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Example sentences for "traceable"

Lexicographically close words:
trabajos; trabeculae; trabecular; trac; trace; traced; tracer; traceried; traceries; tracers
  1. The only important Mohammedan work remaining to us in Seville belongs to that period, and illustrates the victory of the African or Berber over the Byzantine influences traceable in earlier Moorish architecture.

  2. The most obvious change in the condition of the country is traceable in its constitution and laws, into every part of which, as was its wont from the beginning, the spirit of Christianity sought patiently to infuse itself.

  3. The site of this now almost forgotten palace is traceable in the parish of Elphin, within three miles of the modern village of Tulsk.

  4. The far-reaching consequences of this awful exercise of spiritual power are traceable for a thousand years through Irish history.

  5. The same thing is distinctly traceable through the annals of England down to a quite recent period.

  6. A moral evil they certainly are not; and the physical evils sometimes attending them must, I think, be traceable to a variety of causes; for such evils are certainly not inseparable from early marriages.

  7. Even if he is now, or was then, a monomaniac, can the deed in question be traceable to his monomania as to its real cause?

  8. If the advance of Man towards greater heterogeneity is traceable to the production of many effects by one cause still more clearly may the advance of Society towards greater heterogeneity be so explained.

  9. But it is not only in these details that the self-defeating action of our arrangements is traceable: it is traceable in the very substance and nature of them.

  10. From the earliest traceable cosmical changes down to the latest results of civilization, we shall find that the transformation of the homogeneous into the heterogeneous, is that in which Progress essentially consists.

  11. One looks at the reprinted introduction (1562) which prefaces them, and one sees that it was traceable to that irreligious old sensualist, the father of Queen Elizabeth.

  12. But, from the national distrust of system, it has not been elaborated into a consistent metaphysic, but is rather traceable as a tendency harmonizing with the spirit of natural science.

  13. Almost any community in the South will afford several examples of one or all of these diseases, and all directly traceable to the excessive use of salt pork.

  14. England's colossal financial liabilities, pyramided up during recent years, are practically all traceable to her lack of efficient business men in her business departments.

  15. Perhaps it would be better far to solve the difficulty and ease the minds of all parties concerned if a rapid, mysterious departure, which left no traceable trail behind, was taken.

  16. It is not outside the bounds of possibility that a third local place-name is traceable to the personality of Woden.

  17. Here it may not be out of place to mention that Scandinavian influences are occasionally traceable throughout the entire basin of the Trent, even as far as this upper valley of its feeder, the Tame.

  18. But the track of the human mind is traceable up to that glorious ridge, in a continuous line, and thence downwards.

  19. Nor was its melancholy of that kind, by no means incompatible with a large measure of serenity, which is directly traceable to evils common to all men whose years are prolonged; it was a peculiar despondency, profound and unexplained.

  20. This book, which was left incomplete by Galt when he returned to America, received some finishing touches from his friend Moir, though the hand of the latter cannot be said to be traceable in its pages.

  21. In this connection, we may note one feature of the Irish secular law, not traceable to the influence of Christianity.

  22. The consequence is that the earliest traceable population of Ireland was Neolithic, i.

  23. The lack of writings on these subjects is traceable to the sufferings and persecutions that have marked their pathway.

  24. This subjectivity, traceable in his language and in his ancient literature, it is that unfits the Jew for objective, philosophic investigation.

  25. The low birthrate of the classes upon whom the requirements of reputable expenditure fall with great urgency is likewise traceable to the exigencies of a standard of living based on conspicuous waste.

  26. The like pervading guidance of taste by pecuniary repute is traceable in the prevalent standards of beauty in animals.

  27. It is traceable back to the initial phase of predatory culture, and there is even a suggestion that an incipient differentiation in this respect lies back of the beginnings of the predatory life.

  28. As this disintegration proceeds, there come to be associated and blended with the devout attitude certain other motives and impulses that are not always of an anthropomorphic origin, nor traceable to the habit of personal subservience.

  29. The early ascendency of leisure as a means of reputability is traceable to the archaic distinction between noble and ignoble employments.

  30. On the other hand, a case of angina which I saw in the country, last year, occurred in a gentleman, aged fifty, whose family presented no traceable neurotic history.

  31. I have observed it three times; all these cases were apparently traceable to the effects of excessive self-abuse.

  32. The vestiges of the system, and they are no more than vestiges, still traceable in the Homeric poems, are apparently as follows: 1.

  33. The relaxed morality of the divine seed, as compared with man, is traceable even in their slight customs.

  34. In part, we may perhaps say, it is inseparably associated with that deterioration in the character and idea of government, which begins to be traceable in the Odyssey.

  35. A certain distinction between the wives, and the mere paramours, of Jupiter is clearly traceable in Homer.

  36. The resemblance is sometimes so perfect that the layers of feathers are traceable by an imaginative eye.

  37. The influence of light seems to be traceable in this; and it does occur whether other birds that use trees and bushes for their nests may not really be guided in their selection by some similar rule.

  38. But it is traceable in Tennyson, in Hood, in the Brownings, and in many others, where his name is by no means written in water.

  39. Bowles' influence is traceable in Coleridge's earliest volume of verse (1796) in a certain diffused softness and gentle sensibility.

  40. At the same time it is but fair to note that the service was performed throughout without any marked hitch traceable to want of general professional ability.

  41. The causes of the insane diathesis (constitution) are frequently traceable to the methods of life of those who produce children under such circumstances and conditions that the offspring bear the indelible birthmark of mental weakness.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "traceable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.