house.

  67. Instantly she sprang to her feet and ran to the door; another minute and she was in the verandah and in my arms.

  68. I shall slip through the wattles and be back at the house and smoking with the Doctor in the verandah before they can reach it.

  69. Like my own old home, it was to be of pisa, would consist of five rooms and a kitchen, and have a broad verandah running all round it.

  70. I walked to one end of the verandah and stood watching a group of native girls making tappa outside the nearest hut--then to the other, and glanced into my overflowing copra shed, and from it at the bare shelves of the big trade room opposite.

  71. All, towards the evening after dinner, were seated under the verandah on the edge of Prospect Heights, and they were watching the darkness creeping up from the horizon.

  72. We were received by the German daughters of the house in the cool trellised verandah covered with vines, with long feather brooms, and the outer layer of dust was prudently removed before we were allowed to enter the house.

  73. There was an evening party at Government House, followed by a small dance; the verandah looking so pretty, lighted with coloured Chinese lanterns.

  74. But the charms of sitting out in this verandah and garden are spoilt by the plague of mosquitoes, and for the first time I was obliged to sleep within the filmy shadow of the mosquito-curtain.

  75. I went out into the verandah in the evening after dinner, to see the powerful revolving electric light of the lighthouse on the "Heads" at the entrance to the Harbour.

  76. At the Bellevue from the verandah at the back there is a celebrated view.

  77. It was very beautiful, and we sat out in the verandah all the afternoon, talking with an old Dutch naturalist, who was delighted with his bottles containing a lovely chameleon and some scorpions newly captured.

  78. The green buildings of the barracks are near, and the orange and yellow verandah of the police-station lower down, together forming a vivid collection of colour.

  79. On the opposite side of the road is Lall Baradaree, or the Museum, whose verandah is supported by the figures of negroes standing with arms folded, and bearing the pillars on their heads.

  80. We talked till midnight, sitting at the end of the verandah overlooking the ravine.

  81. At last Roscoe rose, and walked up and down the verandah nervously.

  82. It stood on the edge of a ravine, and the end of the verandah looked over a verdant precipice, beautiful but terrible too.

  83. Several tourists upon the verandah of the hotel remarked us with curiosity as we entered.

  84. The covered gallery above this verandah was supported by stone pillars with exceedingly rude capitals, upon which long beams of the native pines, laid horizontally, supported the joists and floors.

  85. Tonio Kroeger, comfortably weary after his bath and his rapid walk, was leaning back in his chair, eating smoked salmon on toast; he sat facing the verandah and the sea.

  86. The verandah was empty and unlighted, but the glass door to the hall, where the two great oil lamps were shining brightly before their polished reflectors, stood open.

  87. Then he looked around at them once more, at Hans and Ingeborg, and went out, leaving the verandah and the dance, and going up to his room.

  88. A bed of kusa grass, called darbhasana, is prepared in the verandah or some convenient place outside the foundations of the house, and the dying man is placed on it.

  89. The front entrance opens into an oblong courtyard with a verandah all round, and rows of rooms at the two sides.

  90. In a broad and spacious verandah of the cavalry mess house were assembled a group of officers of different corps.

  91. Advancing a little further, we came in front of one of the earliest examples, in these parts, of an English-looking rustic cottage, with verandah and sloping lawn.

  92. But the points about his premises that linger now in our recollection the most, are a tasteful flower-garden on its west side, and a trellised verandah in that direction, with canaries in a cage, usually singing therein.

  93. One evening we were sitting quietly in the verandah when a woman came rushing in from the women's hospital compound, saying that there were three men on the roof.

  94. Then they all lined up in front of the verandah where the governor was sitting, and demanded that five notorious prisoners should be released from the prison close by.

  95. A woman and her daughter, a little girl of about eight years, were sitting in their verandah one day behind a pile of cotton which had just been "fluffed" by the man whose work it is to fluff cotton.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verandah" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.